'TAE Marine Review A Book For Marine Engineers This tenth and latest edition of "Graphite as a Lubricant" contains reliable information on the modern practice of graphite lubrication--- things that will help you in your daily work. 12 pages on marine lubrication, 83 pages in all. Write for FREE copy 77-C. JOSEPH DIXON CRUCIBLE COMPANY, Jersey City, N. J. STEAM PIP. The Braender Bilge Syphon Always'on Watch. ty i o w a CF < =x u " Ss The BRAENDER AUTOMATIC BILGE SYPHON of water in the hold. that is claimed for it. men everywhere. one. thing we claim for it. PHILIP BRAENDER 143 West 125th Street, ' New York when once set in place, will, without any care or attention, do its work with intelligence and prompt- ness, as it does not waste steam when notin opera- tion, and begins to work upon the least accumulation It is simple in construction, automatic in its nature, not liable to get out of order, made of the best steam metal, and is guaranteed to keep the hold of a vessel properly dry, and do all This automatic device has received commendation from all leading engineers throughout the country. Its simplicity of construction, durability, and entire freedom from possible disarrangement, together with its pronounced success in removing large quantities of water at a nominal cost of operation, has won for it the approval of ship-owners and sea- With all these advantages, its moderate cost places it within the reach of every By giving the BRAENDER BILGE SYPHON a trial you will be convinced that it does every- ESTABLISHED, 1854. SHERIFFS MANUFACTURING CO. Manufacturers of PROPELLER WHEELS Marine Engines and Repairs. Milwaukee, Wis. Phone 8S. 163 -- Dake Pilot House Steam Steerer For Tugs and Steamers. Simple, Durable, Effi- noiseless. Can _ easily be changed to hand gear if necessary. Grand Haven, Mich. cient and practically DAKE ENGINE CO., Engines Propeller Wheels. N CO ST H. G. TROUT, King Iron Works, 226 Ohio St., BUFFALO, N. Y. The Water Light Self-Igniting Inextinguishable For Life Saving Salvage Distress Signal Submarine Repairs and General Construction. Illumination. Send for Sample. Patentees and Manufacturers | Agents wanted. THE MARINE TORCH CO. Especially app BALTIMORE, MD. roved by The British Board of Trade, either of Life Buoy Lights or Deck Flare. New Fast Train to Columbus THE COLUMBUS FLYER; Via BIG FOUR ROUTE Leaves Union Station 6:15 p.m., daily except Sunday, with combination Baggage and Smoking Car, highback coaches and Pullman Buffet Parlor Cars (serving light supper en- route), Stopping at Wellington, New London, Shelby, Crestline, Galion and Delaware and arrives at Columbus 9:35 p.m. Get tickets and Pullman seats at Big 4 Ticket office, No. 532 Euclid Avenue or Union Depot. THIS IS A VERY FAST Try It TRAIN Aids to Navigation are of vital importance to vessel interests. SCHERZ aid navigati ER ROLLING LIFT BRIDGES on and meet with the approval of all vessel interests, because of the wide and unobstructed channel provided for navigation, enabling vessels to pass easily and rapidly through the draw. Accidents and damages from collisions with center piers absolutely avoided. The Scherzer Rolling Lift Bridge Co. Main Offices: 1616 Monadnock Block, CHICAGO, U. S. A. Cable Address: Scherzer, Chicago.