V Ke) R S y N os 5 S N "ake ORY. 4 MARINE ENGINEERS > ik CG if "TRAE MarRINE. REVIEW 11, The Injector that Never Fails Adopted by the U. S. Govt. The supremacy of the U. S: Automatic Injector has been attained solely by one fact--itis all its name signifies--positively and everlastingly automatic. Starts when steam is turned on and is automatic with wide open suction at lower steam than any other. With throttled pressure it is automatic at any pressure sufficient to enable injector to get the water. These are the facts and when it comes to. FACTS the U. 8S. Automatic beats everything in sight--a dependable, reliable, never failing injector. Write for the Engineer's Red Book--free it gives further facts--and is a gold mine of practical informa- tion for the steam user. American Injector Co., Detroit, U. S. A. Makers of "Moon" Automatic Grease Cups, ""Emergency"' Sight Feed Oil Cups. "Never-Fail" Crank Pin Oilers, and a full line of Ejectors, Water Heaters etc., LUNKENHEIMER DOUBLE-DISC GATE VALVES --DISCS --SEATS A. DOUBLE PRO- TECTION AGAINST LEAKAGE. A ball and socket joint between the discs per- mits of independent adjust- ment. Dirt or other foreign matter lodging on the seat of one disc will not prevent the other from seating. Made in sizes from 1-4" to 8" inclusive. -- Your local dealer should have them, if not, notify us. THE LUNKENHEIMER COMPANY. Largest Manufacturers of High Grade Engineering Specialties in the World. General Offices & Works: CINCINNATI, OHIO, U. S. A. NEW YORK, LONDON, S. E. 66-68 Fulton St. } BRANCHES 35 Great Dover St. 348 eee : HESS Ss) Lucas Questions and Answers for Marine Engineers Second Revised Edition. 2 More than a Hundred Illustrations. In this second edition, in response to numerous re--- _ quests, the publishers have added several subjects under the headings "Various Principles of Mathematics use- ful to the Engineer and Machinist,' the United States _ regulations relating to the examination of Engineers for licenses as Chief, First, Second and Third Engineers, prescribed by the Board of Supervising Inspectors, an introduction relating to the Qualifications and Oppor- tunities for entering the Government and Mercantile Marine Engine Room Service. Price $2.00 Postpaid to any address. Money refunded if book is not entirely satisfactory. Marine Review ~ Cleveland, 0. 'man," a 32-page magazine for engineers, TRADE MARK AUTOMATIC INJECTORS Penberthy Automatic In- jector hits the bull's-eye in the approval of the World's engineers in these essential points which makethe perfect injector--Reliability, Sim- plicity, Durability. i < The Penberthy " Engineer and Fire- sent three months free on request. Write for it and our illustrated catalog for engineers. Penberthy Injector Co. Largest Manufacturers of Injectors in the World. 351 Holden Ave., Detroit, Mich., U.S.A. Made in Canada by The Penberthy Injector Co. _ Ltd., Windsor, Ont.