28 vessels on the lakes and the views shown in previous issue of Marine Review show the dock:ng of this vessel in the beginning of February, which explains the trouble experienced in docking a ves- sel in the beginning of year and the great FIG, 181, amount of patience necessary in doing same, There are 2,572 vessels trading on the great lakes and 22 dry docks for taking care of same when they need repairs. Something like $15,000,000 is paid out every year for repairs. Every vessel on é 180.. FIG, the lakes is examined.and repaired when in need after it is laid up every' season, so that when navigation opens in the spring all the vessels are in first-class condition, SHIP MASTERS' ASSOCIATION ELECTIONS. Buffalo Lodge No. 1: President, J. J.. Hartman; first vice president, M. S. Peterson; second vice president, Peter Thompson; treasurer, John B. Hall; secretary, Charles McWilliams; chap- lain, J. H. Coleman; marshal, Dan Coughlin; warden, Harry Warwick; sentinel, P. O. Neil. Anton Christenson; -den, Byron' Warner; TAE Marine REVIEW ; FIG, Chicago Lodge No. 3: President, Thomas Beggs; vice president, J. .E. Kohnert; second vice president; Wm. Disher; treasurer, Wm. W. Shaw; treasurer, F. B. Higgie; delegate to grand lodge, Thomas J. Beggs; alter- nate, Thomas .M. Hough. .c, Cleveland Lodge No. 4: President, H. A.- Byrns, first vice president, Lafayette Stough; second vice presi- dent, Robert Thompson; treasurer, F. L. Leickie; secretary, Carlton Graves. Milwaukee Lodge No. 6; President, first. vice presi- dent, James McGinn; second vice pres- iderit, How. Doritys treasurer, F. C, Makon; secretary, John - McSweeney. Delegate to' grand lodge, A. Christen- son... ce : ae Toledo Lodge No. Ov. President, 1), F. Doville:. first vice. president, James B. Lyons; second vice president, An- drew Stalker; secretary and treasurer, E.G, Ashley; chaplain, John:Cunning- ham; marshal, James McKinley; war- sentinel, John Dunseith. 175: ADJUSTING THE COMPASS. An improved apparatus for adjusting the compass at sea without sights has recently been patented by Kelvin & White, Ltd. This apparatus consists-of an im- proved form of Lord Kelvin's deflector for compass adjustment in which a com- pound magnet consisting of four bar magnets is mounted on two frames joint- ed together, and is so placed as to give a horizontal magnetic force on the com- pass needles of magnitude varied by al- tering the angle between the two frames. According to this invention two steel magnets. are carried by brass _ holders, jointed together at the top by a soft iron washer: and having fork prolongations downwards designed to carry the nuts which work on the two halves of the long screw shaft supported in bearings form- ing part. of a sole plate attached to which is' a' pointer showing approximately thie. position of the line of magnetic force, relatively to the compass card. The British admiralty is building a re- pair ship of 11,000 tons.