Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), 28 Mar 1907, p. 46

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- Submarine Signal Ce........... "TRAE. MarRINE. REVIEW Buyers' Directory of the Marine Trade---Continued. SHIP BUILDERS--Continued. Maryland Steel Co...............+- Pha cea te Sparrow's Point, Md. Milwaukee Dry Dock Co........... ee iaieacibh cece Milwaukee. Newport News Ship Building Co... Dek cas Newport News, Va. New York Shipbuilding Co........ Bere oe ec cen ves Camden, N. J. Roach's Ship Yard..... Chester, Pa. Toledo Ship Building Co...... Toledo. SHIP CEMENT. Toledo White Lead Co., Toledo. O. SHIP CHANDLERS. Baker, Howard H. & Co....Buffalo. Marine Mfg. & Supply Cbs hy ive Ve sea ng New. York Upson-Walton Co........ Cleveland. SHIP DESIGNERS. Pid, JORCDN i eec cuss ceca es Duluth. Nacey, & Hynd... . Cleveland. NVOGG Was Devs ecco sete steus Chicago. SHIP FLOORING. Clemente, The C., Co....Cleveland. SHIP LANTERNS AND LAMPS. Upson-Walton Co.......... Cleveland. SHIP TIMBER. Martin-Bartiss Co......... Cleveland. SHOES. Emerson Shoe Co. ...... Cleveland. SIGNALS--SUBMARINE. . Boston SMOOTH-ON COMPOUND, FOR REPAIRS. Bmootn-On. Nig. COs. skies hoagie > Pw iols Cas Sa vis Jersey City, N. J. STAYBOLT IRON OR STEEL BARS, HOLLOW OR SOLID. Falls Hollow Sta vOOIt COG. fess. s eth paeln ness Cuyahoga Falls, O. STEAM VESSELS FOR SALE. Holmes, Samuel ........ New York. McCarthy, T. R.....Montreal, Can. STEAMSHIP LINES, PASS. AND FREIGHT. Américan Line ...,....%. New York. Boston Steamship _........... Boston. International Mercantile Marine Co. Esc ake pes Philadelphia. MEANOLY LING a5 663s eee New York. New York & Cuba Mail S. S. Co.. Hee Cee Ei ibe de's ..New York. Reed Slats LNG foi es cies es New York. Mand LING oy co i vhe ss cs New York. STEEL CASTINGS. Orie Steel, CO. oes cece co Cleveland. STEERING APPARATUS. Akers Steering Gear Co........ Chicago. American Ship Building Co........ Bee iy bas a keene Cleveland. Chase Machine Co....... Cleveland. PAO PCIE (CO... oh vieie ee sie ccs cise eit e vébin ks *..Grand Haven, Mich. Detroit Ship Building Co.... Detroit. Hiyde Windlass, Co........ Bath, Me. Marine Mfg. & Supply Co.......... ee ae io inde ees. » New York. Snevine Mig. Co.......: Wilwaukee. - SUBMARINE Bt APPARA- Beorse & 500, Al). bik 6 ices Boston. Schrader's Son, Inc. A....New York. SURVEYORS, MARINE. jayn0,. Alexander ........ Cleveland. Parmer Bros. Co., Ltd...... Detroit. AOR ees sig hg Cleveland. MVOUG OW. Foie iesecesessse Chicago. SYPHONS. Philip Braender....New York City. TESTS OF MATERIALS. Hunt, Robert W. & Co....Chiqgo. Lunkenheimer. Co....Cincinnati, O. THERMIT Goldschmidt Thermit Co., New York City. THREAD CUTTING TOOLS. Armstrong Manufacturing Co. CDebger ae eae. Bridgeport, Conn. TILING, RUBBER. Republic Belting & Supply Co...... eoeeoeereereeeeesrese eeoes TOOLS. Republic Belting & Supply Co...... eile ices ae ba we Cleveland. TOOLS, METAL WORKING, FOR SHIP AND ENGINE WORKS. Watson-Stillman Co...... New York. TOOLS, WOOD WORKING. Atlantic Works, Inc.... Philadelphia. TOWING MACHINES. American Ship Windlass Co......... eee ta tee es Providence, R. I. Chase Machine Co. sic: Cleveland TOWING COMPANIES. Donnelly Salvage & Wrecking Co.. Cd Seren bhi ce Ge Kingston, Ont. Great Lakes Towing Co.. - Cleveland. TRAPS, STEAM..- Williams, D. T.; Valve. Co,, "Cook- SOM eke eel Cincinnati. TRUCKS. Boston & Lockport Block Co...... BGs ates aS crate Wor ilges Boston. TUBING, SEAMLESS. Shelby Steel Tube Co..Pittsburg, Pa. VALVES, BRASS. Globe, Angle and Cross Valves. Williams, Deol Valve Come. Cincinnati. VALVES, CHECK. Scoville ohoee Valve Co., Ashtabula, O. Williams, D. T., Valve CGsru. iy: : VALVES, GATE. Double, Disc and, Wedge Disc. 'Williame D, T, Valve Co... Cincinnati. VALVES, IRON. Globe, Angle and Cross. Willams, O.. 1, Valve Co... 3... ic VALVES, IRON CHECK. Horizontal, Angle and Vertical. Winans, OT, Valve Co... co. c. Cincinnati. VALVES, STEAM SPECIALTIES, ETC. Venkins Bros, oc: sieves New York Lunkenheimer Co........ Cincinnati. New Bedford Boiler & Machine Co. SO ee New Bedford, Mass. renberthy Injector Co. ox s.i55 dan. Pek ep hated cues Detroit, Mich. Republic Belting & Supply Co........ idles sok: aa ous Cleveland moss Valve Co.......:. Troy, F.-Y. Cleveland. VALVES FOR WATER AND GAS. Asnton Valve CO iiiscenles Boston. Lunkenheimer Co........ Cincinnati. Republic Belting & Supply Co......... Na Fc Gk okie waived s wb Gas Cleveland. Ross Valve Mfg. Co....Troy, N. Y. Scoville Check Valve Co... 26.0 4% Uh ae capone wslews Ashtabula, O. VESSEL AND FREIGHT AGENTS. ie Biilett, oe Rives eos be wees Winnipeg. Bong, JONG J ves vanes Buffalo. Dotglas, Go be Jr. oo ess Duluth Hiphicke, ©. W. &. CO... .: Chicago. Hall, John Bek ics. : (Geiiee va Buffalo. Pein Co, Dis nin es Duluth. Hawgood & Co., W. A....Cleveland. Holmes,. Samuel. civ... New York. Hutchinson 6 Co..:.. 2... Cleveland. MeCarthy, Poo Recs sk ...-Montreal. NEG HOWaPd i oes ok cess Erie, Pa. Mitchell: & Coe iitiase - Cleveland. Cy) Contior, J.y.<... Port Arthur, Ont. Parker Bros, Co, 'Ltd... 0. Detroit. Prindiwilie 8 C0: 0a oes Chicago. Richardson,- W. Ci. s.0.. 45 Cleveland. Sullivan, D; & Cor. os. ...Chicago. WATER COLUMNS. Lunkenheimer Co; ais «ss Cincinnati. WATER GAUGES. Lunkenheimer Co..... Cincinnati, O. Penberthy Injector Coy is. peu. ve gee eed ss Detroit, Mich. Republic Belting & Supply Co..... Cleveland. WHISTLES, STEAM. Lunkenheimer Co........ Cincinnati. WHITE LEAD. Toledo White Lead Co., Toledo, O. WILFORD'S WATERPROOF CLOTH. Bunket, (ti. Aye. coral ce cs New York. WIRE ROPE AND WIRE ROPE FITTINGS. Baker, Ho. & Co... ccs Buffalo. Upson-Walton Co......... Cleveland. WINDLASSES. American Ship Windlass Co.:...... ee aN vs wt Providence, R. I. American Ship Building Co........ TPES RDSE EW) Oe eo Oe . Cleveland. ewe paeine 004. ek. aise Pid Cae eae Os Grand Haven, Mich. Hyde Windlass Co..7..... Bath, Me. Marine Mig. & Supply Co..;... <2 eee ee oak 4 hase sc New York. WINCHES. American Ship Windlass Co........ Cees eek ana wens Providence, R. I. Hyde Windlass Oe ccs vous Bath, Me. WOOD WORKING MACHINERY. Atlantic Works, Inc.... Philadelphia. Crescent Machine Co...Leetonia, O. WRECKING AND SALVAGE COMPANIES. Donnelly Salvage & Wrecking Co.. Kingston, Ont. Great Lakes Towing Co..Cleveland. Parker Bros. Co., Ltd.. . Detroit. YACHT AND BOAT BUILDERS. Drei, os. & Son... . os oe vc ea ee eer Wilmington, Del. eriseott, Boat Mig. Co.- 0. ' ck. Cos ee eree eee eee eee even oes s heeees St. Joseph, Mich. YAWLS. mpein; Thos," & Son... eee. Reet se cea cs .Wilmington, Del.

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