TAE MARINE. REVIEW ENGINES OF PERUVIAN CRUISER CORONEL BOLOGNPFSI. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. Stewart & Co., Chicago, will build the new 800,000-bu. elevator for Perot & Co.,: Buffalo. . Capt. W. J. Colwill and others of Sarnia have bought the barge Sophia Minch from Capt. James Sheehan, of Detroit. The steamer W. J. Gordon, formerly running between South Haven and Chicago has been sold to W. S. Shaw, of Boyne City. The Oceanic Steamship Co. has de- cided to discontinue its Australian ser- vice in which it has hitherto employed the Ventura, Sierra and Sonoma. Herbert B. Walker, who was elected president of the Old Dominion line this week, began as office boy with the company twenty years ago, He 'is thirty-eight years old. The Hamburg-American Line has purchased the four steamers of the Robert Sloman Line, the Guthrune, the Gunther, the Siegmund and Fieglinde, plying betwen New York and Brazil- ian ports. The steamers Henry Holden .and America are undergoing repairs at ~ Milwaukee. Fifteen plates are being taken off the Holden and the America is having twenty-one plates placed on her bottom. The steamer Sierra, built during the winter by the Toledo Ship Building Co., was delivered to Mr. G. A. Tom- linson this week. She will load coal for Duluth. The Hamburg-American line steam- er Valdivia, which: recently received so much damage by the explosion of her donkey boiler, is at the Erie basin, New York, for repairs. Mr. TP, F Newman, general man- ager of the Cleveland & Buffalo Tran- sit Co., and Frank Kirby, naval archi- tect, examined together the plans of the new Cleveland & Buffalo liner this week, The new steamer will be 475 ft. long and 97 ft. aver guards, being therefore about 25 ft. longer and 6 ft. wider than the new D. & C. line steam- er which will come out next July. The ship builders will be invited to submit bids within a day or two. Mr. Henry H. Curwen, of the Fore River Ship Building Co., visited the great lakes region recently to. make ar- rangements to take the three whale- back barges, Bombay,. Baroness and Bay "City, to the coast... As they are too long to pass through the locks of the canals their noses will be cut off and put together again at some ship yard on the St. Lawrence. These barges together with nine others were sold to the Boutelle Steel Barge Co. by the Pittsburgh Steamship Co. two years ago. Details of the plan by which fie Merchants & Miners Transportation Co. absorbed the Boston & Philadel- phia iSteamship Co., owned by the New York, New Haven & Hartford railroad, and the last named corpora- tion acquired an interest in the Mer- chants & Miners company have just been published. The New England Navigation Co., which operate the water lines of the New York, New Haven & Hartford railroad, agreed to purchase $2,500,000 par value of the capital stock of the Merchants & Min- ers company and to deliver in pay- ment $2,000,000 par value of the New York, New Haven & Hartford rail- road stock.