Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), 28 Mar 1907, p. 18

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s " 18 } , Charles Ludwick, Port Huron, Mich.; caught fire while lying alongside of steamer Argonaut; her cabin and after end of boat destroyed. Oct. 14--Str. Carnegie, owned by Wilson Transit Co., Cleveland: collided with steamer Nottingham at Dark Hole, Sault river; bow badly dented; placed in dry dock Oct. 20. Oct. 14--Str.' Nottingham, owned by Uni-. ted States Transportation Co., Cleveland; col- lided with steamer Carnegie at Dark Hole, Sault river; bow stove in, starboard anchor carried away, forepeak filled with water, beached; cut clean through from stern to col- lision bulkhead, : Oct. 14--Str. Lucy Neff, owned by S. O. 'Neff Transportation Co., Milwaukee, Wis.; dis- abled by breaking of coupling of engine 15 min- utes after she jeft Port Huron; returned for repairs. 4 ys Oct. 14--Str. Three Brothers, owned by James A. White, North Tonawanda, N. Y.; blown ashore near Sandusky; released this date; aground for several days. Oct. 15--Str. Samuel Mather, owned by Pittsburg Steamship Co., Cleveland; ran on Corsica shoals, near Port Huron; released her- self same day, uninjured. . ! Oct. 15--Str. Walsh, owned by> Ohio Steam- ship Co., Cleveland; ran aground in fog near Sarnia, St. Clair river; released same day, uninjured. Oct. 15--Sch. Crete, owned by W. C. Rich- ardson, Cleveland; crashed into a pier at To- ledo and sank; floated Oct. 30 and towed to Cleveland for repairs; arrived at Cleveland Nov. 5. 'Oct. 15--Str. F. L.. Robbins, owned by W. H. Becker, Cleveland; collided with steamer Sinaloa near the wreck of the interstate bridge at Duluth; hole cut in her bow and damaged to extent of about $12,000; took eight days to repair her. Oct. 15--Str. Sinaloa, owned by G. A. Tom- linson, Duluth; collision with steamer F. L. Robbins near Duluth. Oct. 16--Str. Mars. owned by the Gilchrist Transportation Co.. Cleveland; went ashore on Canadian side of Windmill Point while out in fog; released Oct. 17. © Oct. 16--Str. Three Brothers, owned by "James A. White. North Tonawanda, N. Y.; ran on St. Martin's reef near Detour; leaked bad- ly, but proceeded to her destination. Oct. 16--Str. Frank L. Vance, owned by Vance & Joys, Milwaukee; fire through spon- taneous combustion of things in storeroom; $3,000 worth of damage done to the interior of the vessel, but otherwise not damaged. Oct. 18--Str. Vulcan, owned by Glichrist Transportation Co.. Cleveland; stranded in fog on Long Point, Lake Erie; released Oct. 19. Oct. 19--Str. Volunteer, owned by Gilchrist Transportation Co., Cleveland; sprung leak on Lake Superior; went to Marquette for repairs. Oct. 20--Str. Cherokee, owned by W. S. Brainard, Toledo, O.; ran aground in fog on Canadian side of St. Clair river, colliding with her tow, barge Chippewa; the Chippewa ran into her stern, cutting through into the cabin and down to the water's edge; was taken to dry dock. Oct. 20--Str. Alfred Mitchell, owned by Lake- side Steamship Co., Duluth: broke bucket off her wheel while leaving Lorain harbor and had to stop at. Detroit to have opposite bucket taken off to prevent pounding. Oct. 20--Str. Cowle, owned by Cowle Tran- sit Co., Cleveland: ran aground on Canadian side of St. Clair river; released Oct. 26, unin- jured. Oct. 22--Str. Auburn, owned by Western Transit Line, Buffalo; ran out four feet on east bank below Grassy Island, near Detroit; released Oct. 26, practically uninjured. Oct. 22--Str. McLouth, owned by Union Steamboat Line, Buffalo; ran ashore on Gull ee Lake Michigan; released Oct. 23, unin- jured, Oct. 22--Str. Shenandoah, owned by James Davidson, Bay City, Mich.; lost her rudder near Beaver Island, Lake Michigan, and was towed into Beaver harbor by lighthouse ten- der Sumac. Oct. 23--Bge. Chieftain, owned by James Davidson, Bay City, Mich.; collided with steamer Troy on Lake Superior and ran aground at Portage entry near Houghton; big gash in bow down to waterline; towed to Mar- quette on Oct. 30 for repairs, and narrowly escape foundering while en route to Marquette. Oct. 23--Str. Cumberland, owned by Gil- christ Transportation Co., Cleveland; crashed into bridge at Buffalo; port bow of steamer smashed; sank; raised Oct. 29. Oct. 23--Bge. 134, owned by Pittsburg Steamship Co., Cleveland; ran into steamer Kensington lying at anchor at Duluth and damaged three plates, which had to be re- placed; Kensington not damaged. Oct. 23--Sch. Corisande, owned by Canadian parties; collided with steamer Mariska abreast "TAE. MARINE. REVIEW 4 of Sarnia; towed to Wolverine dry dock, Port Huron, Oct. 25. Oct. 24--Sch. L. M. Mason, owned by Gun Gunderson, Milwaukee, Wis.; struck south pier at Two Rivers, Lake Michigan; cabin gone and big hole in bow; taken into the harbor and put in dry dock. : Oct. 24--Str. Sultana. owned by G. A. Tom- linson, Duluth; got stuck in outer harbor at Erie on account of low water. Oct. 25--Str. Roebling, owned by Pittsburg Steamship, Co., Cileveland;. ran aground in storm in St. Clair flats; released Oct. 26 and towed to Lake Erie. : Oct. 25--Str. Wissahickon, owned by Erie & Western Trans Co., Buffalo; machinery dis- abled on Lake Michigan shortly after she left Chicago; towed back for repairs. Oct. 25--Sch. Neilson, owned by Pittsburg Steamship Co., Cleveland; stranded on False Presque Isle, Lake Huron; released same day, slightly injured. Oct. 27--Str. Christopher, owned by W. H. Meyer, Milwaukee, Wis.; ran aground while entering harbor of Sandusky. : Oct. 27--Bge. M. B, Grover, owned by M-: A. Bradley, Cleveland; caught fire in storm while anchored at Cleveland breakwater; very badly burned, but not a total loss. Oct. 27--Str. Lackawanna, owned by Lake Transit Co., Buffalo; struck concrete pier and ran on the rip-rap in storm at Cleveland; aban- doned to underwriters; released Nov. 8; placed in dry dock Noy. 13. Oct. 28--Str. Pathfinder, owned by Pickands, Mather & Co., Cleveland; struck obstruction near White Rock, off Harbor Beach, Mich., and broke her wheel; drifted ashore; released Oct. 2 and repaired sufficiently to be taken to dry dock; towed to Cleveland and placed in dry dock Nov. 7. . Oct. 28--Str. Alva, owned by M. A. Brad- ley, Cleveland; lost anchor and chain on: St. Clair river; sank following day; raised and arrived at Ecorse ship yard Nov. 7 for. re- pairs; eight plates taken off. Oct. 28--Bge. Thomas H. Cahoon, owned by Shannon & Garey, Saginaw, Mich.; broke from steamer Homer Warren during storm on Lake Huron; picked up by a steamer during the night; not damaged. Oct. 29--Str. Wisconsin; collided with steam- er Alva; two plates and three frames badly cracked and bent on starboard bow, temporarily repaired; later taken to Superior for repairs. Oct. 29--Str. Shenandoa, owned by James Davidson, Bay City, Mich.;. lost rudder while in storm on Lake Michigan, and was towed to East Tawas. . Oct. 29--Sch. Vienna, owned by F. H. & T. E. Laird, Dresden, Canada; sprung a leak in Lake Michigan and sank: total loss. Oct. 29--Sch. West Side, owned by Bertha Dahlke, Cleveland; lost on Lake Huron while out in snow storm; total loss. Oct. 29--Lighter Elgin, owned by Capt. John Schea, Duluth, Minn.; went to pieces at Grand Marais, Lake Superior, in storm; total loss. Oct. 29--Tug Pinola, owned by Standard Contracting Co., Cleveland; sank near San- dusky, Lake Erie, in storm. Oct. 30--Bge. Checotah, owned by Henry McMoran, Port 'Huron, Mich.; her deck load was washed away; filled with water and sank in Port Huron; raised later and converted into a dredge, now being owned by Edward Gillen Dock & Dredge Construction Co., Racine, Wis. Oct. 30--Str. Livingstone, owned by Wm. Livingstone, Detroit; badly shaken up in gale on Lake: Superior; after deckhouse smashed by seas and much of it swept away. Oct. 30--Str. Fayette Brown, owned by Northwestern Trans. Co., Detroit; collided with barge Bottsford at Sault: not damaged. Oct. 30--Bge.. Bottsford, owned by 'Saginaw ' Bay Transportation Co.. Cleveland; collided with steamer Fayette Brown at the Sault; was struck on starboard side and had to be beached to prevent sinking; temporarily repaired and left to proceed on her trip Nov. 1. Oct. 30--Bge. John Fritz, owned by Pitts- burg Steamship Co., Cleveland; struck bridge at Duluth. Oct. 31--Steamer G. J. Grammer, owned -by Seither Transit Co., Cleveland; went aground abreast of Point Edward's elevator, Canadian side; released later in the day, uninjured. Nov. 1--Str. Harold B.. Nye, owned by W. - A, Hawgood & Co., Cleveland; struck west abutment of swing bridge at Ashtabula, causing several hundred dollars' worth of damage to bridge; steamer not damaged. Nov. 2--Sch. S. A. Wood, owned by James A. Myers, Chicago; badly burned while lying at dock at Chicago. Nov. 2--Str. Mars, owned by _ Gilchrist Transportation Co., Cleveland: ran aground in fog at head of Stag Island, St. Clair river; re- leased Nov. 3 and proceeded to her destina- tion, apparently not injured. Nov. 2--Str. Northern Queen, owned by Mu- tual Transit Co., Buffalo; broke her wheel and damaged her rudder; stopped for repairs. Nov. 4--Str. Bickerdike, owned by 'Mer- chants Line, Montreal, Canada; ran on rocks three miles below Alexandria Bay, St. Law- rence river. Nov. 4--Str. Philip Minch, owned by Kins- man Transit Co., Cleveland; ran aground in Lake Erie near Buffalo. Nov. 4--Str. America; broke rudder pin 10 minutes after leaving Duluth; repaired in a ay. : Noy. 5--Str. Robert Fulton, owned by Pitts- burg Steamship Co., Cleveland; ran on rocks at head of Bois Blanc Island, Detroit river, during fog; released Nov. 8, i Nov. 5--Str. George Peavey, owned by Peavey Steamship Co., Duluth; ran on rocks at head of Bois Blanc Island; Detroit river, during fog; released; stranded later on Ball- ard's reef; released Nov. 9 and towed to Buf- falo; damaged quite extensively. Nov. 5--Str. C.. A. Black, owned by Pitts- burg Steamship Co., Cleveland; ran on rocks at Ballards reef, Detroit river, in heavy fog; released Nov. 6 after lightering part of her cargo. Nov. 6--Str. W. H. Gilbert, owned by Pitts- burg Steamship Co., Cleveland; ran on rocks at Avon Point, Detroit river; released Nov. 7, uninjured. Nov. 6--Str. Henry Cort, owned by Pitts- burg Steamship Co., Cleveland; considerably damaged by fire while at Central furnace dock at Cleveland. Nov. 7--Str. Harlow, owned by W. J. Har- low, Toledo, O.; stranded near head of Fight- ing Island, Detroit river. Nov. 8--Str. Colgate, owned by Pittsburg Steamship Co., Cleveland; lost her wheel in ies Lake and was towed to Cleveland on the th. .Nov. 10--Str. Iowa, owned by Goodrich Line, Chicago; stranded at Hill's Point, Green Bay, in fog; released Nov. 11 after lightering part of cargo. \ Nov. 10--Sch. Isabella Sands, owned by Louis Sands, Salt & Lumber Co., Manistee, Ms stranded at Hill's Point, Green Bay, in og. . Nov. 10--Str. Wyoming, owned by the Red Star Line, Buffalo; stranded at the Dyke, St. Mary's river. Nov. 11--Str. D. C. Whitney, owned by Gil- christ Transportation Co., Cleveland; damaged by fire which broke out in forward part of steamer. Nov. 12--Bge. Quebec, owned by Montreal Transportation Co., Montreal, Canada; went ashore in storm near Charlotte, Lake Huron. Nov. 12--Str. Owego, owned by Union Steamboat, 'Line, Buffalo; disabled her ma- chinery while navigating in storm in Lake Michigan, and stopped at Manitowoc for re- pairs. Nov. 13--Bge. Martha, owned by Pittsburg Steamship Co., Cleveland; steering gear dis- ° abled and anchor lost while in storm in St. Clair river; arrived at Cleveland in tow of steamer Poe this date. Nov. 14--Str. Strathmore; wrecked at Mich- ipicoten, Lake Superior; total. loss. Noy. 14--Str. James Fisk, owned by Alvin Peter, Toledo, O.; burned near St. Clair flats; total loss; wreck bought by Capt. H. Baker. . Nov. 14--Bge. I. L. Bell, owned by. Pitts- burg Steamship Co., Cleveland; collided with steamer Seguin. in: St...Clair "river; but. pre. ceeded on her way; later sank with a 20-ft. hole in her side, floated Nov. 25 and repaired at Ecorse, where she wintered. Nov. 14--Str. Seguin, owned by J. B. Miller, Toronto, Ont.; collided with barge Bell in St. Clair river and sank at Sarnia; big hole torn in her side. Nov. 14--Str. Oscoda, owned by Hines Lumber Co., Chicago; stranded on a reef east of Round Island, Bay De Noque; released Nov. 15, after lightering about 80,000 ft. of lumber. Nov. 14--Bge. D. L. Filer, owned by Hines Lumber Co., Chicago; in tow of steamer Os- coda; stranded on a reef east of Round Island; released Nov. 15 after lightering. Noy. 14--Bge. Guido. owned by John Camp- bell, Port Huron, Mich.; stranded on a sand bar off Cedar Point, Lake Erie. Nov. 15--Str. W. H. Gratwick; stranded on Lake Michigan, near Chicago; not damaged. Nov. 16--Str. Orion, owned by Green Bay Vessel Co., Green Bay, Wis.; stranded on North Point, Lake Michigan, during storm; not se- verely damaged. Nov. 17--Sch. Margaret Dall, owned by Henry Caeser, Chicago: ran ashore at South Manitou Island, Lake Michigan, during storm; total loss. Nov. 17--Sch. Horace Taber, owned by A. Swenson, Chicago; ran ashore at South Mani- tou Island,, Lake Michigan, during storm, near schooner Dall; uninjured. Noy. 17--Str. Winona, owned by Navigation

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