"TAE MARINE. REVIEW: : 49 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF ADVERTISERS IN THE MARINE REVIEW. | The star (*) indicates that the advertisement appears alternate weeks. The dagger (t+) indicates that advertisement appears once a month. tAkers Steering Gear Co......... -- | Detroit Ship Building Co.......... 4 Almy Water Tube Boiler Co...... 37 | Dixon Joseph, Crucible Co. ...... 45 American Blower Co....... - 52 | Donnelly Salvage & Wrecking Co. 49 American Injector Co...... «9 | Douglas, Gola, IP acca werncs ck 46 Ammenican Line: 50). 6.606. as, 48 |: Drein, Dios @- Son s..c. 2k... 49 American Ship Building Co...... 4| Dunbar & Sullivau Dredging Co. 39 American Ship Windlass Co...... 2 Elphicke, 0. W. & Co 46 armstrong Cork Oo 3. oc 8s o2 | emerson ShoeCo. 200 a Panmsorone Wianuracturing Co. = Soy aon ie ee ern ee tAshton Valve:Co; see. -- | Falls Hollow Staybolt Co......... 43 GIANG' W OLKS 8 rs cc oc a oe os 49| Fix's,S ,Sons... ......-. sees 50 tAtlantic Works. Inc ............. -- Foose Mt mu & As, CO... eee eee, 5a Baker, Peer oe & Co Fore River Ship Building Co. ::.. 49 pechor Ere ee Humstenate Mi Ore is 47 Billet ™ -- eee o General Electric Co.............6: 52 Boland, Toho ee ee -- Gilchrist, Albert J......... Raa et 46 *Boston & Lockport Block Co.... -- tGoldschmidt Thermit Co ....... _ Boston Steamship Co............+. 4g | Goulder, Holding & Masten....... 46 Bowers. li. M. & Co... 2.3 occ 52 | Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Co.. 41 Braender, Philip ...............+, 45 | Great Lakes Engineering Works. 12 Breymann GH & Bros. so 39 | Great Lakes Register............. 47 Briggs, Marvin...............0.005 36 | *Great Lakes Towing Co.......... BOW O.COM eee cs hoe 46 | Hall, John: Bevis. eilan cece i 46 tBrown Hoisting Machinery ae | Hanna, MAL & Coys Gee 41 Buffalo Dredging Co..........4... 39 | tHar dy & Dischinger Company.. -- Buiralo:Dry Dock-Coo 2... 4. 3s 5 | Hawgood, W. A., & Co............ 46 pee Ship Chandlery & Supply _ Helm, D. T., & Co 46 Ge sues clic ewr sees acre wet Hickler Brothers.........:ssc++ee+ 39 Ronee MOW AS ee oi ees ae 52 Boe ae Se a Chase Machine Co... 0.0.0... 65 3.5 IL) 20ye; VUstin OMOY cree seat ces Chicago Ship Building Co...,..... 4| Hunt, Robert W., & Co........... 47 "Chisholm & Moore Mfg. Co...... _. | Butohinson & Odi. Mo 46 Glemont, Ch Coe 8a ae 49 | Hyde Windlass Co ................ 51 Cleveland City Forge & Iron Co.. 51| International Mercantile Marine {Cleveland Punch & Shear Wks. Co. =e OPC pe ee ee ea, 48 Collingwood Shipbuilding Co.... --| Jonxins Brothers. ....-...0+.00s00+ 52 IU Arteta yore Rees Sune oe aS Jenkins, Russell & Hichelberger.. 46 Cory; Chas: @ Son. 2.0 ess 50 | Kahnweiler's Sons. David......... 51 Cramp,Wm. & Sons, 8. & E.B.Co. 8] Katzenstein,L &.Co.............. 39 +Crescent Machine Co............. Kidd, Joseph a..6 suey ics 47 Curt, Roberta. 5 se ee 47 Kingsford Foundry & Machine Dake: Engine: Co. ios. o 5 cee ies 45 WiOrks 05 Gu cre cee 37 Dearborn ee Chemical Wks. ¢ Kremer: CoN ct. cess retest. 46 Delany, P., & Co........,....-- 87 | Lake Erie Boiler Works ......... 37 Pee oe River Iron §. B. S E. 51 | *LeMois Scientifique et Industrial 48 Detroit Graphite Mfg. Go ........ 1 | Lockwood Mfg. Co........--++1++ po For addresses see advertisements on page noted. Lorain Coal & Dock ~ ieee 36 { *Ritchie, E. 8., & Sons.......:/... ~ Lundin, A.-P:. visdasvebes ssc. s8 45.) MODSELS Safety Wonk. Tube Lunkenheimer Cos 9 ie es e Shea puis See esa ae ee 9 OClKer; Eb Biv eae ee 50 McAr oe Portable Fire Escape Ross Valve COrne ek thee, 50 McCarthy, 1200....1.0.0..1, 4g | Safety Car Heating & Lighting Co 5 McOurdy, Geo. Tics. fae ip | Scherzer Rolling Litt Bridge Co © McKinnon Iron Works .......... 43 pr chrader 8 OE eee penne McLaughlin on Works. <2.00.35 37 Scoville Check Valve Co... oa Mallory Lite, seo 1010,21". 43| Shaw, Warren, Cady & Oakes... 46 *Marine Iron Co., Bay City, Mich. *Shelby Steel Tube Co. . Cony *Marine Mfg. & Supply O62 __ | Sheriffs Mfg OOn ee 45 Marine Torch Co... 4.5) 375.47. 45 Shipping World Year Book....... : Martin-Barriss Co.... 11.0.0..." ggers lggers.. Bert ee io | Smith, Stanley B., Coal @ Bock Go, M a Hrank 46 Smooth-On Mfg. C 51 aytham, PTANK. cet cess ccuse se 40 | eee ae a eames cs Mehl, Mdwards 3, is 46 | Spencer. H. Ry... ees. e se sseee ae 46 Milwaukee Dry Dock 6002.2. = 5 Standard Contracting COCR ics 39 Miteliell & Coss 2 MO ade ae ne ae Morse; A.J; & Son. 620 a 41 BONE TANS Oy ae eee Ta Mosher Water- Tube Boiler Co.... 37 a Geo. Oakum Co 222. 52 Nicky a riean e Sullivan a Signal Company.. wees i tN oe Bedford Boiler & Machine ee 2 D.& Go... x. a oh : : a 46 ES BOS OE Be "Superior Iron Works. toe N eapere. Noe Ship Building ee ' Superior Ship Building Co... 4 ry Dock Co a New York & Cuba Mail S. S. '0o.. faylor ae sae Boer Co. . 31 New York Shipbuilding Co....... * WoledomeclOa: . . a i ee coleen Ship LogCo_. -- | Toledo Ship Building ae ee . orthwestern Stout Boiler & tToledo White Lead Co.. Se! MIe CO igi re ie tiene snes 30 Sroat HNeGiy 45 O'Connor, J. Jeg es eae 46 Truscott Boat Mfg. Co.57... 3 nese io Machine Oller Con... 51| U.S. Bureau of Navigation...... 35 Otis SteslO6 ee 11| Upson-Walton Co ... Sa ee Parker Bros. Co (0.0...) 46 | Vance & Joys Co.................. 46 Penberthy Injector Co....... Beas 9| Walker, Thomas, & Son........... 3) Pickands, Mather & Co............ AL WiaTG:In@ 2. o2 hoo eee 48 Pittsburg Coal Co ............,... 3] *Watson-Stillman Co Ieee hee ee cna -- Prindiville & Company > He uecane tbe 47 ee Condenser & Engineer- NE Come ae ee _-- Quintard Iron Works Co.......... 50 | Wilcox, Ene & Hughes........... 47 See 48 Williams, D t a es CON ee Fe 2 e ar Line. : illiams, Oneonta eeee _-- Republic Belting & "Supply 706 | Woods Wid ee 47 Richardson WiGise ks i t+Woodhouse Chain Works........ aaa HIP FLOORING Sawdolet (made of wood fiber, and mineral substances ) can be applied to steel decks cheaply. It is fire proof, water proof, dust proof, and vermin proof. Can be colored any tint and is practically indestruct- ible and monolithic. Samples submitted and estimates fur- nished, 902 Park Buildin The C. Clemente Company 'cLEvELAND Fore RIVER SHIPBUILDING Go. QUINCY, MASSACHUSETTS SHIP and ENGINE BUILDERS CURTIS MARINE TURBINES: HIGH GRADE STEEL FORGINGS The Martin Bane Co. 654 Seneca Street CLEVELAND, OHIO IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF MAHOGANY WHITE MAHOGANY and all Native Cabinet Woods s High Grades of Kiln Dried Woods for Cabin Work and Inside Trim WHITE OAK TIMBERS AND PLANK Constantly on Hand and Sawed to Order on Short Notice W. & A. FLETCHER GO. NORTH RIVER IRON WORKS PARSONS NIARINE TURBINES Contractors for Vessels Complete. Narine. Engines, Boilers and Nachinery of all kinds Enlarged Facilities HOBOKEN, N. J. "METALLIC LIFE BOATS AND RAFT8, YACHTS AND PLEASURE BOATS LIFE PRESERVERS Outfit for Lake Steamers a specialty. THOMAS DREIN & SON, Builders, ™i! st Sion tts EAST BOSTON, The Atlantic Works ) Massachusetts. BUILDERS OF Steaiships, Steam Yachts, Tow Boats, Etc. Marine Engines, Boilers and Tanks. Heavy Machinery and Plate Iron Work. THREE MARINE RAILWAYS. L Ce Donnelly, Sr., Pres. - John Donnelly, Jr., Vice-Pres. . B. Folger, Treas. Thos. Donnelly, Secy, THE DONNELLY SALVAGE & WRECKING CO., LTD.- KINGSTON, ONT. DIVERS, STEAM PUMPS, TUGS, ETC. ~ SUPPLIED ON SHORTEST NOTICE.