14 will please reta'n' that amount for my order. Would like to have some of it at your most early convenience. Let me have some of the new kind if pos- TAE Marine REVIEW ~ sible. Parties shat have tried it here | without an exception pronounce it su- perior. I would like to have the re- ; fusal of 1,000 tong this falJ."° - ey Vessel Losses and Accidents During 1906. During 1906 forty-seven vessels with. a carrying capacity of 58,165 gross tons: and valued at $976,000.00 were total losses on the great lakes. The monetary. loss was low in comparison with former years, owing to the fact that the wrecked vessels were nearly all small. The most valuable was the Grecian which found- ered in Lake Huron' She was the only steel vessel of American build that was lost. The year's disasters opened with the burning of the passenger steamer At- lanta in Lake Michigan very early in the season, Canadian owners suffered heav- ily, losing eight steamers, of which the most valuable was the- Monarch which went to pieces off Isle Royale. The fa- 'mous old steamer Gordon Campbell also passed out of existence by grounding on «Michipicoten Island, and then taking fire. Her identity was lost to many under the name of Strathmore. Twenty-two of the vessels lost were steamers and twenty- five were schooners. -Fire claimed nine of the wrecks, foundering fifteen, strand- ing seventeen and collisions six. Prob- ably there should be added to the list the steamer H. B. Tuttle and the barge City of Toledo, both of which were sunk. However, H. W. Baker, the Detroit wrecker, has raised both of them, but whether they will be worth restoring to commission remains to be seen. Prob- ably there should be taken from the list the Checotah, which foundered in Lake .Huron. This schooner has been raised 'and purchased by the Edward Gillen Dock & Construction C6. The accom- panying table gives the names of the vessels: totally destroyed, with their capacities and value, the cause of the accident and the place. LAKE WRECKS, 1906. Jan. 15--Str. Hattie, owned by John Steven- son, Detroit; wholly burned. Jan. 17--Car ferry Ann Arbor No. 1, owned by Ann Arbor Railroad & Steamship Line, Toledo, O.; collision in fog; 12-ft. hole in port bow of vessel. Jan. 17--Str. Hennepin, owned by Lake Shore Stone Co., Milwaukee, Wis.; collision in fog; damage cost about $100. . Jan. 25--Car ferry Pere Marquette No. 17, owned by Pere Marquette Steamship Co., Mil- waukee, Wis.; broke her steering gear. March 12--Str. C. H. Little, owned by C. H. Little, Detroit; struck rock; dozen or more new planks were required; Detroit. March 18--Str. Atlanta, owned by Good- rich Transportation Co., Chicago; burned, to- tal loss. April 13--Str. D. M. Clemson, owned by Provident Steamship Co.,. Duluth, Minn.; aground; released in several hours. April 16--Str. Umbria, owned by W. A. Hawgood & Co., Cleveland; ran on rocks; 18 plates and 62 floor frames had to be removed; in dry dock three weeks. ~ April 16--Str. Wm. A. Paine, owned by Hutchinson & Co., Cleveland; broke screw buckets off her wheel while bucking ice in Sault river; repaired. : April 16--Str. Eugene Zimmerman, owned by Toledo Steamship Co., Toledo, O.; collision with steamer Saxona. : ran im dry dock at: 'April 16--Str. Saxona, Tomlinson, Duluth, Minn.; with steamer Eugene Zimmerman. . April 17--Str. Widlar, owned by W.. H. Becker, Cleveland; ran aground at Point Aux Pines; released on April 19, after lightering 5,000 bus. of barley. April 19--Str. Frank C. Ball, owned by G. A. Tomlinson, Duluth; stranded on forward compartment leaked; released April 20. April 20--Str. Simon J. Murphy, owned by Pittsburg Steamship Co., Cleveland; struck an obstruction in Sault river; starboard tanks 3 and 4 leaked; released April 21; 17 damaged plates; dry docked at Lorain. April 20---Str. Donnaconna, owned by R.' O. collision & A. B. McKay, Hamilton, Ont.; stranded, but released without injury April 22. April 22--Str. Malietoa, owned by Pitts- burg Steamship Co., Cleveland; stranded on Round Island. st owned by G. A.. rocks, . Lawrence & Chicago Steam Navigation Co., Toronto, Ont.; broke steering gear; stee: plates badly damaged and rudder and shoe lost; put in dry dock at Collingwood. April 25--Str. Robert Wallace, owned by Great Lakes & St. Lawrence Transportation Co., Chicago; stranded; leaked slightly, but cargo was not injured; released April 26. April 26--Str. Starruca, owngd by Union Steamboat Line, Buffalo; ran on ef; large hole stove in bow, causing 25 plates to be taken off; placed in dry dock; cost of dam- age about $20,000. . "April 27--Str. H.' B. Hawgood, owned: by Wenry A. Hawgood,\ Cleveland; grounded, but released on April 28 uninjured. April 27--Str. Chattanooga, owned by Cleveland-Cliffs Iron Co., Cleveland; ground- ed at Lime Kiln Crossing. _ April 27---Sch. Eliza Day, owned by Charles S. Carlson, Racine, Wis.; stranded, but re- leased April 29, uninjured. April 28--Str. Wm. Chisholm, owned by the Minch and Nicholas Transit Companies, Cleveland; cylinder head broke. April 28--Str. D. M: Whitney, owned by Gilchrist Transportation Co., Cleveland; strand- ed; wheel chains parted. April 28--Str. John Sherwin, owned by the Gilchrist Transportation Co., Cleveland; col- lision with Michigan Central bridge at Bay City; placed in dry dock: four plates broken VESSELS TOTALLY LOST DURING 1900. Name of Boat. Capacity, Steamer. Cause. Where Lost. Gross tons. Value. Argonaut Fire Lake Huron i Sidhe efeceie win ert ie 1,600 $18,000 Atlanta Fire Wake: Michigan ieee ce .. 1,500 70,000 City of Concord Foundered Juake: aie ies co. aie thes ne 350 5,000 Conemaugh Stranded m Wake "Wim ae ges k le 3 2,000 30,000 Erin Collision mi. Clair Riverine. ote 800 16,000 Erindale Fire . Fiske, James Jr. Fire Sto Claire Rivers oor 2S, 1,300 25,000 Golspie ' Stranded ake-Supenor: 04 3508s: 1,200 20,000 Gov. Smith Collision Jbale ssEVUrOih yee G8 2,000 50,000 Grecian Foundered Thunder) Bayes. ese sss 3,000 120,000 Hickox Fire Lake (Ontario. (een ae 400 6,000 Hill C2 B, Stranded Wake bade eo ka 2,000 25,000 Mills, N. Collision Str. Glaic River eng o. secs: 500 8,000 Monarch Stranded Dake .Sipentor..) re. 6000. 2,000 85,000 New Orleans Collision dake Hiaionoe oi a 2,000 45,000 Nicol, John 'M, Stranded Take' Michigan' 265004200 2,300 35,000 Packard, CG. B; Foundered. Noakes Milena ses cas cs 1,000 30,000 Panama Stranded hake Superior os ones. es 2,700 45,000 Pauly, J.-H. Fire St. Glam Rivers ch ee ys 400 9,000 Resolute Foundered hake s@OntariO sie c. ae 600 12,000 Strathmore Fire Vake> Superion. 2... ose 1,600 17,500 Theano Foundered ake: Superior: s..040.G a: 2,600 80,000 Schooners. ; Algeria Foundered hake Brier seas ree st, 3,800 40,000 Armenia Foundered Tea Ke hee Fic Se ees 3,800 40,000 Bennett Collision Green. 'Bayer er eco Sie uh 7,000 Case Ffoundered Wake rier io 2OOE a eee a Checotah Foundered lake, Huron. oon 1,300 9,000 Comstock, J. B. Stranded hakeairlusona: cou. seas 700 6,500 Crosthwaite, W. S. Collision Teale: Pre 7 ees ie oe 1,300 17,000 Dall, Margaret Stranded Lake sMichiganc iia 6 149 2,000 Dowd, Reuben Stranded Dake HOntario: en os 700 3,500 Elgin Foundered ake: Superior aise ae aye ities Foster, S..H. Stranded ake SUperntOn. 60. eon ie 1,300 8,000 'Grandy, Wm. Fire Wake Wrie ee ae 500 3,000 Medora, Ada Stranded Lake Superior ayo. 600 4,000 Negaunee Stranded Pake sErie (00 Sep Nope Ge 1,000 6,000 Pasadena Stranded bake Superiore. a. oo. ao 2,500 30,000 Potter, Agnes Fire Take hipie see Pe 500 2,500 Oueen of the Lakes Foundered Taken Ontario: (oe. oc ey, 500 5,000 Richards, May Stranded Hake Epie sive yoeer es 1,000 6,000 Smith, A. Stranded Wales ur ones. Gres cs. 1,000 8.000 Vienna Foundered Bakes uronic ee 300 1,000 Wawanosh Stranded dealer (Michigan <tr onl Gre ey ee, ae Wayne __ Stranded ibdker Superior 49. o5. 1,300 10,000 West Side Foundered fake: Flatron) oe. as 600 3,500 Wilcox, M. T. Foundered Neate, Brion ui kis 700 2,500 Wilson, Mabel Foundered Lake Brie 9... ee eS eisoa 10,000 April 21--Bge. Bombay, owned by Boutell and four he aL : - Steel Barge' Co., Bay City, Mich.; ran aground May we ce a ae " siete 3 at Lime Kiln Crossing; released same day. April 28--Sch. Ann Marie, owned by D. April 22--Str. Clyde, owned by Tonawanda Gillies. Carleton Place, Ont., stranded. Iron & Steel Co., North Tonawanda, N. Y.; stranded on Round Island: released April 23, uninfured, April 23--Str. J. T. Hutchinson, owned by Hutchinson & Co., Cleveland; struck at ~ the dyke; temporarily repaired to finish trip; later in dry dock two weeks. ' April 23--Bge. Krupp, owned by Pittsburg Steamship Co.. Cleveland; stranded at Lime Kiln Crossing; released April 24, uninjured. April 23--Tug Pilot; sunk by explosion: of acetylene gas buoy in ship channel. April. 24--Str. John Stanton, Hutchinson & Co., Cleveland; released April 25, uninjured April 24--Str. King, owned by M. Sicken, Marine City, Mich.; grounded, but was. re- leased later in same day, uninjured. April 25--Str. Iroquois, owned by St. owned by ran aground; April 29--Str. W. D. Rees, owned by Wil- son Transit Co., Cleveland: stranded on Poe's reef; placed in dry dock May 7. April 30--Str. Sanilac, owned by George H. Flood, Chicago, Ill.; machinery disabled; re- paired. May 1--Str. Viking, owned by Gilchrist Transportation Co.; stranded. May 1--Sch. Fearless, owned by H. Wil- liamson, Racine, Wis.;) ran ashore, but re- leased few hours later. May 2--Str. F. W. Hart, owned by. Gil- christ Transportation Co., Cleveland; forward end of boat badly damaged; air compressors put aboard and released May 5; docked at South Chicago for repairs. May 2--Str. Wm. G. Mather, owned by Cleveland-Cliffs Iron Co.. Cleveland; collision with steamer Midland Queen; damaged on