_ ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST. The Rutland line steamers, _ Ogdensburg. . The new dry dock of ae Merrill- Stevens Co., Jacksonville, Fla., is ready - to go into commission. Steamers suitable tor excursion ser- vice at the Jamestown exposition are very much in demand. The Old Dominion Steamship Co.'s steamer Princess Anne will be length- ened by 46 ft. at Cramp's. The steamer Denver is being convert- ed into' a suction dredge for the Daly & Hannan Dredge Co., at Ogdensburg. Kelly Bros., of St. Johns, Ore., will erect a ship building dry dock plant to cost $1,000,000, at Portland, Ore. The Old Dominion liner Princess Anne is at the Cramp yards, Philadel- phia, for the purpose 'of being lengthened a6) tt The Lloyd-Brazileiro have acquired by time charters eight or nine British steamers for their New York to Rio * service. : There are now in commission in the navies of the world 104 submarines, while there are.100 under construction or. authorized. The American liner St. Paul is to re- ceive new boilers and a general over- hauling at the Newport News aes ata cost of $250,000. - A new chart of Racine Harbor, Wis- consin; has just been issued by the Uni- ted States Lake Survey and is for sale by THE Marine REVIEW. 'The steamer Princess Anne, of the Old' Dominion line, is to be length- ened 46 ft., William Cramp & Sons having obtained the contract. The eleventh International Naviga- tion Congress will be held in St. Pet- _ersburg in May, 1908, according to an official Russian announcement. A new chart of Menominee Harbor, . Green Bay, Lake Michigan, has just been issued by the United States Lake Survey and is for sale by THE MARINE REVIEW. The Standard Oil Co. has ordered a tug from the Skinner Ship Building & Dry Dock Co. to be ioo ft.. long, ~ 23 ft. beam and 12 ft. molded depth. The steamer Juniata of the Merchants & Miners? Transportation Co., Philadel- phia, is ta be lengthened 4o ft., and bids for the improvement have beén invited. A service between New York and Bra- zil is to be established by the Hamburg- American Steam. Packet Co. and the Hamburg-South American Steamship Co. : It is reported that Japan is to build a 22,000-ton battleship, the order go- ing to the construction bureau at Yokosuka, where the Satsuma was built. Haskell and Averell, are receiving new boilers - at "of the Northwestern and Roby THE Marine REVIEW © A contract for the delivery of 20,000,000 barrels of liquid fuel over a period of ten _ years is reported to have been given to California refineries by the Toyo Kisen Kaisha. ' Mr. L. C. Waldo, of Betroit. manager 'Trans- and Mr. W. A. left for England portation Companies, Prime of New York, recently. © The steamer Monteagle is receiving new decks and hatches and new outside planking, steam steerer and other nec- essary repairs. The work is being done at Ogdensburg. A. E. Barker, formerly chief, engineer of the United States Transportation Co.'s steamer, W. H. Gratwick, has been ap- pointed chief engineer of the Geo. Hall Caal' Co's steamers. Bids have been asked for by the Bal- timore & Carolina Steamship Co. for a> steel steamer to be 235 ft. long and 35 {t. beam. The Maryland eres: Co; is one of the bidders. The Japanese liner Awa Maru which stranded at Redcar recently has been floated by Furness, Withy & Co. Ltd. Hartlepool, and taken to the Tyne for docking and repairing. The Marine Steamship Co., running a line from New York to Portland has recently been taken over by Steven- son Taylor and his associates in the Quintard Iron Works. The steamship Kalibia "has under- taken to carry a general cargo from the Tyne to San Francisco, being the first steamer ever chartered from the iyne tor: such .a voyage. The American, Red Star and -At- lantie: Jlranspoert lines.- are to ~be equipped with the apparatus of the Submarine Signal Co., contracts hav- ing just recently been closed. The name of the Robert Dollar, a well- known Pacific coast steamer recently sold to the Slade Shipping Co., has been changed to the Fair Oaks by authority of the commissioner of navigation. 'The New York, Philadelphia and Norfolk Railroad Co. has awarded contract to the Maryland Steel Co. to build a passenger steamer 260 ft. long, 4o ft. beam and 15 ft. 3% in. deep. On Jan. 16 the furnaces of the Moran Co.'s steel plant at Seattle were closed, owing to lack of fuel. .The shortage is interfering to a considerable extent with ship building at Puget Sound yards. It is announced that the Canadian Pa- cific railroad will order two new Em- press liners for delivery in eighteen months. They are to make the trip from Yokohama to Victoria under ten days. The Ann Arbor Railroad will rebuild its car ferry No. 1, probably at Manito- woc.. The work will be similar to that on her sister ship, Ann Arbor No. 2, which was extensively repaired last year. . National The Clyde line steel freighter Pawnee was launched Jan. 28 at Harlan & Hol- lingsworth's yard, Wilmington, Del. The Pawnee is 267 ft. long and is for ser- vice between Philadelphia. and. New York. _ Robert W. Mune & Co, have been, ap- pointed consulting engineers to the re- ceivers of the Union Traction Co., Chi- cago, and placed in direct charge of the lowering of the car tunnels under the Chicago river. The Dubuque Boat & Boiler Works, Dubuque, Ia., will shortly deliver the ferry Albatross to the Queen & Cres- cent Railway, Vicksburg, Miss. The Albatross is 305 ft. long, 52% ft. beam and -7. it:-9-in. déep, The Erie railroad has remodeled its ferry boat Susquehanna, devoting her exclusively to passenger carrying ser- vice. She is now the only ferry boat in the east which does not carry both passengers and teams. The-< Utalian Navigation Co. La Veloce, is desirous of acquiring two or three steamers of about 10,000 tons yross, with a speed of 16% knots, for use in its emigrant service from Italian ports to the United. States. The New York State branch of the Rivers. and. Harbors Con- gress held a meeting at the Produce Exchange, New York city, recently. Commercial organizations throughout the state were represented. The London & Southwestern Railway Co. proposes to construct a deep-water dock at Southampton, to have a 300 ft. entrance and be 4o ft. deep, capable of accommodating four of the largest ves- sels afloat at any stage of the tide. The steamer Sun, built- for the Sun Oil Co., for their Pacific coast oil trade, was launched Jan.-21, at the yards of the Newport News Ship Building & Dry Dock Co. The Sun is 406 ft. Jong, 49 ft. 9 in. beam and 30 ft. 3 in. depth. The --Quintard Iron 'Works Co., Trenton, N. J., will install eight new boilers aboard the Long Island Sound steamer Connecticut, which is being thoroughly overhauled. .The boilers are: each 13 ft, diameter by 11 ft. 7 in. long. The Moltke of the Hamburg-Amer- ican line went aground in lower New York bay recently as she was. bound out fer the Mediterranean. The liner worked herself back into deep water at high tide and proceeded on her voyage. At the annual meeting of the direc- tors of the Pacific Coast Steamship Co., Mr. J. C. Ford was elected president, Mr. W. E. Pearce was re-elected vice presi- dent and manager, and C. E. re-elected secretary. Hyde was