Co. of Port Stanley. Port Stanley, Canada; ashore at Graham Shoal beach, Manitoulin Is- land, Lake Huron; released Nov. 19 and taken to Collingwood for repairs; arrived at Colling- wood Nov. 30 and put in dry dock. Nov. 17--Str. Theano, owned by Algoma Central Steamship Line, Sault Ste. Marie, Ont.; struck a rock near Thunder Cape, Lake Supe- rior; total loss. Nov. 18--Str. James E. Davidson, owned by G. A. Tomlinson. Duluth: collided with Min- nesota draw of Northern Pacific bridge at Du- a bridge damaged, but steamer not seriously hurt. Nov. 19--Str. Fairmount, owned by Montreal Trans. Co., Montreal, Canada; two-plates loos- ened while out in storm on Lake Superior; stopped at Fort William for repairs, which took one day to make. Noy. 20--Str. Mohegan, owned by Holland & Graves, Buffalo, struck breakwater at Buffalo; --took 10 days to repair her. Nov. 20--Government survey steamer Search; became disabled after completing some work in the vicinity of Sturgeon Bay, and was obliged to return there for repairs. Nov:? 21---Str. Bay. City, Steel Barge Co, Bay City, Mich.; became dis- abled near Colchester, Lake Erie, and was towed to Lorain. Nov. 21--Str. Gladstone, owned by M. A. Bradley, Cleveland; struck in Pelee passage, Lake Erie, and damaged her rudder. Nov. 21--Str. Mariposa. owned by Pittsburg Steamship Co., Cleveland; stopped at Cleveland for repairs to her machinery. Nov. 21--Str. Gilbert, owned by Pittsburg Steamship Co., Cleveland; 'collision with steam- er W. A-Rogers at Port Huron, St. Clair river; ordered to Toledo to lay up for winter on Nov. 23: Nov. 21--Str. W. A. Rogers, owned by Niagara Transit Co., North Tonawanda, N. Y.; collision with steamer Gilbert at Port Huron, St. Clair river; temporarily repaired Nov. 23. Nov. 22--Str. Maritana, owned by Pittsburg Steamship Co., ~Cleveland; went aground in channel at Bar Point, Detroit river, on account of low water; released later same day; not damaged. : Nov. 22--Str. D. M. Whitney, owned by Gil- christ Transportation Co.," Cleveland; went to the bottom at Bar Point, Detroit river, on ac- count of low water; released after lightering considerable of her cargo; proceeded on her trip. Nov. 423. : Nov. 22--Bge. Antrim. owned by Gilchrist Transportation Co., Cleveland; ran aground at Bar Point, Detroit river, in low water; light- ered cargo; released Nov. 24. Nov. 22--Bge. Athéns, owned by Lake Erie Transportation Co., Cleveland; broke away from steamer P' <P, Ptatt im. storm on. Wake Erie; quadrant was broken, steering' gear disabled and leaked badly; towed to Erie to unload; resumed trin Nov. 25. Nov. 22--Str. Panama, owned by James Da- vidson, Bay City, Mich.; stranded on Lake _Su- perior during storm; lost rudder; abandoned by owner Dec. 4 as total loss. Nov. 22--Str. Resolute, owned by Deseronto Navigation Co., Deseronto, Ont.; foundered in Lake Ontario during storm; sprung a leak; six lives lost; vessel total loss. Nov. 22--Str. Helen Taylor, owned by M. O. Clucky, Pentwater, Mich.; lost on Lake Michi- gan during storm. ; ! Nov. 32--Ste Charles 2 BY Hill, owned by Great Lakes Engineering Works, Detroit; beach- ed at North Madison, Lake Erie, to prevent foundering in heavy gale; seams opened and she filled with water; total loss. 3 Nov. 22--Str. C. A. Black, owned by Pitts- burg Steamship Co., Cleveland; upper. works badly damaged by heavy seas on Lake Michigan. Nov. 22--Str. C. Hurlbut, owned by Teagan Bros., Detroit, Mich.:; stranded on Lake Erie during storm: lost her rudder; released Nov. 27: taken to Toledo Dec. 4. Nov. 22--Str. Conemaugh, owned by Anchor Line, Buffalo; ran ashore at, Pointe Pelee, Lake abandoned by owners as Erie, during storm: r total loss Dec. 3, who claim she can be floated nd saved. 4 Nov 22-- str kb, Pe Pratt; owned by Lake Erie Transportation Co., Cleveiand; badly crip- pled while out in storm on Lake Superior; temporarily repaired and went to Buffalo to unload ore. : Nov. 22--Tue Frank W., owned by Great Lakes Towing Co., Cleveland; badly battered in storm while trying to aid disabled steamer Bay i Colchester. ea Pog Ce Lutz, owned by Great Lakes Towing Co., Cleveland; windows and doors all broken while out in storm trying to help disabled steamer Bay City off Colchester. Nov 22--Gar ferry Pere Marquette No. 16, owned by Pere Marquette. Steamship Co., Mil- waukee, Wis.; stranded in Green Bay near Peshtigo during storm; released Nov. 23, unin- jured. owned by Boutell TAE Marine. REVIEW Nov. 22--Str. Frontenac; skylight wrecked over engine-room and otherwise damaged while out in storm on Lake Michigan. Novy, 22--Bge, Clint, owned by Teagan Bros., Detroit; foundered in storm off Colchester; towed to Amherstburg Nov. 25, uninjured. Nov. 22--Str. Comfort; sprang a leak near Marine City and was beached. Nov. 22--Str. Joliet, owned by Pittsburg Steamship Co., Cleveland; ran into dock at Marine City while out in storm, damaging dock, but vessel not injured; cost of damage to dock, about $1,000. Nov. _22--Str. Shaw, owned by Pittsburg Steamship Co., Cleveland; ran upon the foun- dation of an old pier at Ashtabula, Lake Erie, but was not damaged. Nov. 22--Bge. Commodore; rudder disabled and hawse pipes pulled out by her chain; towed to Ashtabula. Nov. 23--Str. J. D. Scott, owned by J. F. Scott, Rochester, N. Y.; grounded in Lake On- tario near Pultneyville, while being towed to Sodus Point for the winter; doubtful whether she can be saved. : Nov. 25--Str. Curry, owned by H. A. Haw- good, Cleveland; grounded on Southeast Shoal, near Amherstburg, Detroit river. é Nov. 26--Str. «Pere Marquette No. 5, owned by Graham & Morton Line, Chicago; went aground in Portage Lake; released Nov. 28. Nov. 26--Str. Lucy Neff, owned by S. O. Neff Transportation Co., Milwaukee; ran aground at Windmill Point; was released Nov. 27, unin- jured, Nov. 26--Whaleback Bge. 118, owned by Pittsburg Steamship Co., Cleveland; broke away from steamer Eads in storm on Lake Erie; picked up on Nov. 29 and towed up the lakes. Nov. 26--Bge. Agawa, owned by the Algoma "Central Steamship Line, Sault Ste. Marie, Ont.; broke away from steamer Leafield near Eagle Harbor, Lake Superior, in storm; picked up Nov. 28 and taken to Sault Ste. Marie; not damaged. Nov. 28--Str. Turret Crown, owned by Can- adian Lake & Ocean Navigation Co., Toronto, Canada; went ashore near Grand Marais, Lake Superior; released Nov. 30: docked at Cleve- land Dec. 5 for: repairs. i Nov. 28--Str. Susquehanna, owned by An- chor Line, Buffalo: struck pier while entering Duluth harbor in heavy sea; not seriously in- jured. Nov. 28--Str. Wm. Chisholm, owned by Minch & Nicholas Transit Cos., Cleveland; ran aground at Rouleu Point, Lake Superior; re- leased Nov. 30 after lightering 30,000 bushels of barley; not damaged. Nov. 29--Str. Tecumseh. owned by Macarthus 'Bros. Co., Detroit; stranded in South Passage of Lake Erie; arrived at Amherstburg Dec. 2, towed by a tug; bottom badly damaged; at Ecorse yards Dec. 3 for repairs. Nov. 30--Str. Queen of the Lakes, owned by Richardson & Sons, Kingston, Ont.; sprang a leak while navigating in storm on Lake Ontario; sank; total loss. Dec. 1--Car ferry Ashtabula, owned by Penn- sylvania & Ontario Steamship Co., Ashtabula, O.; coal cars became loose and crashed into pumping post at Ashtabula, causing consider- able damage; vessel was slightly raised for re- pairs to her propeller wheel. Dec. 3--Ann Arbor car ferry No. 1, owned by Ann Arbor Railroad & Steamship Line, To- ledo, O.; loaded freight cars broke loose while in heavy weather on Lake Michigan; consider- able damage done to deck of car ferry. Dec. 3--Car ferry Pere Marquette No. 6, owned by Michigan Salt Transportation Co,; Milwaukee; rudder chain parted while on Lake Michigan and she stopped at Ludington for re- Hand steering gear saved her from run- pairs. ning on the beach. Dec. 3--Str. Northern Queen, owned by Mutual Transit Co., Buffalo; ran on Abbey Point, Lake Superior, in heavy snow storm; released Dec. 5. e Dec. 5--Bge. Hickox, ownecd by Belknap & Phillips, St. Clair, Mich.; burned off Kingston, Lake Ontario, with cargo; crew escaped; total loss. Dec. 6--Str. John Harner, owned by Gil- christ Transportation Co., Cleveland; hole 3 Ets long cut in side of vessel by ice in Lily Pond. Dec. 6--Str. Italia, owned by James 'Corri- gan, Cleveland: grounded in Mackinaw Bay. Dec. 6--Bge. Amazon, owned by James Cor- rigan, Cleveland; grounded in Mackinaw Bay; released later in day, uniniured. gos Dec. 6--Bee. Wawanosh, owned by Sarnia Trans. Co., Sarnia, Ont.; broke away from tug Spencer and ran aground near Oscoda, Lake Huron; total! loss. Dec, 7--Str. James Laughlin, owned by the Interstate Steamship Co., Cleveland; blown ashore at Lime Kiln Crossing; released same day and taken to Detroit for repairs; left. De- troit Dec. 10. \ Dec. 7--Str. R. L. Ireland, owned by Gil- christ Transportation Co., Cleveland; ran ashore on Gull Island reef, Lake Superior, in snow \ storm; released Dec. 12 and docked for repairs. Dec. 7--Str. Golspie, owned by R. O. & A. B. McKay, Hamilton, Ont.; stranded in Brule Bay, near -Michipicoten, Lake Superior; total wreck. Dec. 8--Str. Ionic, owned by Ionia Transpor- tation Co., Detroit, Mich.; ran ashore while navigating through ice in White Fish Point, Lake Superior; .released Dec. 11, and proceeded on trip, apparently uninjured. : Dec. 9--Str. Monarch, owned by Northern Navigation Co. of Ont., Ltd., Collingwood, Ont.; went ashore on Isle Royale, Lake Superior; one man drowned; total loss. Dec. 10--Str, H. Prince, owned by Rut- land Transit Co., Ogdensburg, N. Y.; was cut through by ice while entering harbor at Ogdens- burg; cargo damaged. Dec. 10--Str. Caribou, owned by United States & Dominion Trans. Co. (A. Booth & Co.), Chicago; disabled near Killarney, Georgian Bay, and towed to Owen Sound.. Dec. 11--Bge. Connelly Bros., owned by J. A. Calbick & Co., Chicago; struck at the Dyke in the Soo river while navigating in ice. Dec. 11--Str. Binghamton, owned by Union Steamboat Line, Buffalo; ran ashore near Skill- agalee light; temporarily repaired on the 14th; docked Dec. 30, badly damaged. Dee. 13--Str. F.. B. Squire, owned by Jen- kins Steamship Co., Cleveland; ran aground near Grosse Point in heavy fog; released Dec. "15 and reloaded lightered cargo. Dec. 14--Str. Milwaukee. owned by Western Transit Co., Buffalo: wheel chains parted and she went on rocks at Amherstburg, Detroit river; released Dec. 15. and proceeded to Buffalo. Dec. 14--Str. Phenix, owned by J. J. Rardon, Chicago; stranded on Cheboygan Point in heavy gale and snow storm; released herself later in the day, but leaked badly: grounded again on the 17th, but released on the 20th. Dec. 15--Str. John M..-Nicol, owned by J. J. Boland, Buffalo; ran ashore at Big Summer Island, Green Bay; total loss. Dec. 16--Tuge Adventurer, owned by Joseph Bullion, Ontanagon, *Mich.; ran ashore near Ontonagon lighthouse; will be abandoned and oe will be installed in steamer Mary ell. Dec. 16--Str. L. C. Waldo, owned by Roby Transportation Co., Detroit; ran ashore on a reef. north of Garden Island, Lake Michigan; released Dec. 19, uninjured. Dec. 18--Str. Sahara, owned by G. A. Tom- linson, Duluth; severely battered through sud- den release of ice jam at Buffalo; repairs will cost several thousand dollars. Dec. 18--Str. Commodore, owned by Western Transit Co., Buffalo; severely damaged by sud- den release of ice iam at Buffalo. ' Dec. 18--Tug Williams, owned by Buffalo Dredging. Co., Buffalo: was forced under a bridge: at Buffalo by ice jam and her upper works were raked off. Dec. 28--Car ferry Ashtabula, owned by Pennsylvania & Ontario Steamship Co., Ashta- bula, O.; ran ashore near Port Burwell, Lake Erie; released Dec. 30, not damaged. The Board of United States Inspect- ors of Steam Vessels which has been taking testimony at New Orleans in regard to the sinking of the American steamer Hugoma in the Mississippi river at New Orleans in collision with the French cruiser Kleber on _ the night of Feb. 2oth last, has exonerated Capt. R. W. Lewis and Pilot W. F. Shaw of the Hugoma, placing the blame for the accident on the battle-. ship. They charge that the battleship should have ported her helm. The Hugoma was a lake-built steamer and was operated on the lakes for a num- ber of years before she was purchased by the New York & Porto Rico Steam- ship Co. . The new steamer now. be!ng con- structed by the Portland Co. of Port- land, Me., for the Winter Harbor Co. of Philadelphia, will be equipped with one No. 15 Roberts safety water tube boiler. :