"'TAE Marine REVIEW 45 THE ELEMENTS OF NAVIGATION A short and complete explanation of the stan- dard methods of finding the position of a ship at sea and the course to be steered Designed for the instruction of beginners W: J. HENDERSON, Illustrated. The need of a short, simple, and yet comprehensive book on the art of navigating a ship has led the author to undertake the preparation of the present work. The aim of the book is to instruct the beginner, lead- ing him step by step from the first operations to the perfection of the art as found in the Sumner method. The instructions have been made as terse as possible, and yet the author believes that clearness has not been sacrificed. Fundamental principles have been ex- plained, but no attempt has been made to elucidate the higher mathematics on the subject. Students who have tried to learn navigation from books like Captain Lecky's inimitable "Wrinkles in Practical Naviga- tion", which is addressed to navigators only, or from Bowditch's "American Navigator", which is only for mathematicians, will, it is hoped, appreciate this little book. The explanations of the uses of the tables and the "Nautical Almanac" are a new feature in a work of this kind. CONTENTS Introduction Compass Error by Azimuths Variation Longitude by Chronometer (or Deviation Time) Sight How to find the Deviation Remarks on Longitude Léeway Longitude by Sunrise and Sunset The Log Rights : The Tend bine Chronometer Sight of a Star Ghee Sumner's Method Chart Sailing with the Sai Dead-Reckoning ' Example of Sumner Lines with Examples for Practice To Stars Working a Traverse Great-Circle Sailing Hove to Distance and Danger Angles Shaping the Course Allowance for Tides Navigation by Observation Keeping the Log Sextant Adjustments Rating a Chronometer Index Error Care of a Chronometer Hints on Taking Altitudes Correcting the Altitude The Chronometer The Nautical Almanac Examples for Practice: Dead-Reckoning The Martin-Barriss Co. 664 Seneca Street CLEVELAND OHIO IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF MAHOGANY WHITE MAHOGANY and all Native. Cabinet Woods High Grades of Kiln Dried Woods for Cabin Work and Inside Trim WHITE OAK, TIMBERS AND PLANK Constantly on Hand and Sawed to Order on Short Notice METALLIC LIFE BOATS AND RAFTS, YACHTS AND PLEASURE BOATS LIFE PRESERVERS ~ Outfit for Lake Steamers a specialty. THOMAS DREIN & SON, Builders, "tr! St telew Ratirone [ ie Donnelly, Sr., Pres. John Donnelly, Jr., VWics-Pres. . B. Folger, Treas. os. Donnelly, Secy. THE DONNELLY SALVAGE & WRECKING CO,, LTD, KINGSTON, ONT. DIVERS, STEAM PUMPS, TUGS, ETC. SUPPLIED ON SHORTEST NOTICE. HIP FLOORING Sawdolet (made of wood fiber, and mineral substances) can be applied to steel decks cheaply- It is fire proof, water proof, dust proof, and vermin: proof. Can be colored any tint and is practically indestruct- ible and monolithic. Samples submitted and estimates fur- nished. 4 ; rk Building ~ The C. Clemente Company "CLEVELAND Example of Sumner's Method © Fore River SHipsuitoine Co. QUINCY, MASSACHUSETTS SHIP and ENGINE BUILDERS CURTIS MARINE TURBINES HIGH GRADE STEEL FORGINGS Hints on Conducting Voyages ' Apparent and Mean Time--The Equation Latitude by Meridian Altitude Latitude by Meridian Altitude of a Star Latitude by Meridian Altitude of a Planet Latitude by Meridian Altitude of the Moon Meridian Altitude below the Pole Latitude by Ex-Meridian Altitude of the Sun Latitude by the Polestar Shaping Course by Mercator's Sailing Latitude by Meridian Altitude of Sun Latitude by Meridian Altitude of Star , Latitude by Meridian Altitude Below the Pole Latitude by Ex-Meridian Alti- tudes Latitude by the Polestar Longitude by Ohronometer Sight PRICE $1.00 The Marine Review Cleveland W. & A. FLETCHER CO. NORTH RIVER IRON WORKS PARSONS NIARINE TURBINES Contractors for Vessels Complete. Marine Engines, Boilers and Nachinery of all kinds Enlarged Facilities HOBOKEN, N. J. The Atlantic Works, aasscomseas BUILDERS OF Steamships, Steam Yachts, Tow Boats, Etc. Marine Engines, Boilers and Tanks. a Heavy Nachinery and Plate Iron Work. THREE MARINE RAILWAYS.