36 THE Marine REVIEW ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF ADVERTISERS IN THE , MARINE REVIEW. The star (*) indicates that the advertisement appears alternate weeks. For addresses see advertisements on page noted. The dagger (t+) indicates that advertisement appears once a month. tAkers Steering Gear Co......... p} Douglas, G. 1, drat... Risesas 48 | Lundin, A. P.. bes dhetelid ence Uk cain DOy (OOCUROD OE cS, cos) Gewese ohee ce 50 Almy Water Tube Boiler Co...... 37 | Drein, Thos., & Son.. . 45 | Lunkenheimer Co........... ss... 9| tRogers Steam Oil Separator Co, -- ee jontck fae Uaaiese as eee oe a Dunbar & Sullivau Dredging Co. 39 hogs: Valve, Coase creas 6k 50 erican Injector Co............. UTeOriGan Wine 3 2528, e. ee o es 8 47 Hiphicke, ©: W.& Co...... 63.0.6. 48 ee ae Ae u oe 50 etal Car Bestar . enh Cé ae American Ship Building Co ..... 4 *Bmerson Shoe Co................. a= | MOOarthy.,U. BRoaiccicr tvs oes 48 I 50 American Ship Windlass Co...... ee McCurdy, 'ep. De ceiks ce ceeseneees 35 Pipe hate Valve Go ee aes a Heee rong Manufacturing Co... | Falls Hollow Staybolt Co...... ... 41 | McKinnon Iron Works ........-- 38 | {Seneca Chain Co..........0.000.., Hs teahton Valye Oo... Ce | MUR, SS POUR cr icp e we sss 50 | McLaughlin Iron Works.. Shaw, Warren, Cady & Oakes.... 48 Berea Wars 45 Fletcher, Wy Sai Gee. 5 Muinee tues. Gee... *Shelby Bteel Gabe OG1is, he ks - | BOR Ry MW 23 ees weve BO | AUOLY LIMO. . 2... 00. eee ewe enne eriffs MOOR oii, EL eee, ee taAtlantic Works. Inc ............. Fore River Ship Building 'Go. CAS *Marine Iron Co., Bay City, Mich' ~-- | Shipping World Year Book. 2. ©. 50 Murstenau ME O.o050 Agave ees 49 | *Marine Mfg. & Supply Co.....+.. ~ | Siggers:& Siggers: i... 0.0.6... 49 Baker, Howard H. & Co .. 62 e eo Pens. a. steneeee Street eee ' : Smith, 'Stanley. B. (Goni & Dock Co. Be Biletiy We Be possscspocsscéssscsses 48| Gilchrist, Albert Jo.) 00000200 a8 | Maryland Steel Co.0<0.00000000 10] Boonean H. Bye ce Pola dd as .. 48| {Goldschmidt Thermit Co ....... -- | Maytham, Frank.................. 43 | Standard Contracting Co......... *Boston & Lockport Block Co.... -- | Goulder, Holding & Masten....... 4a (Mebl, Bdward. (ts de. cee 48 | Standard Varnish Works......... Bowers, Ly. M.& Co. oes. 52 | Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Co.. 41 Milwaukee Dry Dock Co.......... 5 | Starke, C. H.. Dredge & Dock Co. 39 Braender, Philip. 2). oes ee 43 | Great Lakes Engineering Works. 12 | Ditenell © Cos. isc teccsarss es 48 Sterling '& Welek ee oe 43 Breymann, G. H., &-Bros......... 39 | Great Lakes Register............. 49 | Morse, A. J., & Som...........+6. 49 | Stratford, Geo., Oakum Co.......- 41 Briggs, Marvin..............s0006+ 38 *Great Lakes Towing Co.......... -- | Mosher Water-Tube Boiler Co... 37 Submarine Signal Company.. ved t Brown OR BOO are co 4 ullivan WOp esi teks canes ; Brown Hoisting Machinery Co.. -- Hall, John' B... 3.3. Ohta ean nne 4g | Nacey & Hynd ................05 49 Sullivan, Mes ot es ee Age 389 Patraro Drodving Co. cic... 39 Hanna, ay < tee ee eee 41 ee Bedford Boiler & Machine (Superior teen SY Or NS, mo 5 Buffalo Dr OCKI COM ees, 5 ardy ischinger Company... -- |. Orr sett ett cette te tee -- | Superior Ship Building Co........ +Buffalo Ship Chandlery & Supply | Hawgood, W. A., & Co........44.. 48 | Newport News Ship Building . : Co oe Holme Dat. Co... ks ie: 48 Dry Dock Co 6| Taylor Water-Tube Boiler Co.... 37 Bankes Hak PAs sae eas 52 Hickler Buothora. ky. 39 | New York & Cuba Mail 8. 8. Co.. 47 Tietjen & Lang Dry Dock Co..... 50 SMMC ann ete eae Holmes, Samuel Pictterar een de New York Shipbuilding Co....... (| Toledo Hugh. Covet ck. se 80 Hoyt, Dustin & Kelley............ 4g | {Nicholson Ship Log Co .......... -- | Toledo Ship Building Co.......... 5 @hase Machine Co 3... 0 36 | Hunt, Robert W., & Co........... 49 nore ers Stentn Boiler & - feet ea Lead Co.. oe Chicago Ship Building Co.: Ae Hutchinson & Go RE eC aed he a 48 OO a kuin ey Waa ween oo FOU EE Nava ee awiets ses as Clemente, C. Co.,... _ eae 45 | Hyde Windlass Co ................ 51] oc Truscott Boat Mfg. Go......000 21, Cleveland City Forge & Iron cat Bt)! ] / O con ae . G aii eo deonacal eb bvqleveiane 48 Upson-Walton are ih *Collingwood Shipbuilding Co.... -- | International Mercantile Marine Beate ~H.. & CO... cee eae Re ye eas pee Pope <o a ' CO ae, 47 | Otis Steel Co......... ees. cece sees {Tl Wande & Joye Oo...... 0.5.45. ontinental Iron Works. ss ; Cory, Chas. & Son........ JODMINS Brothers. 23.4: 265 ce 52 | Parker Bros'. Co............ See ee 48 | Walker, Thomas, & Son.. 3 Gee einen &E.B.Co. 8|J enkins, Russell & Hichelberger.. 48 Piokecas Meteo or Vacate saa Z oe Line a er c tCrescent Machine Co............. -- ickands, Mather Ocsi ses ticce arner, Dorr A Se: Wurr ROMO gosc ioc cose ic ae 49 | Kahnweiler's Sons. David......... 51 Pittsburg Coal Co.. Cae hier OL Watkins, A eee cee See Pace a COCO ues rH Prindiville & Company. Shu hene wen 49 pine eee ks a Dh FOSS D OD ah cori es cle eeler Condenser ngineer- Dake. Hngine Co. i036) ooo, 3 | Kingsford Foundry & Machine Quintard Iron Works Co.......... 50 Ine Co.e 8 Ws. Nia A ces -- Beer onn. pie e Chemical Wks. 3 y hide ei a Hua Bee cI on Willoox. = Gay & Boas Lae aoe: 38 elany.P & Col oe es. POT | mpemery Ch ok. ices ses es voces e ar Line .... illiams puss Oars ee -- oeag se River Iron S. B. & E. re We a Repenee a WS & Supply 'Co.. ak enn G a 'exe CO eas 2 DEMS icc ces cis hee ceca s ake Erie Boiler Works ......... ichardson CE ON alee sas illiams, One ere == Detroit Ship Building Co.......... 4| *LeMois Scientifique et Industrial 43 | *Ritchie, E. 8., & Sons............ -- | Williams and Rogers Con Secs 35 Dixon Joseph, Crucible Co. ...... 45: | Lockwood Mfg. Co..35. 5.8. fecsess 50 | Roberts Safety Water-Tube W O0G. Wiese mote ee a, Pik 49 Donnelly Salvage & Wrecking Co. 45 | Lorain Coal & Dock Co............ 49 Boiler: ©6005 oie ocean oe. 8} ¥Woodhouse Chain Works..... .. _ A Handy Little Chart of the Great Lakes 10%X15 INCHES. ¢ : Mounted on Linen. Price Postpaid, 25 cts. Clearly showing every port on the Great Lakes from Clayton to Duluth. It is small enough to fold up and carry in the coat pocket or pigeon hole of a desk, and is also very suitable for framing. With this little chart near at hand, you save the trouble of stepping to a chart case and taking out a great big three-foot square chart that is awkward to handle. The Most Accurate Small Chart Ever Published. FOR SALE BY THE MARINE REVIEW, - - CLEVELAND. HOISTING ATE ae TOM Suitable for all Boats from: toz00P | OF all hinds and sizes, ae NOS LE mL Toe Pree Over ioo in successful use. - iy ar || purposes, halted Rone UMS best. Ny : Also the well known and always |. . for ship use. : guaranteed. . | reliable Wootters Gas or Gasolene | Docking and Hauling are yee ea th ean ete tee Stationary Engines. - -Y and Wire Rope Windlasses. Y¥ Steam Steering TS FOR THESE AND OTHER WELL KNOWN SPECIALTIES ADDRESS ALL INQUIRIES TO. CEN CUT G ly Uae CLOT TOG entry Tt