Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), 28 Mar 1907, p. 17

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i by breaking of her engine; about two miles from Milwaukee, and was towed to port. sept. 1--Str. Alcona, owned: by John J. Boland & Co., Buffalo; struck a rock in Niag- ara river and placed in dry dock at Buffalo. sept. 1I--Sch. Cavalier: struck Chantry © Is- land reef while out in a storm; wrecked, prob- ably total loss. Sept. _2--Str. Linn, owned by Pittsburg Steamship Co., Cleveland; stranded at Bar Point; released herself Sept. 3. Sept. 3--Str. D. Z. Norton, owned by: W. C. Richardson, Cleveland; ran aground at Ash- tabula; released Sept. 4. Sept. 4--Tug Balize, owned by Charlton Lumber Co., North Tonawanda, N. Y.; sank at Little Detroit passage; floated Oct. 13. Sept. 5--Bge. Marsala, owned by Pittsburg' Steamship Co., Cleveland; ran aground at en- trance. to Ashtabula harbor; released after lightering; detained 14, hours, Sept. 5--Bge. Maitland, owned by Franklin Transportation Co., Cleveland; ran aground in- side of Ashtabula harbor. Sept. 5--Str. Wm. G. Mather, owned by Cleveland-Cliffs Iron Co.. Cleveland; 'steering gear became disabled while she was entering St. Clair river and she ran 20 ft. into the bank, but later released herself without injury. Sept. 6--Str. Nelson Mills, owned by D. W. Mills, Cleveland; collision with, steamer Mil- waukee in Detroit river;. two lives lost; total loss. Sept. 6--Str. Milwaukee, owned by Western Transit Co., Buffalo; collision with steamer Nelson Mills in Detroit river; stem badly, bent and forepeak filled with water; but. she pro- ceeded on trip. Sept. 6--Sch. Wm. Crosthwaite, owned by Shannon & Garey, Saginaw, Mich.; collision with steamer Homer Warren off Kelley's Is- land; sank; total loss. Sept.. 6--Str. Homer 'Warren, .owned by Shannon & Garey, Saginaw, Mich.; collision: with steamer Wm. Crosthwaite: off Kelley's Is- land; large hole stove in just below water line; temporarily patched up and went on her trip. Sept. 7--Str. Sahara, owned by G. A. Tom- linson, Duluth; ran into breakwater at Con- neaut; stern badly bent; placed in dry dock; left dry dock Sept. 12. Sept. 9--Str. Perkins, owned by Pittsburg Steamship Co., Cleveland; machinery became disabled just after leaving Duluth; she was obliged to return to port when about 10 miles out and was repaired. Sept. 10--Str. Falcon, owned by. Cleveland- Cliffs Iron Co., Cleveland; ran ashore about three miles off Charlevoix, Lake Michigan, while navigating through dense smoke; released Sept. 11, uninjured. ( Sept. 11--Str. Rosemount,, owned by Mon- treal Transit Co., Montreal, Canada; ran on rocks: near Detour lighthouse; released Sept. 14 and went on to the Soo; docked Sept. 25 for repairs; 17 plates damaged and_ repairs quite' expensive. Sept. 12--Bge. Manga, owned by Pittsburg Steamship Co., Cleveland; struck. bridge at Lorain; damage amounted to about $100. Sept. 14--Str. R. A. Seymour, owned by F. A. Denneth, Sheboygan, Wis.; picked up in disabled condition on Sturgeon Bay and taken to port for repairs. Sept. 15--Sch. Peerless, owned by Chicago Trans., Co., Chicago, Ill.; wrecked at Epousette, near Racine, Wis.:; released Sept. 20. Sept. 15--Sch. Mary F, MacLachlan, owned by MacLachlan Trans. Co., Port Huron, Mich.; struck breakwater at fog signal station at Manitowoc while out in storm; big hole torn in her side; towed to dock, and later sank in the river; station badly damaged. Sept. 15---Str. H. B. Tuttle, owned by C. E. Benham, Cleveland; sprang a leak near Cedar Point and was beached at Marblehead, Lake Erie; released and temporarily repaired on the 19th. : Sept. 15--Str. Tempest. owned by Grace Har- bor Lumber Co., Detroit; stranded at Sault; leaked badly and had to be docked; released Sept. 17. , : : Sept. 16--Str. Crescent City, owned by Pitts- burg Steamshin Co., Cleveland; stranded in rain storm at Houghton Point. : Sept. 16--Bge. 133, owned by Pittsburg Steamship Co., Cleveland; in tow of steamer Crescent City. ~ Sent: 17--Str. C: B. Packard, owned by J. A. Calbick & Co., Chicago: struck wreck of -schooner Armenia off Middle Ground, Lake Erie, and sank; total loss. Sept. 18--Sch. Melrose, owned by Montreal Transportation Co.. Montreal, Canada; strand- ed at the Soo; released after lightering 5,000 bushe's of grain: temporarily repaired and pro- ceeded on her journey. \ - Sept. ee Ste. Saxon. owned by Pittsburg Steamship Co., Cleveland: struck by the Amasa Stone in Soo river; stern slightly damaged; did not stop for repairs. "TRAE. Marine. REVIEW Sept. 19--Str. Uganda, owned by Edward Mehl, Erie, Pa.; struck bridge at Buffalo, blocking navigation; released, uninjured, on Sept. 207 Sept. 19--Str. Atlantic; lost propeller wheel abreast of Port Hope, but proceeded to Har- bor Beach., Mich., under canvas. Sept. 20--Str. Turret Cape, owned by Can- adian Lake & Ocean Navigation Co., Toronto, Ont.; went into dry dock this day at Lorain for repair to bottom plates which were dam- aged by steamer striking in the Welland Canal; left dry dock Sept. 26. Sept. 20--Str. State of Ohio, owned by De- troit & Cleveland Navigation Co., Detroit; ran aground on Rattlesnake Island, Lake Erie; released Oct. 16; taken to Detroit for repairs. Sept. 21--Ferry steamer Hiawatha, owned by Port Huron & Sarnia Ferry Co., Port Huron, Mich.; struck a pile below Port Huron and sank in' shallow water; arrived at Lorain Sept. 29 and was put in dry dock after discharging cargo. Sept. 21--Bge. Fritz, owned by Pittsburg' Steamship Co., Cleveland; ran aground at the head of Stag Island; released Sept. 26. Sept. 21--Str. Robert Fulton, owned by Pittsburg Steamship Co., Cleveland; stranded on Bar Point; released Sept. 22, uninjured. Sept. 21--Bge, Nasmyth, owned by Pittsburg Steamship Co., Cleveland: stranded near Bar Point; released. Sept. 22, uninjured. Sept. 21--Bge. Jenny, owned by Pittsburg Steamship Co., Cleveland; stranded at Bar Point. : Sept. 23--Tug James A. Quinn, owned by Great Lakes Towing Co., Cleveland; broke steering gear outside of Lorain harbor and was towed in next morning. Sept. 25--Tug Oneida; struck by steamers Britannia and C. B. Hill which collided at De- troit and was nearly sunk; hole being torn in her hull; taken to shipyard at Detroit for re- pairs. Sept. 26--Str. LaSalle, owned by Pittsburg Steamship Co., Cleveland; stranded, near Sail- ors' Encampment, Soo, blocking the channel and delaying passing boats; considerable dam- - done to her bottom plating; released same ay. Sept. 26--Pass. Str.. City of Windsor, owned by D. L. Sudbury, Canada; badly damaged by fire while lying at Owen Sound dock, , Sept. 26--Str. J. G. Brower, owned by Uni- ted States ' Transportation Co.,. Cleveland; struck Hoover & Mason machine at Ashtabula; damaged machine so as to render it useless for about two weeks: steamer not injured. Sept. 27--Str. Black Rock, owned. by R.. J. Dunham, Chicago; collision in Lake St. Clair with barge Pasadena; leaked badly, but went on trip. : : Sept. 27--Bge. Pasadena, owned by M. A. Bradley, Cleveland; collision in Lake St. Clair with steamer Black Rock; upper works dam- aged, but she did not stop. HOA ; ~ Sept. 27--Str. John Harper, owned by Gil- christ Transportation Co., Cleveland; ran aground near 'Sanilac Point; rudder > disabled; released Sept. 28 and docked Oct. 3. ~ Sept. 28--Bge. Baroness, owned by Boutell Steel Barge Co., Bay City, Mich.; ran aground near Point Edward; released Sept. 29, unin- , jured. Sept. 28--Str. A. L. Hopkins, owned by N. D. Carpenter, Detroit; ran aground at Round Island; released same day, uninjured. Sept. 30--Str. Fayette Brown, owned by Northwestern Transportation Co., Detroit ; caught in storm just outside of Lorain and. stranded; released Oct. 1 and towed to dry dock; number of bottom plates bent, wheel gone and rudder damaged; left dry dock Oct. 10. Sept. 30--Car ferry Bge. No. 2; capsized on Lake Michigan; three. lives lost. Sept. 30--Sch. J. V. Taylor, owned by E. M.° Ellingson, Chicago: sprung a leak while navigating in severe storm in Lake Michigan; . towed to dock. Sept. 30--Str. City of Concord, owned by D. W. Mills, Cleveland, O.; foundered near Sandusky while out in storm; sank; three lives lost: total loss: boat. valued at $100,000. Sept. 30--Bge. Negaunee, owned by M. A. Bradley, Cleveland: in tow of steamer City of Concord; total loss. Sept. 30--Bge. Donaldson, owned by J. U. Karr, Cleveland; in tow of steamer City of Concord while caught in storm on Lake Erie: bulwarks demolished and cargo of coal washed overboard. : : Sept. 30--Str. Vulcan, owned by Gilchrist Transportation Co., Cleveland; grounded at Black River shoals; lightered cargo and was re- leased Oct. 2. : Oct. 1--Str. Harlem, owned by H. J. Pauly, Milwaukee; broke air pump just after leaving ) Detroit river while en route from Fort Wil- liam :to Buffalo; was towed to Cleveland for repairs. Hor aa Oct. 1--Str. Castalia, owned by the Brown { 17 Steamship Co., Cleveland; stranded at the foot of the Dyke; released Oct. 2, uninjured. Oct. 2--Bge. J. C. Magill, owned by Thom- as M. Ryan, Buffalo; sprung a leak on Lake Erie; sank next to steamer Tuttle. _Oct. 4--Str. Silver King, owned by Martin Eck, Chicago; stranded at Fisherman's Shoal, Green Bay; broke her wheel and leaked badly; released and taken to Sturgeon Bay same day. _Oct. 4--Sch. Elva, owned by Arnold Tran- sit Co., Mackinaw Island, Mich.; stranded on Plum Island, Green. Bay. Oct. 4--Tug Daniel L. Hebard, owned by Charles S. Hebard, Pequaming, Mich., strand- ed on Fisherman's Shoal, Green Bay; went to Sturgeon Bay to receive general rebuilding. Oct. 4--Str. Sacramento, owned by James Davidson, Bay City, Mich.; ran aground near Buffalo; delayed nine hours; not damaged. Oct. 4--Bge. City of Toledo, owned by A. Peters, Toledo, O.; sank in American channel above Belle Isle bridge; total loss. Oct. 5--Pass. Str. Peerless, owned by Chi- cago Transportation Co.; machinery badly dam- aged by breaking of an eccentric rod; towed to Milwaukee. : Oct. 5--Str, Winona, owned by R. O. & A. B, McKay, Hamilton, Ont.; ran on rocks at Giant's Tomb Shoal, off Christian Islands. Oct. 5--Str. J. W. Westcott, owned by Forster Lumber Co., Milwaukee, Wis.; went ashore in dense fog on Round Island; released later in day and proceeded on trip. : ' Oct. 5--Str. John Crerar, owned by Great Lakes & St. Lawrence Transportation Co., Chi- cago; broke her rudder while entering Niagara river and was towed to Tonawanda. Oct. 6--Str. Owego, owned by Union Steam- boat Line, Buffalo; machinery broke while nav- igating on Lake Michigan, near Manitowoc; went to Manitowoc for repairs. . Oct. 7--Sch. Ada Medora, owned by F. W. Baldwin, Petoskey, Mich.; ran on north break- water at Buffalo, causing her seams to open and fill with water; total loss. Oct. 8--Str. Benton, owned by Capt. W. J. Willoughby, Goderich, Ont.; ran aground near North Bass Island, Lake Erie, while out in storm; released herself Oct. 10. Oct. 8--Bge. A., Cobb, owned by M. A. Brad- ley, Cleveland, O.; grounded near North Bass Island, Lake Erie, while out in storm; re- leased Oct. 15., Oct. 8--Bge. May Richards, owned by Capt. W. J. Willoughby, Goderich, Ont.; grounded near North Bass Island in storm; filled with water; total loss. : Oct, .8--Bge. Pasadena, owned by M. A. Bradley, Cleveland: ran on rocks near Portage Lake canal in heavy gale; three lives lost; to- tal wreck. Oct. 9--Str. Joseph Sellwood, owned by Mitchell & Co., Cleveland; ran on east bank of Lime Kiln Crossing; released Oct. 10 and towed to Lorain; grounded again on way to Lorain and remained fast for one. day; docked at Lorain Oct. 14; 'few damaged plates and broken rudder. aaa Oct. 9--Bge. Wayne, owned by Edward Hines Lumber Co., Chicago; stranded in storm near Fourteen Mile Point, Lake Superior; to- tal loss. Oct. 9--Bge. S. H. Foster, owned by Ed- ward Hines Lumber Co.. Chicago; stranded in storm near Fourteen Mile Point, Lake: Supe- rior; total loss. Oct. 10--Sch. J. B. Comstock, owned by C.° A, Eddy, Bay City. Mich.; ran ashore on Duck Island Lake Huron, in storm; total loss. Oct. 10--Sch. Abram Smith, owned by C. A. Eddy, Bay City, Mich.; ran ashore on Duck Island, Lake Huron, in storm; total loss. : Oct. 10--Str. Langell Boys, owned by C. A. Eddy. Bay City, Mich.; steering gear became disabled while out in storm on Lake Huron. Oct. 10--Str. Juniata, owned by Erie & West- | ern Trans. Co., Buffalo; 30 ft. of fender strake torn off on port side while out in storm on Lake Superior; stopped at 'Houghton. Oct. 10--Bge. Manila. owned by Pittsburg Steamship Co.. Cleveland: broke her quadrant while out in storm on Lake Superior; cabins washed away; taken to Fort William for re- pairs. ° Oct. 10--Str. Empire City, owned by Pitts- burg Steamship Co., Cleveland; grounded in channel while trying to enter port of Huron, Lake Erie. : Oct, '10--Str. Athabasca, owned by Canadian 'Pacific Railway, Owen Sound, Ont.; lost signal lights and had rigging badly damaged in storm on Lake Superior. : | Oct. 10---Str. Neepawa, owned by R. O. & A. B. McKay, Hamilton, Ont.; her cargo of machinery damaged to extent of about $4,000 while she struggled through severe storm on Lake Huron. but vessel not damaged. | Oct. 13--Str. Argonaut, owned by D. W. Mills, Cleveland; Surges while at dock at Marysville, Mich.: total loss. Oct. 13--Sch. Hattie Wells, owned by Capt.

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