TAE Marine REVIEW 49 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF ADVERTISERS IN THE MARINE REVIEW. The star (*) indicates that the advertisement appears alternate weeks. For addresses see advertisements on page noted, The dagger (+t) indicates that advertisement appears once a month. tAkers Steering Gear Co......... -- | Dixon Joseph, Crucible Co. ...... 45 | Lake Erie Boiler Works.......... 37 ( *Ritchie, E. 8.,& Sons..........,. 48 Almy Water Tube Boiler Co...... 37 | Donnelly Salvage & Wrecking Co. 49 | *LeMois Scientifique et Industrial -- | Roberts Safety Water-Tube American Blower Co............. 62) Douglas; GL. dr 46 | Lockwood Mfe, Coi243.. 3 50 Boiler Coy.s3) 3 3 American Injector Co............. 11) Drein, Thos..<@ Soni... a, 49)\ Gundin Ay Pen cc. eee BO Roelker Hi: BG. 7, 2 ee 50 American ee ae ' Dunbar & Sullivau Dredging Co. 39| Lunkenheimer Co........... Biv ee. i] | Ross Valve Co... 3345. ee 50 aoekienn Ship Windlass Co...... 2| tBkert High Resistance Steam MeQarthy, Do Rae 46 | Safety Car Heating & Tene Co 5 Armstrong Cork Co _............ 52 Materials Oo... 2s .i. sis 7. | MeCurdy, Geo, I...) 85 | Scherzer Rolling Lift Bridge Co.. 45 *Armstrong Manufacturing Co... 41 ppbiek OW OO siete is 46 | McKinnon Iron Works .....1.""" 41 | Schrader's, A., Son, Inc........... 50 tashton Valve OG ae ns merson Shoe Co. .6e a. 13 Me Ganghiin zon Works Fae 37 oes Ce CO _ PA TIANCIC WORKS oiie tices osc ce ees Falls Hollow Staybolt Co : 87 acVonald, hay Se ONS ee 6 | i v8 ODOT COi es eee eee. -- tAtlantic Works.Inc ........... Sei dae ee ee See ee Mallory Winé?:.35. 226.2 48 | Shaw, Warren, Cady & Oakes.... 46 Baker, Howard H. & Co........... 52 Pletcher, We AS OGi acct 49 ;Marine Iron Co., Bay City, Mich. 39 Aree Si ate CO res eet IB Belcher, Fred Pi... 62.66... ,06 064. - Fogg, MW ese en Oe A ey O00. 4b Shipp ing Wont Wen es e pie ee | ee eae Be TIES GO en co: Ml ere ee ee 46 We ee arylan O61 CO. ee, 10 ' ey B., Coa ock Co. 12 eee ecacrk Block Co.... 43 Goo Electric Go eee Mae 52 Maytham, Frank ee 46 aoe ein ae : . + Boston Steamship Co........ 4g | Gilchrist, Albert J..............7. 46) Mehl, Bdward. | 2.2... 35,5 . 46 Starke OC i. D edee & D K G6. Bowers To. © CO. 52 | tGoldschmidt Thermit Co ...... -- | Milwaukee Dry Dock Co.......... 5 | Starke, -, Vredge ock Co. 39 ; \ : ao 5 | Goulder, Holding & Masten....... 46 | Mitchell & Con 46 | 'State Manufacturing Co......... -- een er ae '& Bron a Great Lakes Uredge & Dock Co.. 1| Morse, A. J., & Son... 1...) 43 | Stratford Geo., Oakum Co........ 43 Brides Marvin. 6 36 Crete ee Engineering Works. 14| Mosher Water-Tube Boiler Co 37 pha terse al ig Company...... nS i Be A ' pe ister. 6 4 47 ° Cate ee OO {Brown Hoisting Machinery Co.. FOAL BROS ECG seer Nacey & Hynd) i: 47) Sullivan, D. & Co......... Buftal ae oe Pie z *Great Lakes Towing Co.......... : iNew Bedford Boiler & Machine | "Superior Iron Works ee e ullaio Dry eet aes Hall, John Biv ee 46 Oe Ne eee as oo aes -- | Superior Ship Building Co.. ..... tBuffalo Ship Chandlery & Supply Hanna, M. A., & Co 41 | Newport News Ship Building & ay ie Sredennaee Boe C Ss Bune dw AG. So aar So 52 cei! = Se ee : Y. oe Maii'§'8'0 a tetien & Lang Dry Dock Co... 50 ; a OEN gS ake BiCleie es bA eRe ee awgood, : A 10 ee 46 ew Yor Cu a ai .S.Co.. 5 ye vty VOCK UO..... Chase Machine Co. .............05 '9 Helm, Dob. O00 a 8 46 | New York Shipbuilding Co... t | tolsae Gere Bentice a i Chicago Ship Building Co......... 4) Hickler Brothers. ...2...3. 2. 39| tNicholsonShip LogCo . .,... -- +Toledo White L aC Re eee eae *Chisholm & Moore Mfg. Co...... =| Holmies, Samuel" 2.0, .0u0 46 | Northwestern Steam Boiler & Trout. H. @ Re a 45 eee yo ae Boyt PO ae a 48 Mig COR ee Or St | enacnee Rout Mee a er '6 eveland City Forg Yo. unt, Rober a Onin ee 2 , Cleveland Punch & Shear Wks. Co.-- | Hutchinson & Co.................. 46 | O'Connor, J. J...... ph real ew as pace 46| U.S. Bureau of Navigation...... 35 sGalingw oot Shipbuilding Co.... 9| Hyde WindlassGo ....... 51 Grea : en & Boiler Co........ 3|Upson-WaltonCo 35 ees noes Woke see "9 International Mercantile Marine 1s heel OO eee ae 13 Vance & Joys Co: 35 46 Gory, Chas. &80n 50] CO veers ceeteeesteeeestee 48 | Barker Bros. C0 oss esos 46] Walker, Thomas, & Son.........., 2 Cramp, Wm. & Sons, S. & E.B.Co. 8| Jenkins Brothers.................. 52 Diokande "Mathen © Co cea. - Ward Line one nearer 48 tCrescent Machine Co............. -- | Jenkins, Russell & Hichelberger.. 46 | 5! ' RS ES eeeiee «5 *Watson-Stillman Co.... _.... 51 Gurr: Robert: 6 as 47 Pittsburg Coal Co srrcerseees 3|+Wheeler Condenser & Engineer- Dake ineiis Co 45 | Kahnweiler's Sons. David..... ... 51| Prindiville& Company ...... aU eee ee ~ Dearborn Drug & Chemical Wks. 3 id econ &. ee ees - Quintard Iron Works Co.......... 50 eae S ee tal tet eeeees a ae ee 5. >. | Kingsford Foundry & Machine Red Star Line Sie diel «48 iY Williame, @ Me Oe 3 e oe » dD: By Works.60) ie, 37 | Republic Belting & Supply Co.. 9| Wood. W.J. 47 Detroit Ship Building Go.......... 4| Kremer, C. Boe... eee. 46) Richardson W.O.:).0 4... 064: 46 | TWoodhouse Chain Works........ oe FLOORING . (rian " date oll (made of wood fiber, and mineral The Martin - Barriss Co substances ) can be applied to steel decks cheaply. It is fire proof, water proof, dust proof, and vermin | 654 Gencca Street CLEVELAND, OHIO proof. Can be colored any tint and is practically indestruct- i ithic. bmitted and estimates fur- fase: mong Se IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF The C. Clemente Company "cLevELAND' MAHOGANY - WHITE MAHOGANY FORE RIVER SHIPBUILDING Co. and all Native Cabinet Woods QUINCY, MASSACHUSETTS SHIP and EN GI N E BUILDERS High Grades of Kiln Dried Woods for Cabin Work and Inside Trim CURTIS MARINE TURBINES | WHITE OAK TIMBERS AND PLANK HIGH GRADE STEEL FORGINGS Constantly on Hand and Sawed to Order on Short Notice W. & A. FLETGHER GO. NORTH RIVER IRON WORKS PARSONS MARINE TURBINES Contractors for Vessels Complete. Marine servers. Oatite toro Engines, Boilers and Nachinery of all kinds Steam ores spec ith Tat- : nall St. below Railroad. Enlarged Facilities HOBOKEN, N. J. WILMINGTON, DEL. EAST BOSTON, i Beles trae ee oa ecu ee The Atlantic Works, Massachusetts. H oe THE Phos Reanly So DERS OF Steamships, taal cite Tow Boats, Etc. | DONNELLY SALVAGE & WRECKING C0,, LTD, Marine Engines, Boilers and Tanks. KINGSTON, ONT. chinery and Plate Iron Work. DIVERS, STEAM PUMPS, TUGS, ETC. ee silat RAILWAYS. -- I SUPPLIED ON SHORTEST NOTICE. THOS, DREIN & SON BUILDERS of Metallic Life Boats and Rafts, Government and Pleasure Boats, Block and Granu- lated Cork Life Pre-