ESTIMATED VALUE OF TOTAL FREIGHT PASSING THE CANALS AT SAULT STE, MARIE, MICHIGAN, AND ONTARIO, FOR THE SEASON OF 1906. "THE. MARINE. REVIEW 23 TABLE 'SHOWING TOTAL..FREIGHT, ITS VALUATION, FREIGHT CH HAUL OR DISTANCE FREIGHT WAS CARRIED, AND RATE PEL TON PER METS Oe Price per Total Valuati f£ Freigh i Items. Quantity. § Uni 7 i Frei : ni ae ee Aver, Hreight Value et Value of a ee y nit. Valuation. woe Freight Charges Haul a oo Perla i net tons ... 1,011,375 $5.75 5,81 Year ree nee a Coal, Bituminous, ; ve ees mes ton net tons 3% ,728;255 2.50 19,320,638 i i Flour, barrels.. 6,495,350 4.20 27.280, 7 Mice Mie oy Whol picks gtors ee e se ee Se as 5,494,649 $ 79,031,757 $10,075,153 811.4 2.3 $17,684,550 $2,089,400 a P ehe : ATT O86 18680. 6,411,423 82,156,019 7,883,077 806.4 ¢ 15 20,381,100 1,514,300 rain, other than PRAG see 7,516,022 83,732,527 8,634,246 790.4 1.5 25,328,600 1,597,600 heat, bush,.54,343,155 71 38,583,640 18908. 9,041,213 102,214,948 9,472,014 > 2072 43 27,857,700 1,777,800 Iron Ore, net 189k. sens shane 8,888,759 128,178,208 9,849,022 820.4 1.35 31,947,300 2,119,500 tons <0 - 5g57,042 3:45 101,981,995 1892... 17,214,333 135,117,267 12,072,850 822.4 1.31. 36,220,100 2,108,700 Nesuhacunced 1803.4 ees 10,796,572 145,436,957 9,957,483: 8319 it 39,017,400 2,115,700 Iron, net tons. 370,186 80.00 29,614,880 1894-++++++++5+: 13,195,860 143,114,502 10,798,310 821.1 99 41,124,200: 4,959,800 Pig Iron, nebtons 20.910. 18.40 387,002 1895+. +++ees eee 15,062,580 159,575,129 14,238,758 830.0 1.14 = 40,858800 "2637 000 Coe Gales 1896. 0. ae 16,239,061 195,146,842 13,511,615 836.4 .99 43,006,200 2,135,300 Sa ee 1897.3 18,982,755. 218,235,927. 13,220,099 841.3 83 42.375.700 © 2001400 oe , ee 21,234,664. 233,069,740 14,125,896 842.6 .79 45,199,800 2,491,900 ee 6 : ,995, 1899.0 oie een ve 25,255,810 281,364,750 21,959,707 827.2 -1.05 65,000,520. 3,369,600 eamahes eee 1900.2 ce 25,643,073 267,041,959~ 24,953,314 825.9 1.18 66,116,583 3,618,576 ne 900,631 - 22.00... 19,813,882 1001, 28,403,065 289,906,865 23,217,974 823.3 .99 57,244,200 3,311,900 oF SS 468,162 #5 S515121-: 0s here ee 35,961,146 358,306,300 © 26,566,189 827.4 .89 ~° 67,205,000 3,792,400 en net PUSS ss 34,674,437 349,405,014 26,727,735 835.6 .92 68,252,800 6,384,500 ONS Sse hie eases sheet peter yeae 1904) Se. 31,546,106 334,502,686 21,552,894. 843.5: 381 263,789,300. 5,877,100 Building -- Stone, 1905455 Stig ee 44,270,680 416,965,484 31,420,585 833.3 .85 73,211,300 5,429,000 net tons 6,222: 12,00 74,6643 ~ 1906.00 ye co nin te Oye, 080. 537,463,454 36,666,889 842.4 .84 88,392,000 6,140,500 General Merchan- - Coce s 5 ae dise, net tons 1,134,851. 150.00 170,227,650 Appended to this report is a calcu- "The total freight traffic through the Woah §537,463,454 lation of the commerce passing through Detroit river for the season of 1906 when = compared with the season of 1905 shows TRANSPORTATION CHARGES, "INCLUDING LOADING: AND UNLOADING, ON FREIGHT PASSING 1 1 : THROUGH CANALS AT SAULT. STE. MARIE, MICHIGAN AND ONTARIO, FOR THE ap serie fe of 4,761,275 tons. i In normal ma SEASON OF a ' . years the commerce of Detroit river ex- rticles-- Juantity ate per Unit. mount. , Goal, net f0ne asp ene Si wl ee oa $0.35 $ 3,058,870.50 ceeds that of St. Marys Falls canal by Flour, barrels 2... css see e eee cee e eee ee nee ee cnes 6,495,350 18 1,169,163.00 about one-fourth. During the years 1903 Wheat, bushels 4 2.0 2 ac ot eg ee 84,271,358 022 * 1,858,969.87 1904 : Gain; ofhér than wheat, busielss 60 oe 54,343,155 "022 195,549.41 and the excess was about one-third, Manutactured 'iron, net tOnS.. S556 oe ee ee 370,186 ' 2.00 740,372.00 Pig ton ek fone. 20,919 1.50 3137850 Dut these two years were marked by a ule "Barrels: ooh res ee ee 468,162 4g 56,179.14 considerable diminution of traffic. The Copper, net ONS... 6 ee ec ec eye cient ee oe teins s 107,633 L530 161,449.50 fron ore, pee the ee 35,357,042 67 93,689,218.14 ™ean excess for the past six oa. is Tauber, Ma ft Ba Ms es ae oo ew on woe se oe 900,631 2.70 2,431,703.70 twenty-eight per cent. Silver Ore; Net tONS. 0... scp e ce ee cs re eee te ORT es tiger chase ote " Pee Building stone, net tons........--5-. se cece cee ees 6,222 1.50 9,333.00 The following compilation has been on Agh34.854 2.00 2,269,702.00 made from data similar to -those used General merchandise, net tomS......-....+.see8- In connection with the foregoing table there is also the following sum- mary of relative values of the different commodities passing through the canals: Per cent. Coal (anthracite and bituminous).. 4.68 Cereals (wheat, rye, oats, corn, barley, flax cand Hout). o.40 ss ene ee 24.80 TRON OFG= ca et ee Cee eee 22.69 Tron (manufactured and pig iron).... 5.58 Copper (refined and matte).........- 6.81 Timber. sac oe ose ss ee yee ee ee es 3.69 All; other. products: <-c...s63 e+ 2) 31.75 Gta ciccss oak ane 436 aoe cele 's wise hae ae 100.00 The American canal records show that vessels necessarily spent 26,759 hours and 25 minutes in canal, or an average of 1 hour, 48 minutes and 22 seconds, which includes time waiting for lockage and passage through locks: and canal, the latter being 1 3-5 miles long. Other delays at canal, which in- cluded taking on supplies, waiting for. daylight or favorable weather, amount- ed to 10,901 hours and 20 minutes. De- lays to vessels due to operating rail- way swing bridge amounted to 4 hours and 19 minutes. Trains were delayed 50 hours and 26 minutes by passing boats temporarily preventing the clos- ing of bridge. The aggregate time the railway swing bridge was swung across the canal amounted to. 948 hours and 46 minutes, during which time 3,904 en- gines, 5,811 passenger cars and 33,505 freight cars crossed the bridge. oe cer ere) or 06:58 ce: Ler 8 toe e: Wing erg Cearie Ore ceinei eh erse 0) 6) 9! 8 $36,666,889.06 the Detroit river, and it must be ad- mitted that it has been very shrewdly done. While there is no means of ob- taining the actual statistics of freight actually carried through the Detroit river, the government engineers have succeeded in approximating it by cal- culating the proportion of freight ton- nage to registered tonnage. Both the registered and freight tonnage of the Sault Ste. Marie canals are known, and as the vessels which traverse the De- troit river are the same ones that pass through St. Marys Falls canal, it is comparatively simple to approximate freight tonnage of the Detroit river. : The report of the Detroit river traffic is as' follows: "The number and class of vessels and the number: of passages have been taken from the customs house and post office records at Detroit. The registered ton- nage is taken from the American and Canadian blue books. The determina- tion of the actual freight carried is based upon the assumption that the ratio between actual freight and registered tonnage is the same for Detroit river that it js for St. Marys Falls canals. The valuation of the freight is based upon the assumption that the value of freight passing the- Detroit river is the same per ton as that «passing St. Marys Falls canals. The valuation of the vessels was taken from Lloyds register. since 1902, viz., the marine post office record of vessels passing through the Detroit river and the customs house rec- ord of vessels stopping at Detroit. The Detroit postmaster, Mr. Homer Warren, has permitted the record of vessels pass- ing Detroit river to be copied, while the record of those stopping was obtained from the collectors of customs at De- troit, Windsor and Amherstburg. After the lists were completed the net regis- tered tonnage was copied from the Amer- ican and Canadian blue books and summed. The ferry boats plying between Detroit, Windsor and Belle Isle and the dredging plants at Amherstburg and De- troit are not included. "The passages are collected and 'summed as follows: Vessels. Net Reg. 1906. No. of tonnage. January (eee ee 119 8,895 PeDrUaEy: essa ese 6 - 66 March ies ete 149 49,804 Apel copie oe ees 2,232 2,646,887 May ea ees ecu B92 By "445, 279 JUNe 604 seco ee 4,768 6,983,710 Til ee See ee 5,365 ZL "484,195 AAICUSE . Sees en eee Size 7'296,432 September .........- 4,490 6,925,230 Octobers ics sce 4,207 6,839,236 November 325.554 6. 3,543 5,427,012 December <<... en eas 1,128 1,567,151. Potas oa oa we ae 35,128 50,673,897 "The actual freight is obtained by com- parison with the tonnage of St. "Marys © Falls canal where records of both net registered and actual freight are kept. During the season of 1905 the actual freight passing St. Marys Falls canal was 25.92 per cent greater than the net