TAE MarRINE. REVIEW | 13 Shoes That IT EET and CY retail for $3.50-4.00-5.00-600 and are for sale at the EMERSON SHOE STORES in Cleveland, Toledo, -- Buffalo, and Detroit also in Erie, Pa. G. W. Carter & Co. Lorain, O. Francis Bros. Conneaut, O. «E. Johnson. Amherst, O. Jacob Baus. Elyria, O. Wm. E. Smith. Sandusky, O. W. O. Stubig. Ashtabula, O. Painesville, O. J. E. Scoville. Jones & Nye. ue Factory (Lhe a (Css HONEST ALL "-- THROUGH Brooklyn,O. E.H.Wecke. Elmore, O. A. Weis & Son. ioe Rockland Mass. RUSCOT The Dependable Marine Motor Made to withstand the most severe and contin- uous service. A practical design characterized by the accessibility, compactness and simple ignition gas producing and oiling features. Per- fect control. Four cycle type, two and four cylinders, from 8 to65H.P. Smaller sizes of the two cycle type. Catalogue and copy of The Launch for the asking. # Department 46. 'Truscott Boat Mfg. Co. ST. JOSEPH, MICHIGAN. SHIP BUILDERS, |) BOAT BUILDERS, : DRY DOCKS, Etc. HIS is only a LITTLE stick, Bae but it tells a BIG tale and Hoe proves a GREAT truth that {| MUST interest you. This stick which we will send FREE on application is finished with a free working hard drying and exceedingly durable varnish that resists the action of salt or fresh water LONGER than any other make of Spar Varnish in the market. ~ Immerse the stick in salt or fresh water and leave it there for a week or longer. Examination will prove that even after this severe test, the water has not damaged the finish--proof conclusive of the wonderful water resisting and durable qualities of otr Kae e eg MA The Spar Varnish that LASTS. Bue * +S) Standard Varnish Works 2620 Armour Ave. CHICAGO 29 Broadway -- NEW YORK BERLIN BRUSSELS LONDON ' Canadian Branch: . INTERNATIONAL VARNISH CO., Ltd., TORONTO