4 "TAE. MarRINE REVIEW sey 3 WM. H. EDGAR, Founder Dearborn Water Treating Preparations are universally used to clean and preserve boilers because they are scientifically made, put out in the most condensed . form, and do the work most economically. 226=234 Postal Telegraph Bldg., 299 Broadway, CHICAGO NEW YORK HE THE ROBERTS OHIO MACHINE @ BOILER SAFETY WATER-TUBE COMPANY BOILER CO. 108-1 14 River St., CLEVELAND, O. Manutectarers of Oe ee a High Grade Gao Structural Iron Workers. @ Marine BOILERS, TANKS, STACKS, S a d all kinds of heavy or light : RIVETED PLATE. WORK | Water Tu be e HEAVY FORGINGS Boilers Special Machinery and Repairs (ienerators of the Highest Quality of Steam GENERAL JOBBING pe OVER 1500 IN USE : Machinists, Boiler Makers and Send for circulars We are particularly well equipped for vessel repair work, ee -----------------+ and stock sheet HE URES / and our location advantageous. We install new furnaces MAIN OFFICE (any kind) in marine boilers--12 Adamson type for passenger steamer "City of Buffalo," 4 for steamer .[. 39 Cortlandt St. New York City " Gladstone,"' &c., &c., last season. Send us specifica- : Phone 599 Cortlandt . tions, and get our figures before placing orders. : Works: Red Bank, N. J. Cable Addrecs Special attention to quick repairs night or day. Phone, 49 Red Bank "Bruniva'? ' GENERAL OFFICE, LAKE DEPARTMENT, ROCKEFELLER BUILDING, CLEVELAND, OHIO. Steamboat Fueling Facilities at Various Points on the Great Lakes Car D : CLEVELAND HARBOR} $ Lighters FAIRPORT HARBOR}; Lighter. ERIE HARBOR| Feat Lighten, Dock d Pockets at ASHTABULAHARBOR}{ Lichter DETROIT RIVER BRANCH | Sendwich and Amherstburg. Dock--Pittsburgh Landin ' : SAULT RIVER BRANCHES { Bock and Pockets at Sault Ste. Marie. (The Port Royal Dock Co.) WE FURNISH ONLY THE BEST GRADE OF- PITTSBURG AnD YOUGHIOGHENY COAL