'TAE Marine REVIEW 2 35 Kaizenstein's Self- Acting Netal Packing Yy US Yy For PISTON RODS, VALVE STEMS, oe Yj etc. of every description for Steam Engines, era Yj Pumps, etc., etc. Adopted and in use by ae the principal Iron Works and Steamship aia Companies in this and foreign countries. <p FLEXIBLE TUBULAR METALLIC PACKING, for slip-joints on Steam Pipes, and for Hydraulic Pressure. For: full particulars and reference, Lak dress L. KATZENSTEIN & CO. General Machinists. 358 West Street, New York. A oat m= mo xm Good Jobbin g Accounts Desired for Republic Mechanical Rubber Goods IDs 2 if ~ tt ait ' Ty wu wy Aa if i iA eZ ls meat noe nace ETE Als ema Pores ~~ The Republic Belting and Supply Co. CLEVELAND, OHIO This Varnish meets the exacting requirements of Boat and Canoe Builders, Steamship Companies and Yacht Clubs, in every respect. Equally adapted for fresh or salt water craft. It works freely, dries quickly and is exceedingly durable. Resists the destructive action of moisture and water better than ase! other make of Spar Varnish. ' Manufactured by Standard Varnish Works THE LARGEST VARNISH WORKS IN THE WORLD 29 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CHICAGO LONDON BERLIN BRUSSELS Canadian Branch: International Varnish Co., Ltd., Toronto Bienareonrers LEATHER BELTING Geo. ES McCurdy 169 Jackson Boulevard ILEINOIS * CHICAGO INSURANCE HULLS and CARGOES DIRECT REPRESENTATIVE OF LEADING AMERICAN AND FOREIGN UNDERWRITERS EVERYTHING FOR THE SHIP MOST COMPREHENSIVE LIST OF CHANDLERY SUPPLIES CARRIED ON THE cee LAKES a3 : Leading Out-Fitters of Vessels | J