TAE MARINE REVIEW II ee ce a S 2 i. Ea Electric Bell Bell-Buoy Vessel with Receiving Apparatus Lightship Bell um Extract From The British Admiralty. Report on | 2 SUBMARINE SIGNALING. : If the light-vessels around the coast were fitted with submarine bells it would be possible for ships, fitted with receiving apparatus, -to navigate in fog with almost as great certainty as in clear weather. The saving of time and money, brought about by enabling ships to reach SANMHUTEESEETNESTERERETEUOUAAAEAEOUEAHAUAUOUEOUNOENUOTUERTOGORSEGAGEDOGAOROOGOASCTTOOTORS LLU HELAESTOUA ATONE EAOOOPOOOOGEEEDETOCYEEEEO EY ERRORS REL OTIS STEEL Ship Plates Flange Plates Tank Plates Steel Car Axles Poraiae of All Kinds "Otis" Fire Box Plates a Specialty. STEEL CASTINGS FROM 100 TO 100,000 LBS. OTIS STEEL CO., Ltd, seas orice ana worxs, CLEVELAND, O. New York: Thorpe, Platt & Co. 97 Cedar St. AGENCIES San Francisco: John Woodlock, 154-156 First St. Montreal: Homer Taylor, 183 St. James St. Detroit: George W. House, Union Trust Building. port instead of being delayed by fog and losing tides, etc., would be very 2 considerable and shipwreck and loss of life would be rendered less frequent. P 4 4 , 88 Broad St., = Submarine Signal Gompany :ésron'wags. | CO VVWUGt8 I0T illititinnwnnrn ss GASOLE HOISTING aL LN AUTOMATIC TOWING MACHINES Suitable for all Boats from 3: to200? | Of all hinds and sizes. and | Somewhat the cheapest, and '| Over 100 in successful use. for all purposes, yar Sy altogether the best. NTS Also the well known and always yey RY suaranteed. reliable Wootters Gas or Gasolene | Docking and Hauling Engines | Automatic fog Whistle Machines Stationary Engines. and Wire Rope Windlasses. Y Steam Steering Engines. FOR THESE AND OTHER WELL KNOWN SPECIALTIES ADDRESS ALL INQUIRIES TO. THE CHASE MACHINE CO. Engineers and Machinists, CLEVELAND, Out.