QUESTIONS FOR WHEELSMEN AND WATCHMEN.--NO. 33. 336. Give correct magnetic course and distance from a point 4 miles north of Point Betsey light house to entrance of Sturgeon Bay ship canal. 337. Give correct' magnetic course and distance from a point 2 miles north of Manistee harbor entrance to Manitowoc harbor entrance. 338. Give correct magnetic course and distance from Ludington to Manitowoc harbor entrance. ° 339. Give true course and distance from Sheboygan to Grand Haven harbor entrance. 340. Give correct magnetic course and distance from Milwaukee harbor entrance to Muskegon harbor entrance. 341. Give true course and distance from Muskegon harbor. entrance to Chi- cago harbor entrance. 342. Give true course and _ distance from Chicago breakwater light house to South Chicago harbor entrance. ; 343. Give true course and distance from Milwaukee harbor Michigan City harbor entrance. 344. Give true course and distance from Grand Haven harbor entrance to Manitowoc harbor entrance. 345. Give true course and distance from Chicago to Benton harbor entrance. QUESTIONS FOR MASTERS AND MATES.--NO.. 32. 475. In\ correcting a true course for Var. and Dev., what kind of a course do you get? 476. Which way do you allow Ely. Var. and Dev. in converting a true course to'a compass course? 477. What is a compass course? 478. What is a correct magnetic course? 479. In turning a true course into a compass course, which way do you allow Wly. Var. and Dev.? ' 480. If you did not allow for Ely. Var. or Dev., which way would it carry the ship from the course steered by com- pass? .. Se 481. Why is it that in finding the cor- rection of the compass that it is neces- sary to separate the variation to get the correct deviation? --_ : 482. What is the difference between a true course and a compass course? 483. What is the difference between a true course and a correct magnetic course? - 484. What is the difference between a correct magnetic course and a compass course? 485. How do you convert a compass course to a true course? eg 486. What is the difference between a true bearing and a compass bearing? 487. What is the difference between; a entrance to. 'of the contemplated reinspection TAE MarINE. REVIEW correct magnetic bearing and a compass bearing? : 488... Which way do you allow Ely. Var. and Dey. in converting a compass course to a true course? : 489. When you take the bearing of an object on shore and you wish to lay it off on the chart, what do you do with it first? - INSPECTING PASSENGER BOATS. The steamboat inspection service has been aroused into. unusual activity owing to the frightful accident of the Larchmont in Long Island Sound recently. Super- vising Inspector General George Uhler has issued a general order directing all supervising and local inspectors to begin at once a reinspection of the various steamers within their districts without previous notification to the owner of the vessel. In addition all excursion boats and ferry boats are to be inspected at least three times during the year by a dif- ferent inspector upon each occasion. Should the equipment of the vessel be found not to be fully up to requirements, navigation must be stopped immediately. Following is the full text of Gen. Uhler's orders: Supervising and local inspectors are hereby directed to begin at once a reinspection of the various steamers within their respective dis- tricts, with particular reference to steamers car- rying large numbers of people, such as ex- cursion boats and ferry boats. The reinspec- tion will begin with excursion steamers whose certificates of inspection will expire after the | after which - opening of the excursion season, the order of inspection will be left to the judgment of the local inspectors. No notice of a_ vessel will be given the owner, master, or other in- terested person. Hereafter, in addition to the regular inspections, reinspections or examina- tions of excursion boats and. ferry boats shall be made at least three times during the year or the season of service, and, in districts where assistant inspectors are employed, such rein- . spection shall not be made by an inspector or inspectors who made the inspection immediately preceding the reinspection. If it is found at any time that any vessel is in any way unfit for service, or can not be safely navigated, or that her equipment is not fully up to the re- quirements, the navigation of such vessel must stop immediately. In conforming with the above rul- ing Thomas W. Gould, local assistant inspector at Cleveland, has been trans- ferred to Detroit, and J. B. Hayward, assistant inspector of boilers-at Cleve- land, has been transferred to Mil- waukee. Capt. Thomas A. Scott, head of the Scott Wrecking Co., died recently at his home in New London, Conn., aged 77 years. Capt. Scott followed the sea from boyhood, having been master of sailing vessels, diver and wrecker. He also assisted in several engineering undertak- ings, having built, under the supervision of F. Hopkinson Smith as marine archi- tect, the Race Rock lighthouse, a diffi- cult engineering feat. He also superin- tended the work of laying the founda- tions of Brooklyn bridge. ASSISTANT: ENGINEERS APPOINTED. F. B. Smith, fleet engineer' of the Pittsburg Steamship Co., has an- nounced the appointments of the as- sistant engineers for the steamers of that big fleet. The assistants are ap- pointed by the chief engineer, sub- ject to the approval of the fleet en- gineer. The appointments follow: FIRST STEAMERS, ASSISTANT. Bessemer. cc aces Urias Shoemaker Black eee eas eee Christ Howard Briton hie we cos Leland Haggan a BUNBCH 4, Seats John Everett Cambria 44007 Meviee ae John Mraz Colgate. inna. Cae) Elmer Zobl \ Coralia gino awe. ',George Plumb COOLEY. eet ONE A. W. Smith Cornell tie hada Robert Townsend COrOna Poh aa ieee Henry Oestreich Corsica cui. pee A. S. Hawkins COT ae gee C. P. Sampson Gitescent i faa ae ean R.: I. McGuire Hadsz Mosiaes cae eres Carl Prahl Bidenborn ss. 0007 megan John Coleman Balwood oF. y sas Ree a, W. T. Ramsay Empire: os 5: eat tetas W. O. Stebbins EriessOh: "jth ees ee Alfred Holland Haibane <a a on George H. Bowen Prick: 2s isso eeu Joseph E. Coleman Iultoa se eR PF, E, Gilbo © Gary Mie va... R. Needmeyer Gatese rn. sore wees George Emery ~ German 80 Pe -L, L. Vradenburg Gtbert ois eeeeiee e J. W. Dewsia Gti er ota E. E. Hand Hanvard' sic csesuees ¢ Ed, Oag THA et ang, Wet ay aren George Revenew! FLOUSHtOM sis cilia woe ace eee James McKibbin TONEE e057) AS ee George L. Ferguson ParSalie 4 agua cee William McLaughlin Tints ee See John Miller McDougall ii eet. F. E. Lyons Malietaa sess ucccuae Thomas Bouchard Manolacae Cink eas .Ed Donahue Maricopa <5 7 doe ce Ray Huston MaFING (5 secs he a Richard Robinson Mariposa i; 0 on oe. t Joseph Krug aw Mariska 7 sisi ca cen Abe Auld Watitahas foc a: ',...Michael Gotter: Metubac Wise evqaie, 2. L. B. Broderick Wasabad: Shc vard acon W. Wagner Wiitaa ta ee Po er an Guy Webb © Mather oo oiier. nt) Herbert Culp Moatoa'- 5) co) jeoe cee 'H. W. Endelman Matnaloa se, 0 .tac etn H.. F. Schroeder MOrgdi eee ae Neil Patterson MiorSe 55 beac eos H. B. Moore Whurpliy: cco J. W. Carter Neilson. cas eee G. W. Andrews Palmer. caw I. McMahon Perkins. 0 Wate ey Harry Flood Poe ata vie ae A. C. Joyce Feynceton coer s aces Ed Perautka. Oueens oe ole oe A, Liston Neain AG ste 6 ae Harry Edmondson Rensselaer 4000. aca A. Turner Rockefeller ..........John Ackley ROgers 6 sack Gude eters H. Lubahn Roman (2: heey Wiliiam Culp Sexo ie, ace .....Aaron Horton Shaweess ccd pecan we E. H. Pelton Siemens) osg4 5 esses Smith: Stephenson ..........Joseph R. Marshall Superior... 2) foes H. C. Schroeder Tievor ..,:6.6..0..-, John Hall Van Hise... reonee ee bie Rae Watt 265 a eee Wok, woodriit, Wawatam 6. ..50 00. Daniel Slattery Widener 255i. .4. 55 | Frank Limpert Weelvin' 3) Gare cone -, Mac Campbell Zenith: City sce pee E. D. Butler SECOND STEAMER. ASSISTANT. Corey ies cia. Barney Platt Ecenborn® :¢ 0... % . 228s. George Zanger Ellwood. 4.24 «.35% ..P. McDonnell Eeaick Ga ta osc ee . Henry Grotemet Gayo ee Leon Bourlier Gates ore Caen ae E. H. Oehlenschlager ~ FAN Ge ee een, Elme: Adamson Honphton vse 5 s/o Miiford Justin McDougall: 45.0722. George Greenwood Woreane: <4 eee J. Williams WORSE co oe ate Cee J. Shannon Perkins <6 3.45 vaca ee William Danforth Bee Go, eee eet Mote F, Zeutgrebe Ream: 24.36 late tit .Philip Bowe Bt Rogers's chavs eee .G. F. Schroeder _ Widenér ...... vane iy Gy ee Hedeka