oo pee, Prars » stock, & Sinclair, Marine City, "Georger; pairs on July 15 and was placed in dry dock on the 18th; left dry dock July 29. July 13--Str. Miami, owned by Hugh R. _ Havey, Detroit; disabled; dry docked. July 13--Str. Oscar Flint, owned by Com- Duluth; machinery became disabled. July 15--Tug Shaun Rhue, owned by Dun- bar &. Sullivan Wrecking Co., Buffalo; cap- sized; large hole in side of boat. _ July 18--Str. Sonora. owned by G. A. Tom- linson, Duluth; stranded at Round Island;_ re- leased July 19. . July 18--Bge. Santiago, owned by Pickands, Mather & Co., Cleveland: 1an on bank at Lime Kiln Crossing; released July 19. . July 19--Str. Frank H,. Goodyear, owned by Mitchell & Co., Cleveland; lost anchor in old river bed, Cleveland. s July 19--Str. James P. Walsh, owned by C. O. Jenkins, Cleveland; collision with steamer Muncy; broke railing and bulwarks; stanchions sre also; estimated cost of damage about July 19--Str. Muncy, owned by Erie & West- ern Trans. Co., Buffalo: collision with steamer James P. Walsh; not injured. July 21--Str. Nipigon, owned by Marine Transportation Co., Ogdensburg, N. Y.; broke locks 15. and 16 at: Port Colborne; delayed passage of all boats for one day; docked for repairs and was out of commission for about one week. _ July 22--Sch. Georger, owned by Gilchrist Transportation Co., Cleveland; collision with barge Troy; considerably damaged above water line, but proceeded on her way.' July 22--Bge. Troy, owned by R. Folkerts, Mich.; collision with schooner considerably damaged above water line, but went on. July 22--Sch. Case, owned by Black Dia- mond Trans. Co., Detroit; sprang a leak in heavy sea; sank; total loss. July 23--Str. Henry Sill, owned by Gilchrist Transportation Co., Cleveland; collided with steamer Mariska; 28 plates damaged; put in dry dock; repairs completed Aug. 10.. July 583--Str. Mariska, owned by Pittsburg Steamship Co., Cleveland; collision with steam- er Henry Sill; large hole in bow; temporarily repaired on the 24th; later out of commission a week being repaired. : July 24--Sch. James G. Blaine, owned by W. K. Fullum, Buffalo; went ashore. July 25--Tug Wm. B. Castle, owned by Wm. Schaefer, St. Clair; struck by steamer Rob- ert Holland; sank; total loss.' July 25--Str. «Robert Holland, owned by Shannon & Garey. Saginaw, Mich.; struck tug Wm. B. Castle; slightly damaged. : July 26--Str. C. W. Elphicke, owned by Gil- christ Transportation Co., Cleveland; struck breakwater at Cleveland: sank partly just out- side breakwater at Cleveland: released Aug. 10; placed in dry dock Aug. 23; left dock Oct. 2. July 27--Str. Charles Weston, owned by Tonawanda Transit Co., North Tonawanda, N. Y.; went ashore; released July 29; placed ir dry dock Aug. 8. , _jJuly 27--Str. Saturn, owned by Gilchrist Transportation Co.. Cleveland; struck wreck of tug Castle and went to bottom of Blackwell canal; hole in forward compartment. July 28--Str. Valentine; struck a log and crushed large hole in bow, causing her to sink; one life lost. ; July 28--Str. Major, owned by Mitchell & Co., Cleveland; ran ashore on Madeline Island, Lake Superior; released July 29, uninjured, July 29--Str. L. C. Smith, owned by United States Transportation Co., Cleveland; struck on starboard side just after leaving narrow chan- nel at Sailor's Encampment; bad leak in cargo hold; lightered 1,000 tons of ore and left on July 31 with temporary repairs; later two weeks in dry dock; 18 damaged plates. July 29--Bge. Chippewa. owned by W. S. Brainard, Toledo, O.; collision with unknown Gilchrist steamer; released July 31; temporarily repaired. July 30--Str. Peter White, owned by Cleve- land-Cliffs Iron Co., Cleveland; got stuck on bottom of river at Cleveland. July 31--Tug Ben Campbell, owned by Great Lakes Towing Co.; struck by a scow while tied up at dock at Cleveland and went to bottom. Aue, 1---Str. Anna C. Minch, owned by Kinsman Transit Co., Cleveland; grounded at Sandusky; released Aug. 4; not damaged. Aug. 1--Str. City of Toledo, owned by White Star Line, Detroit; high pressure cylinder cracked; repaired; out of commission about a week, . Aug. 2-+Str. Joliet, Steamship Co., Cleveland; bank of Lime Kiln Crossing. Aug. 2--Str. Sacramento, owned by James Davidson, Bay City, Mich.; stranded in low water at Buffalo; released within a few hours, after lightering. owned by Pittsburg stranded on west er Black at the Dyke; 'Mich.; ran ? "TAE. MARINE. REVIEW Aug. 2--Str. Sherwin, owned by Gilchrist Transportation Co., Cleveland; collision with steamer Sahara at Masaba ore docks at Du- luth; anchor ran through the Sahara. Aug. 2--Str. Sahara, owned by G. A. Tom- 'linson, Duluth; collision with steamer Sher- win at Masaba ore docks at Duluth; damaged bow plates. Aug. 3--Pass. Str. Missouri, owned by Northern Michigan Transportation Co., Chi- cago; lost her rudder on Lake Michigan; towed from Petoskey to Chicago for repairs; out of commission one week. Aug. 5---Str. John WHarper. owned by _ Gil- christ Transportation Co., Cleveland; struck at Colchester light and was beached; lightered; bottom badly damaged; released Aug. 7, and sufficiently repaired to go on trip on the 8th. Aug. 5--Str. Lewiston, owned by John Green, Buffalo; grounded at Amherstburg through breaking of steering gear; released Aug. 6, uninjured. Aug. 5--Pass. Str. Greyhound, owned by White « Star Line, Detroit; was. blown hard aground on a shoal at the foot of Hickory Island; released Aug. 6. Aug. 7--Str. James Davidson, owned by G. A. Tomlinson, Duluth; accident to her ma- chinery on Lake Superior and towed to Duluth by steamer Socapa. Aug. 8--Str. Alexandria, owned by Ontario & Quebec Navigation Co., Picton, Ont; broke engine shaft while passing Ogdensburg; towed to Prescott for repairs. Aug. 8--Str. Oscoda, owned by Edward Hines Lumber Co., Chicago; broke her wheel while going into North Tonawanda with a lumber cargo, Aug. 9---Pass. Str. Lucille, owned by Dora May Brower, Ashland, Wis.; water rushed into hold and extinguished all fires;.sank in Lake Erie off Toledo; no passengers aboard. Aug. 10--Str. Erindale, owned by Canadian parties; burned while at dock at Bowmanville; valued at $14,000: insured for half; total loss. Aug. 10--Str. Oregon, owned by J. A. Cal- bick, Chicago; sank in Menominee Canal; to- tal loss. Aug. 10--Str. J. H. Pauly, owned by C. W. Kotcher, Detroit; burned to water's edge near Marine City; vessel valued at $10,000; insur- ance, $4,000. Aug. 11--Str. Troy, owned by Western Transit Co., Buffalo; fan into Interstate bridge at Duluth; bow stove in; badly damaged. Aug. 12--Str. Joseph L. Hurd, owned by Leatham & Smith, 'Sturgeon Bay, Wis.; sprung a ie off Grosse Point, Lake Michigan, and sank, : Aug. 12--Str. Mueller, owned by Wm. Muell- er Co., Chicago; ran out of channel in Erie Basin and went hard aground; cargo lightered and released Aug. 13. Aug. 13---Str. Addie Wade. owned by James A. Lemere, Jacksonport, Mich.; engine went through itself near Sturgeon Bay, where she was towed for repairs. Aug. 14--Str. Oscar Flint, owned by Com- stock & Sinclair, Duluth; collision; went to dry dock for new stem and forefoot; left dry dock Aug. 21. Aug. 45--Str. Pontiac, owned by Cleveland- Cliffs Iron Co., Cleveland: got log in her wheel in Ashtabula harbor. breaking several blades and bending her rudder; placed in dry dock same day. Aug. 15--Str. Simon Langell, owned by Com- stock & Sinclair, Duluth: collision with barge Chattanooga in Soo passage; bow and bulwarks damaged; also shaft bent; repaired at Detroit. Aug. 15--Bge. Chattanooga, owned by Cleve- land-Cliffs Iron Co., Cleveland; collision with steamer Simon Langell in Soo passage; not damaged. Aug. 16--Str. America; collision with steam- temporarily repaired. Aug. 16--Str. Black. owned by Pittsburg Steamship Co., Cleveland; collision with steam- er America at the Dyke; not badly damaged. Aug. 17--Bge. M. H. Young, owned by Henry McMorran, Port Huron, Mich.; ground- ed near Kelley's Island; released Oct. 15. Aug. 18--Str. Empire City, owned by Pitts- burg Steamship Co., Cleveland; pipe burst near Conneaut and two firemen scalded to death; vessel not injured. Aug. 18--Str. Saugatuck, owned by Chicago, Saugatuck & Douglas Trans. Co., Saugatuck, into tug Bennett off Shumacker Point and sank it; not damaged. Aug. 18--Tug Bennett, owned by Nau Tug Line, Green Bay, Wis.: collision with steamer Saugatuck off Shumacker Point; sunk; total loss. Aug. 18--Tug Ottawa, owned by E. C. Dun- bar, Detroit; blew out her cylinder head eigh- teen miles southeast of Thunder Bay Island. Aug. 18--Str. J. H. Farwell, owned by W. H. Follette, Tonawanda, N. Y.; stranded on Waverly shoal. Buffalo harbor; released later in day after lightering part of her cargo. Aug. 19--Str. Uranus, owned by Gilchrist Transportation Co.. Cleveland; collision with steamer Governor Smith eight miles off Pointe Aux Barques, Lake Huron; badly damaged; temporarily repaired; placed in dry dock Sept. 1, left dry dock Sept. 21; received new stern and had 30 plates straightened. Aug. 19--Str. Governor Smith, owned by Rutland Transit Co., Ogdensburg, N. Y.; col- lision with steamer Uranus, eight miles off Pointe Aux Barques, Lake Huron; sunk; value of boat estimated at $60,000; total loss. Aug. 21--Str. Frank Peavey, owned by Peavey Steamship Co., Duluth; ran on rocks - at the head of Lake Superior, owing to thick smoke which hung over the upper lakes; re- leased Aug. 23; 70 plates taken off; repairs completed Sept. 14; steamer lost two trips. Aug. 21--Sch. Hattie Hutt, owned by Capt. M. Mathison, Milwaukee, Wis.; was anchored off Grosse Point, having had her jibs blown away; -towed to Chicago. Aug. 21--Sch. Ford River, owned by Louis F. Drieske & Co., Chicagu; struck: Wells St. bridge at Chicago; damage done to bridge, but not boat. Aug. 21--Str. George Stephenson, owned by Pittsburg Steamship Co., Cleveland; got tow- ing cable in her wheel; was towed to Port Huron. } Aug. 22--Str. Wm. A.: Rogers, owned by Pittsburg Steamship Co., Cleveland; ran ashore at Long Point, near Buffalo; released on Aug. 25, not injured. Aug. 24--Str. Pasadena, owned by M. A. Bradley, Cleveland; grounded in the river near Racine; towed to dock at Milwaukee on the 25th. Aug. 24--Str. Case, owned by Gilchrist Trans- portation Co., Cleveland; sank at Port Wash- ington; raised on the 25th and towed to Mil- waukee for repairs; placed in dry. dock on the 27th. Aug. 25--Bge. Homer, owned by A. J. Young, Marine City, Mich.; collided with north Lime Kiln Crossing lightship; lightship slightly damaged, but barge uninjured. Aug. 26--Str. Illinois, owned by Northern Michigan Transportation Co., Chicago; beached near Charlevoix; released Aug. 28, uninjured. Aug. 26--Str. City of Concord, owned by D. W. Mills, Cleveland; disabled by getting tow line in her wheel; total loss. Aug. 26--Str. Argonaut, owned by D. W. Mills, Cleveland, in tow of steamer City of Concord; total loss. Aug. 26--Sch. Reuben Dowd; wrecked on Lake Ontario; total loss. Aug. 27--Str. Castle Rhodes, owned by Min- neapolis, St. Paul & Buffalo Steamship Co., Buffalo; collision with schooner Buckeye State, near Port Huron. Aug. 27--Str. Buckeye State, owned by J. L. Crosthwaite, Buffalo: collision with steamer Castle Rhodes near Port Huron; stern badly injured. Aug. 27--Str. Tuttle, owned by C. E. Ben- ham, Cleveland; became waterlogged while out in storm and tied up at old Lime Kiln dock at Lorain, where she sank. Aug. 28--Str. Rhoda Stewart, owned by L. P. & J. A. Smith, Cleveland: badly crippled in storm on Lake Erie; engine pipe broke. _ Aug. 28--Bge. Wm. Grandy, owned by L. P. & J. A. Smith Co., Cleveland; wrecked in storm on Lake Erie; total loss. Aug. 28--Bge. Agnes Potter, owned by L. Pi; & J.A.. Smith, Cleveland; ran aground 'in' storm on Lake Erie and caught fire; totally destroyed. Aug. 28--Str. C. A. Eddy; owned by Gil- christ Transportation Co., Cleveland; caught fire on Lake Huron; badly damaged; reached Cleveland Aug. 31; out of commission for rest of season. Aug. 28--Str. Frontenac, owned by Cleve- land-Cliffs Iron Co., Cleveland; damaged while navigating in heavy sea on Lake Superior; bul- warks were carried away and deckhouse dam- aged. Aug. 29--Str. J. G. Sharples, 'owned by Great Lakes & St. Lawrence Transportation Co., Chicago; struck a rock in Waukegan Har- bor; stove hole in bow of steamer causing it to sink; floated on the 31st: docked for repairs. Aug. 29--Str. City of London, owned by R. J. Dunham, Chicago; lost propeller wheel on Lake Superior, off Manitou Island, and_ be- came wholly disabled; towed to port for re- pairs and was placed in dry dock. Aug. 29.--Str. Olympia, owned by Gilchrist Transportation Co., Cleveland; ran aground in Sandusky Harbor; released on the 30th. Aug. 29--Sch. Fleetwing, owned by John Marks, Windsor, Ont.; was found leaking and abandoned in bay near Center Island. Aug. 30--Str. George Stephenson, owned by Pittsburg Steamship Co., Cleveland; ran aground at Bar Point. Sept. 1--Str. Wallula, owned by Gilchrist Transportation Co., Cleveland; became disabled