20 THE MARINE REVIEW ' Fic, 166. bulkheads the sizes generally are 34 in. tom shell plating, is riveted by hydraulic in diameter, spaced four to five diameters. apart; the deck rivets are 34.in., spaced generally four to five diameters apart. The riveting machine was, as.is shown in several illustrations, carried on a beam, having on its other end a counter- balancing weight. This beam was §sup- ported in the center upon a lattice-bui't | column running on wheels, or on a small truck running on a railway track whi-h was laid on each successive deck as soon as there wcre beams to carry it. The following ten sketches will give an idea of time taken in building the largest vessel in the world described by The Engineer last year. - The Cunard express steamer Maure- tania is i length over all 785 feet, length between perpendiculars 760 feet, breadth, extreme 88 feet, depth molded 60 ft. 6 in. Gross tonnage 33,200. tons, net tonnage 11,900 tons, mgximum draught 37 feet, displacement at maxi- mum draught 43,000 tons. : Fig. 169 shows midship , portion of structural cellular bottom of vessel done in November, 1904. The whole of this part of the structure, including the bot- a) pressure, and from this view, as well as Fic: several of the others, a good idea may be gathered of the method of carrying out the work, and the heavy tools em- ° ployed in doing it. Fic, 168. The floors with bars attached, having been riveted together, are brought into position by mears of the five electric overhead cranes with which the covered' in berth is equipped and are riveted to the center keelson by means of large gap hydraulic riveters, these having gaps un to 6 feet. These machines are carr-ei by light swinging jib cranes fastened io the- columns of the covered berth These swinging cranes are portable, and can be easily transported by the electric overhead cranes and fixed anywhere re- quired. The overhead cranes are, of course, much in demand for transporting and erecting' the heavier items in the structure. Fig. 170 shows work done in Febr:i- ary, 1905, which includes the double bot- tom side framing and portions of stetr bar in position. Fig. 171 shows the work done in April, 1905, and is a view from the after end, showing the forward portion of tre framing erected, and the inner bottom partly plated. The double bottom, as will be seen, extends well up the round of the bilge for the sake of increased strength and increased safety. As may also be seen, from this: and the other views, the fram- ing consists of channel bars and deep web frames closely spaced. This feat- ure is even better brought out in lig. 172 which also illustrates: clearly the' mode of suspending the hydraulic rivet- ing tools already referred to. The fram. ing in this view. as will be seen, has been completed to the stem and_ the transverse and bulkheads are erected to level of lower deck. longitudinal Fig. 173 shows a view: from aft. win frames and beams in position up, to en- gine room. 'This view gives a good idea of the overhead electric and side swing- ing jib cranes and clearly . shows the channel frames and web frames, also the