'TAE Marine REVIEW AI M. SULLIVAN DREDGING OF ALL KINDS THE REMOVING OF DEEP WATER EARTH AND ROCK A SPECIALTY. - - - 721 West. Ferry St. BUFFALO, : = - N.Y. Toledo, Ohio Steamboats sup- plied with West Va. and Ohio coals from docks , or lighter. A. M. DONOVAN,- Pres. & GEN. Mar. -- Toledo Fuel Co. Great Lakes Dredge @ Dock Company RIVER AND HARBOR IMPROVEMENTS Foundations, Bridges, Piers, Breakwaters, Lighthouses, Tunnels, Pneumatio . and Submarine Work. CHICAGO DULUTH TOLEDO. CLEVELAND SAULT STE. MARIE Steamboat Fuel at Ashtabula Large Supplies of Best Quality. Lighter Carrying Different Grades at All Times. Fuel Scow with elevators and discharging spouts. Storage of 800 tons. Discharges 250 tons an hour into steamers while unloading cargo. M. A. Hanna & Co., Miners and Shippers. Main Office, Perry-Payne Bidg., Cleveland. | PICKANDS. MATHER & CO. FUEL LIGHTERS at Buffalo, Erie, Ashtabula and Cleveland. A: Detour, Mich., a Fuel Dock equipped with shute capacity of 600 tons. Best quality Pittsburgh coal furnished at any time during Day or Night. CLEVELAND, 0. Western Reserve Building, HAW KINS' WORKS FOR re ENGINEERS Popular among young men in the engine departments of ships is **Engineers' Examinations with Questions and Answers" Sells at $2.00, which is the cost delivered, of the following works: Hawkins' New Catechism of Electricity. Hawkins' Maxims and Instructions fer the Boiler Room. Hawkins' Hand Book of Calculations for Engineers. Hawkins' New Catechism of the Steam Engine. THE MARINE REVIEW, CLEVELAND. THE Standard Contracting Co. i - ENGINEERS AND CONTRACTORS For Railroads, Dredging, Dock Build- ing, Concrete, Submarine work, &zc. Wade Building Cleveland, Ohio