WANTED and FOR ---------- PROPOSALS U. S. Engineer Office, Jones Building, De- - troit, Mich., February 16, 1907. Sealed pro- posais for 'removing limestone bedrock from Item B, Lime Kiln Crossing, Detroit' River, will be received at this office until 2 p. m., March 18, 1907, and then. publicly opened. Information furnished on application. Chas. by i Be Davis; Col. Engrs, U. S. ENGINEER OFFICE, 508 Federal - Bldg., Chicago, Ill., Feb. 20, 1907. Sealed proposals for dredging in Calumet River, Ill., will be received here until Mar. 22, 1907, and «then publicly opened. Information on application. W. H. Bixby, Lt., Col.,. Engrs. FOR SALE. PASSENGER AND © FREIGHT ~ STEAMER FOR SALE: Allowed 500 day passengers. Sleeps 100 night. 250 ' tons package, freight. 160 ft. long, 30 ft. beam. Light draught Electric lighted. Speed 12 miles. ' 708, THE Marine Review Cleveland, Ohio. Steamer for Sale Cheap. The lighthouse steamer Haze, 145 ft. long, 27-ft. beam, 9-ft. draught, 500 tons capacity, 300. horsepower engine and boiler, suitable for passenger or freight blisiness, fully equipped. Steam cap- stan, donkey boiler. Lloyd street, Buffalo, N. Y. Passenger Steamers for Sale, also Marine Engine and Two Marine Boilers. Passenger Steamer 103 ft. long, 22-ft. beam, 9-ft. draught, 226 Gross Tons. Passenger Steamer 132 ft. long, 27-ft. beam, 10-ft. draught, 321 Gross Tons. Both steamers fully equipped and are. offered at a_ bargain. _ Will warrant careful consideration by prospective purchasers. One Steeple Compound Engine 15-28, 22-in. stroke. One Marine Firebox Boiler 12 x 8, inspects 130 lbs. steam pressure. One Marine.Firebox Boiler 10 x 15, inspects 125 lbs. pressure. Full information given upon applica- tion. H. H. Brigham, 143 Dearborn St., Chicago, Ill. Address Box | Jacob Ullman, 46 trort. Ave., THE Marine REVIEW -- re For Sale. 1,000 h. p. fore and aft Neafie & Levy compound Engine; surface conden- ser; independent pumps. Two 12-foot Scotch Boilers. One 13'%4-foot. Scotch Boiler, One 10 16-25 x 16 triple expansion En- gine. 'Three 150-h. p. Almy Boilers. One 200-h. p. Tregurtha Boiler. One 14 30 x 24 fore and aft Engine and condenser. One Williamson steering Engine. One 10 k. w, electric lighting Set. One 15 k. w. electric lighting Set. One Providence Windlass, 50 fathoms IY in. chain. Two thrust Shafts and Bearings, 8% in. ~ diameter. MARVIN BRIGGS, 17 Battery place, New York, N. Y. I HAVE VESSELS of most every kind--from 10 tons to 6,000 tons--to sell for their owners, at reasonable prices. Anybody wishing to buy or sell a. boat should call. on or write Fred A. Bradley, 11 Brisbane bldg., a Butalo; N.Y. Bell "Phone, Seneca 1232. For Sale Cheap. One large Hyde steam windlass made in. Bath, Me. Cylinders 9 x 9. Address 8321 De- Cleveland, Ohio. The Steamer Peerless, Classes Aa2, for.sale cheap. Fully equipped for 'general freight and passenger ser- vice. For further information com- municate with F. B. Higgie, 224 Pos- tal Telegraph Bldg., Chicago, III. SALE -- | Excursion Steamer For Sale. 87 ft. long, 18-ft. 6-in. beam, 6-ft. hold. Compound Engine 11% x 20 x 16. Boiler 100 Ibs. steam; electric lights and modern search light. Everything in good condition and well kept up. For photograph and other particulars address Capt. F. R. McGregor, 424 Claremont Ave., 'Chicago. 'PASSENGER STEAMERS HAZEL AND FANNY M. ROSE for sale. Hazel is 93 ft. long and 18-ft. beam. Rose is 85 ft. long and 14-ft. beam. Price of Hazel, $3.500. Price of Rose, $4,000. Address B. W. Parks, Grand Haven, Mich. Boats are at Grand Haven. Excursion Steamer For Sale. Str. "International," length 87 feet, beam 26 feet, depth 7efeet. For full particulars inquire of P. T. McKin- ney, Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. WANTED. Experienced Captain for Ten-Yard Dipper Dredge, Bucyrus' Type, wanted. Application also received for second runner on same dredge. St. Lawrence River Power Co., Mas- Sena. Noy. Ship Riveters, Caulkers, Fitters and helpers wanted. Highest wages, steady work. Collingwood Shipbuilding Co., Collingwood, Ont. BARGE WANTED. Barge, flat- bottom preferred, to carry 400 to 800 tons. Patrick Keohane, Fayetteville, N. Y. THAT'S OUR BUSINESS SUees "BOATS. Selling, . Chartering If you desire to charter, se]] or buy let us help you CHICAGO STEAMER EXCHANGE, No. 144 So. Water Street, Long Distance Phone Cent, 5046, CHICAGO. ladder for regular use aboard ship. McARTHUR'S PORTABLE FIRE ESCAPE. This Portable Fire Escape and Jacob's Ladder is an ideal o It combines lightness sale and with great strength, and will neither tangle, nor swing, nor paper? HAVE YOU noticed how most people closely scan the "for "wanted" columns of their trade Tell them through the MARINE REVIEW **The up-to-date manufacturer of to-day realizes ) C the importance and value of space in his trade papers and exercises good judgment in the pre= paration of his copy."--Priniers Ink. Our Ad Designing Department makes just this thing possible. All you have to do is to give us a suggestion and we put it into attractive shape. | corrode. As an emergency ladder it is unequaled. Evena child can use it. what you want or what you have for sale. 'They McArthur's Portable Fire Escape Co., Cleveland want to know. The cost oe trifle, $1 the ae inch. One dollar the minimum. "