'TAE Marine. REVIEW Al M. SULLIVAN DREDGING OF ALL KINDS THE REMOVING OF DEEP WATER EARTH AND ROCK A SPECIALTY. - - - 721 West Ferry St. BUFFALO, - 7 ™ N.Y. The Toledo Fuel Go. Toledo, Ohio Steamboats sup- plied with West Va. and Ohio coals from docks , or lighter. A. M. DONOVAN, Pres. & GEN. Mar. ro Great Lakes Dredge @ Dock Company RIVER AND HARBOR IMPROVEMENTS Foundations, Bridges, Piers, Breakwaters, Lighthouses, Tunnels, Pneumatic and Submarine Work. CHICAGO ' DULUTH CLEVELAND TOLEDO SAULT STE. MARIE Steamboat Fuel at Ashtabula eee Supplies of Best Quality. Z Lighter Carrying Different ' Grades at All Times. Fuel Scow with elevators and discharging spouts. Storage of 400 tons. Discharges 250 tons an hour into steamers while unloading cargo. M. A. Hanna & Co., Miners and Shippers. Main Office, Perry-Payne Bldg., Cleveland. PICKANDS MATHER & CO. FUEL LIGHTERS at Buffalo, Erie, Ashtabula and Cleveland. A: Detour, Mich., a Fue: Dock equipped with shute capacity of 600 tons. Best quality Pittsburgh coal furnished at any time during Day or Night. CLEVELAND, 0. Western Reserve Building, HAWKINS' WORKS FOR ------_E NGiINEERS------ Popular among young men in the engine departments of ships is 'Engineers' Examinations with Questions and Answers" Sells at $2.00, which is the cost delivered, of the following works: Hawkins' New Catechism of Electricity. Hawkins' Maxims and Instructions fer the Boiler Room. Hawkins' Hand Book of Calculations for Engineers. Hawkins' New Catechism of the Steam Engine. THE MARINE REVIEW, CLEVELAND. | HIGH ST., BOSTOD MASS. Cin tA eats eahaaeasaapda bj