Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), 21 Feb 1907, p. 42

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42, THE Marine REVIEW Buyers' Directory of the Marine 'Trade---Continued. INSURANCE, MARINE. pmelcner, Pred Poo. ss Winnipeg. mipnicke, ©. W. 6 Co...c,.; Chicago. Ccnrist 6 Co, C. Pec... Cleveland. Hawgood & Co., W. A., Cleveland. men 8 CO i i is Duluth. Piteninssa G Co... 6s... Cleveland. PIC Catt kiss ess Montreal. DecCurdy, Geo. Lois. es. Chicago. Men "Baward, i ool. ses. < ss Erie, Pa. y Mitchell & (Go yc. ..5, Cleveland. © Connor, J. J....Port Arthur, Ont. marker bros, Co.,; Ltd.iss Detroit. Prindiville :65 Co. 0.05 45 sas Chicago. Micharason, W. C....2... Cleveland. Biulivan, Ds Be CO. ecies se Chicago. | Vance & Joys Co.. ......Milwaukee. Willcox, Peck: & Paghes i633 cece eras New York and Chicago. IRON ORE AND PIG IRON. Hanna, M. A. & Co........Cleveland. Pickands, Mather & Co., Cleveland. LAUNCHES--STEAM, NAPHTHA, ELECTRIC. PTruscott Boat Mig.'Co..-. 00.6505. eh ier cine er St. Joseph, Mich. LIFE PRESERVERS, LIFE BOATS, BUOYS. Armstrong Cork Go,..,.. Pittsburg. i ga MMOS: Ot SONG. 0 vee ce. oe where veces «ese» Wilmington, Del. LOGS. Nicholson Ship Log Co., Cleveland. Walker a Sons; thomas, ..5..65; Pe ieee Birmingham, Eng. LUBRICATING GRAPHITE. Dixon Crucible C04 J OSE0N 56.0405 2 per chai aes ae. Jersey City. Ney. LUBRICATORS. Lunkenheimer Co. ...... Cincinnati. Penpettiy imiector: Co. 2... eee es ea oe ced Detroit, Mich. Republic Belting & Supply Cot. ee ere eee y cost | Cleveland. Williams, D. T., Valve Co..Cincinnati. LUMBER. Martin-Barriss Co. ....., Cleveland. MACHINISTS. Chase Machine Co.;...... Cleveland. Hickler Bros., Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. Lockwood Mig. CO cei, te ea eee os Se aC lout soe ea East Boston, Mass. McKinnon Iron Works, Ashtabula, O. McLaughlin Iron Works, Ashtabula, O. Ohio Machine & Boiler Co......... De ree te ee ON Cleveland. Superior Iron Works.Superior, Wis. MACHINE TOOLS (WOOD Ue WORKING). - Atlantic Works, Inc.. . Philadelphia. MARINE PAINTS. - Baker, Howard H. & Co.. Hardy & Dischinger Co.....Toledo Toledo. White Lead Co.....Toledo. Upson-Walton Co........ Clevefand. MARINE RAILWAYS Hickler Bros., Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. MARINE TORCHES. Marine. Vorch Cox... 2... Baltimore. MATTRESSES, CUSHIONS, - BEDDING.' Meee ck er aces New York MECHANICAL DRAFT FOR BOILERS. American Blower Co., ........ Detroit. American Ship Building Co......... Bee ee vn kacewe Cleveland. . Katzenstein, L., & Co.. .. Buffalo. Detroit Ship Building Co., Detroit. Great Lakes Meee me Works.. BOT BOA eke Heat cies 65 Detroit. METALLIC PACKING. .New York. Republic Belting & Supply Cov; Pee rive oe oe Cleveland. MOTORS, GENERATORS-- ELECTRIC. "General MelOCITIO COS a eo. es iwc as Si NC aie oe Schenectady, N. Y. NAUTICAL INSTRUMENTS. Ritchie, Bie ONS eas 6G vos oN lauiea es bi us Brookline, Mass. NAVAL ARCHITECTS. Cutts ROvert oe cicd s vsid eu cues Cleveland Hynd, Alexander ......... Cleveland Rida. JOSepn ...o.k.. Duluth, Minn. Mosher; Chas. Du. si... New York. Nacey, James 2.00.05 60.5% Cleveland WV OGG, NV dias boii errs Chicago OIL CUPS. Warttams. DT), Walve,Go.... 220. Gees) CG eh ee ee - Cincinnati. OAKUM. Stratford, Oar (Oi. ioe a he ches Jersey City, N. J. OIL AND GREASE CUPS. Lunkenheimet Co., ......... Cincinnati. Penberthy Injector Co. DS RO eee ls cas Detroit, Mich. OILS AND LUBRICANTS. Dixoa Crucible Co,," Joseph. «... =... : ua ag ba s..Jersey City, No. es . 'PACKING. Ekert High Resistance Steam Mater- ile OG. eee. ike Dayton, O. Venwins Bros... isi oo. New York.- Katzenstein, L., & Co.. Republic Belting & Supply Co... =, Pe eye ue vues: Cleveland. PATTERN SHOP MACHINERY. Atlantic Works, Inc. .. Philadelphia. PILE DRIVING AND SUBMAR- INE WORK. Buffalo Dredging 'Co>.2.4..5 Buffalo. Dunbar & Sullivan Dredging Co.... We ee ase ek os Buffalo. Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Co.... Dees Oe ea bie wees Chicago. Hickler Bros..Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. Pasker Bros: Co; Ltd... :... Detroit. Starke Dredge, & Dock Co. CC. H,.. ee Sars PUES vw heer Milwaukee. Bava eos iGo es oo aa Detroit. PIPE, WROUGHT IRON.. Republic Belting & Supply Co.. OE EN OC le ee OO Cleveland: PLANERS. Cleveland Punch & Shear Works Co en ar Cleveland. PLANING MILL MACHINERY. Atlantic Works, Inc.... Philadelphia. Cleveland Punch & Shear Works Ce ae ew a ae Cleveland. PLATES--SHIP, STRUCTURAL, ETC, Otis: Steel Coos. ee, Cleveland. PRESSURE REGULATORS. (Rose Valve Co... 0.5. Troy, N.Y; PROPELLER WHEELS. American Ship Buildings Coe... sss PEO a eat Cleveland. Atlantic Works ..East Boston, Mass. Cramp, Wm. & Sons.. Philadelphia. Detroit Ship Building Cor: . Detroit. Fore River Shipbuilding Co: ele ans oars ite e ya eae ee ee Quincy, Mass. ° Great Lakes Engineering Works.. Cows wa een ieee Sure. Detroit. Hyde Windlass Co..... io opath, Me, Lockwood. Mig. CO.05 6. cee se see POO eS East Boston, Mass. Milwaukee Diy Dock CO.) .o.kes: CeCe eee ae eae eens Milwaukee. Newport News Ship Building Co.. es ee dG Coes Newport News, Va. Roeelker. Ty Oe ee New York. nerfs. Mis. Co.-:..... Milwaukee. Superior. Ship Building Co..'......: ei an aie ee Superior, Wis. 'Toledo Ship Building Co...... Toledo. - Trout; ti & PROJECTORS, ELECTRIC. General: Electric- C0. seacien eas oes Sel chee wes es Schenectady, N. Y. - PUMPS FOR VARIOUS PURPOSES. Great Lakes Engineering Works.. ee as Pe Coane eda ee Detroit. Kingsford Foundry & Machine WOLkS oo ovis sos. Oswego, N. Y. Wheeler Condenser & Engineering MO ad as oh ee ee ek New York. Roelker Bi. eee New York. PUNCHES AND SHEARS. Cleveland Punch & Shear. Works COO eae ... Cleveland. REGISTER FOR CLASSIFICA- TION OF VESSELS. Great Lakes Register.:.... Cleveland. RIVETS, STEEL FOR SHIPS AND BOILERS. Great Lakes Engineering Works.... Soy eee ee ie es Detroit. RUBBER GOODS. Republic Belting & Supply Co...... ie oe a ee Cleveland. SAFETY VALVES. Lunkenheimer Co... ee Cincinnati. SAIL MAKERS. Baker, Howard H. & Co....Buffalo. Upson-Walton Co........ Cleveland. SALVAGE COMPANIES. See Wrecking Companies. SEARCH LIGHTS. General. Hlectrig: Co. 26) secs ise Lest eee Schenectady, N. Y. SEPARATORS. Williams, D. T., Valve Co., "Cook- con oe Cincinnati.-. - SHEARS. See Punches, and Shears. SHIP AND BOILER PLATES AND SHAPES. : Otis Steel Co... oe os Cleveland. SHIP BUILDERS. American Ship Building Co......... Se Cleveland. Atlantic Works ..East Boston, Mass. Buttalo Dry Dock Co. ...,. Buffalo. Collingwood Shipbuilding Co.,...... Uke piled es Collingwood, Ont. Cramp, Wm. & Sons.. Philadelphia. Chicago Ship Building Co..Chicago. Detroit Ship Building Co.... Detroit. Fore River Ship Building Co eae Ure ne Os .Quincy,, Mass. Great Lakes Engineering Works... Ne eae OU c as baa comes Detroit. Lockwood ME CO cele pes's Corer eee e « East Boston, Mass.

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