TAE MarRINE. REVIEW Buyers' Directory of the Marine Tadeo ACh Aued. INSURANCE, MARINE. Becuer, Pred: Pinoy cs ens 'Winnipeg. brown Ge Co, 2... 5.5. Buffalo, N.Y. Eiphické, C...W. & Co...... Chicago. renurist 6& Co. C, Pl... Cleveland. Hawgood & Co., W. A., Cleveland. fein 76 C6, Ded Gas ee Duluth. PtcniisOn COs 04 bs en Cleveland. McCarthy, 2.6 Rise ccs oes Montreal. MeCirdy; Geo. Li fi.ce es. Chicago. Met), Bdward. 6 so i.e vies Erie, Pa. Weatcnell. oe COl se ck. Cleveland. O'Connor, J. J....Port Arthur, Ont. Parker Bros. Co., Ltd...,...Detroit. Prince G CO. . oye Sy Chicago. micnardason, VW. Cl... 2. Cleveland. Bulan. DO. CO... as. es Chicago. Vance & Joys Co.. ...... Milwaukee. WWilicox, Peck: & Hughes... .3....5 5. See ees New York and Chicago. IRON ORE AND PIG IRON. Pranna, M.A: & Co. os. ee. Cleveland. Pickands, Mather & Co., Cleveland. LAUNCHES--STEAM, NAPHTHA, ELECTRIC. Areuscott Boat Miz.' Co... 20. eee. Pik Cnty a el oes St. Joseph, Mich. LIFE PRESERVERS, LIFE BOATS, BUOYS. Agmatrane: Cork Co.,3..: Pittsburg. Pee ANOS. & SON. i ioe a eee Ceeee ey eens Wilmington, Del. Kahnweiler's David, Sons, New York. McArthur: Fire Escape-Co...... 2.34. es cage es Cleveland, LOGS. Nicholson Ship Log Co., Cleveland. Walker & Sons, Thomas... .. i... 2... a ide acs Birmingham, Eng. LUBRICATING GRAPHITE. Dixon Crucible Co., Joseph... ....:. vee be gee Jersey City, N. J. LUBRICATORS. Lunkenheimer Co. ...... Cincinnati. Penberthy Injector Co. '........' es Pe ress teers Detroit, Mich. Republic Belting & Supply Co...... SEO Rte Cleveland. Williams, D. T., Valve Co..Cincinnati. ee - LUMBER. Martin-Barriss Co. ...... Cleveland. MACHINISTS. Chase Machine Co........Cleveland. Hickler Bros., Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. Poctwood: Mig. CO...) rss ees os Peres cake East Boston, Mass. McKinnon Iron Works, Ashtabula, O. McLaughlin Iron Works, Ashtabula, O. Superior Iron Works.Superior, Wis. MACHINE TOOLS (WOOD 5 WORKING). Atlantic Works, Inc.... Philadelphia. MARINE PAINTS. Baker, Howard H. & Co.... Buffalo. Hardy & Dischinger Co..... Toledo Standard Varnish Works, New York. Toledo White Lead Co.....Toledo. Upson-Walton Co........ Cleveland. MARINE RAILWAYS Hickler Bros., Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. MARINE SPECIALTIES AND SUPPLIES. Sterling & Welch Co..... Cleveland. Williams & Rodgers MARINE TORCHES. Marine Torch Co.......... Baltimore. MATTRESSES, CUSHIONS, BEDDING. Pe DE Wiss oss we aces New York Stirling & Welch Co.......Cleveland. Co., Cleveland. MECHANICAL DRAFT FOR BOILERS. American Blower Co., ........Detroit. American Ship Building Co.i....... ite dee Pss Ve bos eeintese Cleveland. ~ Detroit Ship Building Co., Detroit. | Great Lakes Engineering Works.... veel ie states cps waeecse as Detroit. METALLIC PACKING, Katzenstein, L., & Co....New York. Republic Belting & Supply Co...... eS TN ge Cleveland. MOTORS, GENERATORS--. ELECTRIC. Genetal Hléciric 'CO. eect oe ik Sieh aware. Schenectady, -N.. Y. NAUTICAL INSTRUMENTS. Ritehie;*E. S., & Sons... aie ek. Deen eaebgaeeaeees Brookline, Mass. NAVAL ARCHITECTS. Curr, Robert Hynd, Alexander. .6.0.00:.. Cleveland Kidd, Josepn .2..505: Duluth, Minn. Mosher, Chas! D2. .cc... New York. Nacey, James ic 6c cet Cleveland W600.) Wi divas ee eee ee Chicago : OIL CUPS. Wiliams: D7. Valve Co. ss... ORI ad Se Cincinnati. OAKUM. Stratford, Oakuin Cow.) o6s. 0.65. use hee cede yee Jersey City, N. J. OIL AND GREASE CUPS. Eunkenheimer Co... sc gs0% Cincinnati. Penberthy Injector Co. ......... ee te ens ts 'Ess ee DELEON, Mich: - OILS AND LUBRICANTS. Dixon Crucible Co., Joseph........ Beau eee ses Jersey City, N. J. PACKING. Venking Broseec, sss ss New York. Katzenstein, L., & Co....New York. Republic Belting & Supply Co...... CO oa sera wre ea Cleveland. PATTERN SHOP MACHINERY. ' Atlantic Works, Inc. ..Philadelphia. PILE DRIVING AND SUBMAR- INE WORK. Buffalo Dredging Co........ Buffalo. Dunbar & Sullivan Dredging Co.... Leas ate Buffalo. Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Co.... Oe ee ce Cane ek ae Chicago. Hickler Bros..Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. eoeoneereo eee eo eee "Parker Bros; 'Co., Ltd..:..<. Detroit. Starke Dredge & Dock Co., C. H... Ce Fae cay aad Milwaukee. Sullivan Wh es ee bboy es hae Detroit. PIPE, WROUGHT IRON. Republic Belting & Supply Co...... Lis Wey ew ee Oe Cleveland. PLANING MILL MACHINERY. Atlantic Works, Inc.... Philadelphia. PLATES--SHIP, STRUCTURAL, ETC. Ore Steel Co... cies a Cleveland. PRESSURE REGULATORS. Ross Valve Mfg. Co...... Troy; No YX, PROPELLER WHEELS. American Ship Building Co........ ives sales oad Cleveland. Atlantic Works ..East Boston, Mass. Ses Ne cued c es Cleveland © Cramp, Wm. & Sons.. Philadelphia. Detroit Ship Building Co....Detroit. Fore River Shipbuilding Co......... Tl kee .. Quincy, Mass. Great Lakes Engineering Works.... Sich okceus es Oe aeveai Detroit, Hyde Windlass Co.-....'.. Bath, Me. Lockwood: Mig. CO.cii cans weve ss OSs OP oleae ke East Boston, Mass. Milwaukee Dry' Dock Co......:... SU LaPeR toa) Wana ies Milwaukee. Newport News Ship Building Co.. SER de ytd Newport News, Va. Roelcer, Fle) Bes ae feds New York. Sheritte Mig. Co. es... Milwaukee. Superior Ship Building Co......... Perches vi Lele ee Superior, Wis. Toledo Ship Building Co...... Toledo. Prout, He Go. eee. ewes cee Buffalo. PROJECTORS, ELECTRIC. General (Electric CO: 0202.0 ri5 ree Das aay Schenectady, N. Y. PUMPS FOR VARIOUS PURPOSES. Great Lakes Engineering Works.. bese eee ee ue «ss is Detroit. Kingsford Foundry & Machine Works 246: ny oe Oswerdy M.-Y. Wheeler Condenser & Engineering COe ns bois te wee ee ee New York. Willams Gauge Co... .2..... Pittsburg. Roelker, ov Bia Ce New York. REGISTER FOR CLASSIFICA- TION OF VESSELS. Great Lakes Register...... Cleveland. RIVETS, STEEL FOR SHIPS AND BOILERS. Great Lakes Engineering Works.... SCOURGE OS aT ee ie Detroit. RUBBER GOODS. Republic Belting & Supply Co...... Oe Orne cio veges Cleveland. SAFETY VALVES. Lunkenheimer Co.........Cincinnati. 'SAIL MAKERS. Baker, Howard H. & Co....Buffalo. Upson-Walton' Co...s..<. Cleveland. SALVAGE COMPANIES. See Wrecking Companies. SEARCH LIGHTS. General Electric Co... 6 o.oo s i Be aaas GA Schenectady, N.Y. SEPARATORS. Rogers: Oi) Separator' Co.: 0-0. Buffalo. Williams,;D) T., Valve -Co., "Cook- SON. ke ae copes sae Cincinnati. SHEARS. See Punches, and Shears. SHIP AND BOILER PLATES AND SHAPES. Otis: Steel: Coo; .2 05. Cleveland. SHIP BUILDERS. American Ship Building Co......... Cote, te kt ee Cleveland. Atlantic Works ..East Boston, Mass. Buffalo: Dry Dock Co....... Buffalo. Collingwood Shipbuilding Co.,...... pO Gol seine Collingwood, Ont. Cramp, Wm. & Sons.. Philadelphia. Chicago Ship Building Co..Chicago. Delaware River Iron Ship Building WOPHSs ae. a Chester, Pa. Detroit Ship* Building Co.... Detroit. Fore River Ship Building Co....... Bere Cre ee .-Quincy, Mass. Great Lakes Engineering Works.... Pe a aan ies Wks Detroit.