2 "THE MarRINE. REVIEW Morison Suspension Boiler Furnaces For Land and Marine Boilers Uniform Thickness--Easily Cleaned UNEXCELLED FOR STRENGTH yf A Also Fox Corrugated Furnaces Manufactured West and Cayler Sts., NEW YORK » FHE CONTINENTAL IRON WORKS, °° x2iscittctsasis recs Borough of Brooklyn. RUSCOT The Dependable Marine Motor yy | ES be SRO AAR Ks a SY Ae ie & aa, 6) ic bY mer et Shr 2p es Set ROR Te EN Ek PriA BS od AON AF F:| NG Ki Fy EES S/S 4 Be WAS Bs TNE GaSe RING A DS EASES Zila OR PANY ame naenee ees aH tye Ye eee See AUS Daca = ASSO a i iatbaiihetgs --Z xy r c d ' OSes Hi gs Their use will add to the prosperous and eco- nomical operation of your steam plant. TT No extra parts required to Yepair them if worn. Simply regrind the seat bearings, and Made to withstand the most severe and contin- uous service. A practical design characterized by the accessibility, compactness and simple the valve is as good as new without any additional cost. ignition gas producing and oiling features. Per- fect control. ask YOUR DEALER'). Four cycle type, two and four cylinders, from 8 to 65H.P. Smaller sizes of the two cycle type. Catalogue and copy of The Launch for the asking. Department 46. Truscott Boat Mfg. Co. ST. JOSEPH, MICHIGAN. \ q AY ae te a PAL PA hd By Co Vel AO - AMERICAN SHIP WINDLASS CO. Providence, R. I. Send for Illustrated Catalogs of our Machinery Established 1857 SHIP MACHINERY of the most improved type. Our AUTOMATIC STEAM TOWING MACHINE (Shaw & Spiegle Patents) is absolutely the best machine ever invented for towing vessels at sea. "PROVIDENCE"' WINDLASSES, Capstans, Hoisting Machinery of all kinds, anchors and complete fittings for tug- boats, barges and schooners. We have a large iron foundry and can execute ALL KINDS OF REPAIRS promptly and at reasonable prices. We also build the Taylor Gravity Under-Feed Stokers.