"TAE. MARINE. REVIEW 13 y iy ee | SUITABLE FOR ALL CLASSES OF eC} rs A\WACNY Shoes That IT EET and It's in the Book Don't stop to fig- ure it out. Consult Gages unt Book | ee oe C ery ee ee * | a a retail for larsin time. The tables are com- plete, practical and accurate and will prove of great val- ue in finding the $3.50-4.00-5.00-600 and are for sale at the EMERSON ' SHOE STORES Thiited and-coipilad by net cost of goods-- . in Cleveland, Toledo, MILLARD T. THOMAS. making discounts Buffalo, and Detroit for specified lists--making any specified diecounts also in --comparing prices, etc. In fact, there is ne Erie, Pa. G. W. Carter & Co. 'Lorain, O. Francis Bros. 2 Conneaut, O. E. Johnson. Amherst, O. Jacob Baus. end to their application. Place one on your desk. Elyria, O. | Wm. E. Smith. Sandusky, O. W. O. Stubig. Ashtabula, O. J. E. Scoville. Brooklyn, O. E.H.Wecke. Sent post prepaid. : Painesville, O. Jones & Nye. Elmore, O. A. Weis & Son. Cloth $1.00 Leather $1.25 , Factory } line Rockland THE PENTON PUBLISHING GOMPANY oat _ Mass HONEST ALL CLEVELAND THROUGH 7 3 = : a 7 m bi 7 x _ Mi SHIP PLATES FLANGE PLATES TANK PLATES STEEL CAR AXLES FORGINGS OF ALJ, KINDS -- "Otis" Fire Box Plates a Specialty. | [s STEEL CASTINGS FROM 100 i? 100,000 LBS. | OTIS STEEL CO., Ltd., Head Office and Works, CLEVELAND, O. New York: Thorpe, Platt & Co,, 97 Cedar St. - AGENCIES. ; < Montreal: Homer Taylor, 183 St. James St. San Francisco: John Woodlock, 154-156 First St. Detroit: George W. House, Unien Trust Building.