32° The statement showing the shipmenis from each mine of the Lake Superior re- gion, together with the totals from the various ranges, which The Iron Trade Review compiles annually, is here pre- sented for the year ending Dec. 31, 1906. The supplement, showing the shipment record of the mines since the beginning of mining in the Lake Superior district, will. be issued next week. The output in gross tons, as indicated, was 38,522,130, of which 1,008,544 tons was hauled by rail, an unprecedented all rail shipment, and 37,513,505 tons by lake. Comparing these figures with those of some previous years, as shown in the table accompany- ing, an increase for 1906 over I905 of 4,168,683 tons is indicated, the unexpect+ edly large all-rail shipment developing a considerably greater shipment than was anticipated. These figures do not in- clude the shipment from the Helen mine in Ontario belonging to the Lake Supe- rior Corporation, which amounted to 121,555 tons. It will be readily noted that of the tonnage gains made in 1906 over 1905, almost the entire amount came from the Mesabi range, the Marquette and Gogebic ranges, on the contrary, falling behind their production of the previous year. Not only is the output of the Mesabi range wonderful, but even more remark- able is the rapidity with which it has grown, as shown by comparing its out- put in the last three years. In I904 the Mesabi mines yielded 12,156,008 tons; in 1905, 20,153,699 tons: and in 1906, 23,- 792,782 tons. While this fact, as com- pared with the development of the other ranges, is not otherwise than those who know the characteristics of the range would expect, it is none the less impres- sive and none the less indicative of a remarkable display of energy on the part of mining companies interested, in taking advantage of the natural ease of mining. Of the total shipment in 1906, the Me- sabi ores comprised 61.8 per cent, as compared with 58.66 per cent in 1905; TAE MaRINE REVIEW 55-7 per cent in 1904, and 53 per cent in 1903. Of the ore shipped from the Me- sabi, approximately 50 per cent was of Bessemer grade. The shipping list was increased by 'the opening of 13 new mines, namely, the Adriatic, Brunt, Cros- by, Hobart, Hull-Rust, Jennings, Larkin, Mayas, Mohawk, St. Paul, Susquehanna, Victoria and Wacoutah. This was re- sponsible for 2,208,661 tons of the ship- ment increase. The most noteworthy of these new mines is, of course, the Hull- Rust open pit adjoining the Mahoning mine at Hibbing. Attention may be called to the Virginia mine, sometimes called the Oliver or Mesabi Mountain, which now includes the Ohio, Norman and Lone Jack. These properties are being stripped and will form one open pit in the future, all shipments being grouped under the name Virginia. The Tesora mine also, which was opened up this year by Capt. M. L. Fay, and later leased to the New York State Steel Co., expe- rienced the change of name to Larkin. The Aetna mine is now included 'in Mountain Iron, and the old Cloquet mine is now part of the Spruce. In the ac- companying table only those mines which produced in 1906 are listed, though in the supplement all mines producing since 1896 will appear, as usual. ' On the Gogebic range there was but one new mine on the shipping list, the Castile, which did not produce sufficient, however, to counterbalance the inability to approach the output of 1905 from the range. Some explanation may be of as- sistance in regard to the Aurora and Pabst mines, which are now included in the Norrie group. The shipment from the Hennepin mine includes, 667 tons taken from the old Pence shaft. The Eureka mine is almost a new shipper, for it has resumed this year for the first time since 1896. The Davis mine of the Steel Corporation, formerly listed as the Wisconsin, is to be known as the Davis in the future. It appears from develop- ments during the past year on the Goge- SHIPMENTS BY RANGES, GROSS TONS. 1906 1905 1904 1903 1902 1901 Marquette, Range oii. ss) 4,057,187 4,210,522 2,843,703 3,040,245 3,868,025 3,245,346 Menominee Range ......... 5,109,088 4°495.451 3,074,848 3,749,567 4,612,509 3,619,083 Govebic: Range' 4,.63 02.5.3 8,641,985 - 3,705,207 2;398.287 © 2,912,912 . 3,663,484 2,938,155 Vermillion: Range (3. x25... We 792,300° 1,677,180. 15289'513° 61,676,699 2.084.263 1,786,063 Mesa Ranw@e S03. 35. 55 6's os 23,792,782 20,153,699 12,156,008 12,892,542 12,342,840 9,004,890 Miscellaneous: i. ie ose. 128,742 111,391 67,480 VION AS ORs ee ie Se Uie seas OLA nev ache cs eee 38,522,139 34,353,456 21,822,839 24,289,878 27,571,121 20,593,537 SHIPMENTS BY PORTS AND ALL-RAIL, GROSS TONS, 1906 1905 1904 1903 1902 1901 Gscanana 2.5.00 oe yaks: 5,851,050 5,307,938 3,644,267 4,277,561 5,413,704 4,022,668 Marquette: 92,65 8 es oei ee 2:791,033 2,977,828 1,907,301 2,007,346 2,595,010. 2,354,284 Pema ee nce ea 3,388,106 3,485,344 2,288,400 2,823,119 3,553,919 2,886,252 UNSITAMO ois oe ie ce 3,388,106 3,485,344 2,288,400 2,823,119 . 3,553,919 2,886,252 MEW: FIATOOLER 007, oc oo ko AG cs 8,180,125 7,779,850 4,566,542 5,120,656 5,605,185 5,018,197 ig MONE ee ie haa ve eins 9,118,385 § 4,169,990 3,978,579 4,180,568 2,321,077 BUpGHOn ee iis oo ws da CUB B007 ae eke s 553 35,816 92,375 117,089 Duluth Rite eis wien tig coos 4k hee ore 11,220,218 8,807,559 4,649,611 5, 356, 473 5,598,408 3,437,955 Motel by. Jakes... 0.6. 37,513,595 33,476,904 21,226,664 23,649,550 27,039,169 20,157,522 PEOTAL OY TAM oes iyi cc 1,008,544 876,552 596,175 640,328 531,952 436,015 Total shipments ....... 38,522,139 34,353,456 21,822,839 24,289,878 27,571,121 20,593,537 Huge All-Rail Shipment of Lake Superior Ore in 1906 ~ Shown by Official Figures. Production by Mines. MESABI RANGE. Mine. Gross tons. . a 1906. Adams ....; 1,238;350 Adriatic .. ~ 3,294 Agnew .... 163,260 be AOS ae ay » 9,057 Alpanv: cse 3561074 Alexander . 60,547 Bessemer ASL. AOL abe dae 807,374 Brunt | ' 75,401 Burt. 072, 066 Cass aie, 65,961 Chisholm 379,156 Cincinnati . 1,373 Clark 2. 34 274,394 Commodore. 263,401 Corsica. 2 100,606 Crosby . £15,370 Croxton 162,533 Cyprus 192,144 Duluth 158,336 BAe aes 255,580 Hayal.. 3. 1,634,853 Forest 41,647 Franklin .. 66,935 Frantz... 11,068 Genoa 179,468 Glennie. 2. 279,424 Hawkins .. 294,588 Hector 37,221 Higgins INO: 2.53 341,319 Hobart 975 Holland 95,472 Wud = 552 282,592 Hull-Rust.. 1,690,311 Iroquois 190,971 Tennings .. 84,715 Jordan 110,768 Kinney ... 57,691 la 'Belle: =. 50,466 barkit 3... 12,007 La Rue... 175,670 Laura 138,001 Leetonia .. 308,989 Leonard 254,368 Bincoln 2%, 367,192 Mahoning . 1,274,232 Malta 115,763 Mayas .... 107,244 Miller 234.071 Minorca 155.541 Mohawk 92,715 Monroe ... 310,839 Morris ...+ 1,809.743 Morrow 64,073 Mtn: Iron. 2,536.249 Myers. 228.451 Pearce . 66.386 Pettit: G3 82,757 Pillsbury .. 33.546 ARUSHA ae es 284,517 Sellers .... 241.031 Shenango 383,717 Sparta 255 Spruce: >. 674.602 Sto Paul 4 < 24.230 Stevenson . 1,014,500 Susquehan- Mayas 20,984 Tener 174,309 METOVE ces 146,849 Union 20,691 Diticas: si5- 268,281 Victoria 64.820 Virginia 5.674 Wacoutah . 6,766 Webb 165.604 Williams . 17.685 Winifred 3.415 Matese sc. 265,289 Total 1 223-792-782 VERMILLION RANGE. Mine. Chandler .. Pioneer ... Savoy Sibley Soudan Zenith . Total Gross tons. 1906. 318.990 766.853 106.933 271.496 146,503 181,580 1,722,395 GOGEBIC RANGE, Mine. Pte ee. Ashland Atlantic Brotherton. Gary ic: Castile . Colby Gross tons. 1906. 79,493 341,841 97,689 147,281 216,992 2,108 113,001 Puréka se oF. seo Harmony .. 9,436 - Hennepin . 5,768 Iron Belt.. 3,207 Tronton«.. 2 106,158 Mikado ... 154,043 Montreal .. ' 139,202 Newport .. 549,745 Norrie Group ... 1,244,468 Ottawa =... 57,219 Palms 5,622 Pikes cn oc 17,934 . Sunday bake 7.5 86,879 "ilden *. 3%, 169,097 Vale. 606,057 Total ::..°3,641,985 MENOMINEE RANGE. Mine. Gross tons. 1906. Antoine 195,855 Aragon ... 431,000 Armenia .. 27,882 Baltic. 22... 186,495 Breen 21,004 Bristol 298,031 Caepian 2. 80,875 Calumet T5773 Chapin 943,425 Common- wealth ... 6,346 Crystal Falls 111,871 Dunn : 91,476 Eleanor ... 3,121 Florence .. 169,459 Genesee 80,971 Great Western'. 311,218 Hemlock .. 106,437 Hiawatha .. 20 FITtOp. vs. 7,820 Lamont... 89,980 Eincoln 2.8 5,890 Woretto "2... © 140,390 Michigan' ... 146 METH? noe. x 36,815 PNVEUHON ss 47,454 Nanaimo .. 91,792 Paint River 28,321 Penn Iron Mining Cone 496,582 Pewabic 493,891 Riverton .. 161,704 Saginaw 21,017 Tobin 235,867 Vivian. 2. 122,577 Youngs <..: 47,583 otal... .. 5,109,088 MARQUETTE RANGE. Mine. Gross tons. 1906. American .. 419 Bessie 1,646 Breitung- Hematite NOs 2 ois 38,671 Cambria . 40,628 Champion... 415 ;007 Cleveland Cliffs Group ... 1,330,944 Hartford: .: «364,801 Imperial 5,076 Jackson: es 5,066 Lake An- geline ... 269,116 Lake Su- perior 635,671 ellie. s. 32708 UC V ec cus 85 Magnetic 292 Mary Charlotte. 257,088 Negaumee .. 253,448 Palmer T2131 Princeton 166,894 Queen :.... 221,096 Republic .. 177,220 Richmond . 89,563 Volunteer: . 38,544 Total «4,057,197 MISCELLANEOUS, (In Wisconsin) Mine. Gross tons. 1906. Tron Ridge. 61,624 Illinois 67,118 Total: 22.4 128,742 Grand See: Total . 38,522,139