QUESTIONS FOR WHEELSMEN AND WATCHMEN.--NO. 35. 350. Give correct magnetic course and distance from a point one mile south of Poverty island lighthouse to a point 4% mile S x W from Eleven Foot shoal lightship. 357. Give correct magnetic course and distance from a point % mile S x W from Eleven Foot shoal lightship to.a point % mile east from Sand point lighthouse, Escanaba. 358. Give correct magnetic course and distance from a point one mile south of Poverty island lighthouse to a point % mile S x W from Eleven Foot shoal lightship, passing between St. Martin and Gull islands. 359. Give true course and distance from a point one mile south of Poverty island lighthouse to entrance Menom- inee harbor via Rock island passage. 360. Give true course: and distance from a point one mile south of Pov- erty island lighthouse to a point two miles west of Chambers island light- house passing through Death's Door passage. 361. How. would you pilot a boat from' a point four miles SE x S from Pilot island lighthouse to a point one mile NW, from the NW end of Plum island? , 362. _When the NW end of Plum island bears SE, distant one mile, give correct magnetic course and distance to Escanaba. 363. When the NW end of Plum island bears SE, distant one mile, give trué course and distance to buoy at entrance of. Fox river. 364. Give true bearing of Plum is- land ranges. 36s. In what part of Lake Michigan is the deepest sounding marked on chart of 1905? QUESTIONS FOR MASTERS AND MATES.--NO. 34. 500. What is meant by the equa- tion of time? sor. What is the difference between apparent time and mean time? 502. How would you find apparent time from mean time? 503. What is standard time? 504. How many standard time belts are there in the United States? 506. What standard time belt is Buf- falo in? 507. What meridian is her standard time based upon? 508. Is the apparent day ever 24 hours in length according to mean time? 509. What is meant by mean time? - 510. How much difference can there be between mean and apparent times? Ste ce cc ce cc 6c Ste. Str. Sch. oe Str "c"c Str. "cc Str. Stas. Sch. Str: Str: cc Str. " Str: Str. Str. " "ce "ce Str. ce be Str. Str THE Marine REVIEW 23 APPOINTMENTS OF MASTERS AND ENGINEERS. ENGINEER, CAPTAIN. GUS KITZINGER; MANISTEE, MICH. Pere Marquette No. 3 H. L. Sanders Pere Marquette No. 4 Pere Marquette No. 6 Mike. Martin R. C. Wente id Skeels John Schroeder Ed Staffelbeam Hattie Chas. Tonkon Ed Hineline J. Reardon V. Johns Herman Winkler Robert Thielman Chas. Christenson Susie Chipman JULIUS KROOS, SHEBOYGAN, WIS. N. A. Gunderson oN? Burus LAKE ONTARIO & BAY OF' QUINTE STEAMBOAT CO., KINGSTON, ONT. North King Caspian E. A. Shores Lackawanna Scranton John J. Jarrell William Bloomfield THE CLEVELAND TRANS. CO., CLEVELAND, 0. Vr George J. Sauer. J. J. BROWN, BUFFALO, N. Y. Robert Young H. W. Stewart George Boyd . D. J. Leslie Péter Collis F. D. Fredericks THISTLE TRANSPORTATION CO., GRAND HAVEN, MICH. Pentland Lizzie Madden Tron City Grace Holland Admiral "_W, k.' Bixby Powell Stackhouse Thomas McCambridge M. J. LYNN, BAY CITY, MICH. Ralph Pringle JERRY MCCARTHY, BUFFALO, N. Y. John Barclay M. Nagle M, B. MCMILLAN, DETROIT, MICH, M. G. McIntosh Jv a Ivers MAHONING STEAMSHIP CO., CLEVELAND, 0. William Megarvey i 6) banned M. Anderson MANITOU STEAMSHIP CO,, CHICAGO, ILL. Manitou William T. Bright \ MARINE TRANSPORTATION CO., OGDENSBURG, N. Y. Nipigon John Goodrich Middlesex A. Grandee THOMAS MARKS & CO., PORT ARTHUR, ONT. Neebing John Ewart Hugh Mulligan G. McLellan George Purvis P. J. MeCabe John Groundwater George Averill B. F. McCanna James Purvis Arthur F. Foote MARQUETTE & BESSEMER DOCK & NAVIGATION CO., CONNEAUT, 0, ' M. & B. No. 1 M. M. Rowan Mi '& B. No? 2 R. R. McLeod MATHEWS.LINE, TORONTO, CAN. Haddington James Delaney Edmonton CAPT, A. T, MAY, DETROIT, MICH. Emerald ASL May C, H, STARKE, MILWAUKEE, WIS. Christopher Robert Leitch E. Wood Hedley R. Welch William Harman William Galpin McDougal MICHIGAN CENTRAL R. R. CO., DETROIT, MICH. Detroit John C. Craig Dp; A. Black George D. Horn Transfer William King A. OQ. Borton A. J. Huntoon ie Michigan Central Alex Pirie: Transport Riscett aiken Heck Phillips ~ John Cockburn MICHIGAN, INDIANA & ILLINOIS LINE, CHICAGO, ILL, John Oades H. M. Boyce Marion H, J; Nelson Normandie Andrew Olsen J. B. MILLER, TORONTO, CAN. Seguin Jos. Welson D. W. MILLS, CLEVELAND, 0. Sparta Dan Warwick Sch. Alex Anderson J. K. Edwards Biwabik H. S. Hughes "cr Eugene Hidden c.. G Olson Richard Winkler Robert | Marshall E. J. Moore CLEVELAND & BUFFALO TRANS. CO., CLEVELAND, 0. Ste. City of Erie _ Hugh McAlpine - 'City of Buffalo W. H. Smith MUTUAL TRANSIT CO., BUFFALO, N. Y. Str. - Northern King EC. heath 6c " "ce "ce " "cc "cc "cc "ce Str: Northern Queen W. H. Stevenson J. ¥. Rendall Charles Lorimer A. Nagelvoart O. J. McGinnis Northern Wave D. (L.. Cartwright Jo J. Darcey. Northern Light - S. B. Worden «Dee North Wind kK... B. Biair T. W. Jackman North Star George Hayward W. TF. Pike Minneapolis Walter Robinson D. J. McMillan St.: Paul Peter Thompson Henry Stone Huron Neil Anderson Alex Adams William Castle RhodesGeorge B. Crawford Charles S. Neff Str. Annie Laura 6c Elva CHARLES S. NEFF, MILWAUKEE, WIS. John A. Doak Cc. McG. KOCH, SANDUSKY, O. DO. Lockhart William McCarty William J. Stewart G. A. Hemenger _ Jerry Shampaign ARNOLD TRANSIT CO., MACKINAW ISLAND, MICH, \ Str.. City of Kalamazoo Patrick Eustice John Harrington Stephen L. Newnham