36 ea TAe Marine REVIEW ALPHABETICAL. INDEX OF ADVERTISERS IN THE MARINE REVIEW. -- The star (*) indicates that the advertisement appears alternate weeks. For addresses see advertisements on page noted. The dagger (t) indicates that advertisement appears once a month. tAkers Steering Gear Co.. +. -- | Douglas, G.iL.; JT... veceseese--. 48 | McArthur Portable Fire Escape Safety Car Heating & Lighting Co 9 Almy Water Tube Boiler os 37| Drein, Thos., & Son.. . 43 SLA ASE Rar RGR aan gsurrive mai . 58 | Scherzer Rolling Lift Bridge Co.. 43 American Blower Co........ «ees» 52] Dunbar & Sullivan Dredging "Co. 39 McCarthy, T. Bae 48 oh nadanie Ao ann ais 80 American Injector Co............. 13| mIphicke, 0. W. & Co...... ......- 49 | McCurdy, Geo. Li... ck. wewass oy ee oe yITC. ease ees American Line... ................-- 47 | Sinerson Shoe Oo... 23. 41 | McKinnon Iron Works .......... 51 | tScoville Check Valve Co......... = American Ship Building Co ..... 4|+Empire Shipbuilding Co......... -- | MacDonald, Ray G..............-. » 48 | {Seneca Chain Co............ 6.0655 ~ American Ship Windlass Co...... 2 Malloey Litie. "i000. os "| on Ww Cady & Oakes 48 Armstrong Cork Co «|. ..5..5 60.65 52] Falls Hollow Staybolt Co......... 41 | *Marine Iron Co., Bay City, Mich. i aw, Warren, Vady ars *armstrong Manufacturing Co.. - il Hie we. Bon 8 a 50 | *Marine Mfg. & Supply CO. vegcees 12 | *Shelby Steel Tube Co............ 11 Fyre = Co........ betes tenes ee Fletcher, W.& A.,Co......:....5- 47 Maa oo seetereeseeees cE Sheriffs Mfg. Goi.) .2.,.0 000i. 6e. 43 MNUVIC HW OPES eco cc cciecee sees es Fogg, M. W...... vee DO |} MAaLtIN-Darriss CO.... .....u- sees tatlantic Works. Inc.............. --_ hace River Ship Building Co... a7 | Maryland Stesl€o: 2.2, cess. 4c: 10 | Shipping World Year Book. veseess 50 Furstenau, M. ©'..2...:...0...5 ag | Maytham, Prank). (2.5.0 002i sce: 48 | Siggers & Siggers..............:- 2 3t Babcock) @ ;Pemton: 6... .5o es ae OU ean naa ey ars aa ty coer ae Mehl, Wdward 76 ee 48 | Smith Coal & Dock Co. , Stanley B. 3 Baker, Howard H. & Co........... 521 General Electric Co..........02.5. 52 | Milwaukee Dry Dock Go.......--. 5 SmcothiOn ME Co SL Belclier Mrede so. sce. es 48 | Gilchrist, Albert J................ ag | Mitchell & Co: cs ee. 2565105 eine 48 | BO ss ce eese crocs Bite, Te eis his ewes ee ces 48 | +Goldschmidt Thermit Co ....... we | Morse, A. J. & Soni. 5.4. eset 49 peneer, Heh sicis sk seve eesk ee 48 PO ok ia cine 48 | Goulder, Holding & Masten....... 49 | Mosher Water-Tube Boiler Co... 37 Standard Contracting Co......... 39 *Boston & Lockport Block Co.... 32 | Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Co... 41 Standard Varnish Works......... 35 erenase een ae Great Lakes Engineering Works. 14| Nacey & Hynd ...........200200+ 49 | Starke, C. H.. Dredge & Dock Co. 39 Rega aak G. tL 6 Beas 39 Great Lakes Register.......-..... 49 | +New Bedford Boiler & Machine Stratford, Geo., Oakum Co........ 41 Bri y : ave 38 Great Lakes Towing Oo.......... 9 COG es aes ae Rh, -- | Submarine Signal Company.. 9 Brera Oo as all, John Boks co oer. 43 | Newport News Ship Building & MOU AMD oe eee en eres race ks » 48 Brown Hoisting Machinery Co.. -- Manna, MA. @ 00... 6. oe, 41 Dry Dock Co | 6 Sullivan, Moen eee eee ee cee eee 39 wale Dredging Co 39 +Hardy & Dischinger Gompany.. 11| New York & Cuba Mail S. S.Co.. 47 'Superior Iron Works............. _ Rabe oe b heweool OW Ae Co... 48 Pete ce Seep Consus 7 | Superior Ship Building Co........ 4 Re ea icholson Ship Log Co .......... a | re irate 2 Se | Noctuwentera 'Sto olor ® | neyigr WatercTuho Boiler Oo... # Bunker, Wises sco cesccsaes bo eolmes;. Samuel (ois. e. ss 48 Mfg. CO..... 0... see e ceee eens 37 | Tidtjen & Lang Dry Dock Co..... 50 Hoyt, Dustin & FOUOV 6c. tacc sss 4g : Toledo. Puel Co: vse... ee eee 39 Carley Life Float Co.............. 9] Hunt, Robert W., & Co........... ag | Connon de: co.cc ee 48.| Toledo Ship Building Co.......... 5 Chase Machine Co......-........4. 36 | Hutchinson & Co..............000 Ay | Otis Steel. Co... 66) a 36 | tToledo White Lead Co........... - eee eto. "+ 47 | Hyde Windlass Co ......0000000 0. 59 Prone, Me Ga. ae Ovi aes 43 Cleveiena & Buffalo 'iat gs: 'i Hibercanional Mercantile Marine - eee pe. i eer o Truscott Boat Mfg. Co.....,...... eveland City Forge & Iron Co.. - Os ae ew eten Seucee te wm ie es, enberthy Injector Co............ ' ae enR Tt Ocd Bhipbuilding Co.--¢ 51 7 vine Brothers 52 Enane: seamen & C0 ca - Upson-Walton Co ................ 38 olumbian Rope Co.............. Se ee Teese an mune Coal Goce on ees 5 Continental Tron: Works... 6.0. 9 | Jenkins, Russell & Eichelberger.. 48 Prindivilie & Company ........ |. 49 | Vance & Joys Co...............05: 48 Cory, Chas. & Son................. 50 Talmison Bros... ek 37 Cramp, Wm. & Sons, S. & E.B.Co. 8/ Kahnweiler's Sons. David......... 51 | Quintard Iron WorksCo.......... 50 | Walker, Thomas, & Son........... 3 tCrescent Machine Co............. | Katzenstein, &.Co......5....... 35, NVALG ING 25 Seo cus vs iaelepenes 47 GET, MOORE fi55 5 ids eee: ee ones AV iikidd Joseph.. <<... coc. 0c. 49 ped ae an ee ae ee ec Res E. ante a re Ahinn : epublic Belting upply O. 5 atson-Stillman Co............4: Dake Engine Co.................:. 3 Kingsford Foundry & 'Machine e7 ieichardsom W. O22) oes, 48 P eieeler Condenser & Engineer- Dearborn Drug & Chemical Wks. 3/| xyemer Pe os Ee A 49 | *Ritchie, E. 8., & SONS oes s:. 12 PCO rec ee wee iviascass = Delany, Po We Co. ee 37 PSE RO eed aa Roberts Safety pert Bee. Willcox, Peck & Hughes......... i sheesh River Iron 8. B. & E. *LeMois eae et Industrial 43 Boiler Co... .<: .... 13 | {Williams ones CON eee ere os aS cules Gainer ik ete cease anise we 51 | Lockwood Mfg. Co................ 50] Roelker, H.B . Vintec eer BO Wakliams, DT. Valve Co... 2.6.05 48 Detroit Ship Building Co.......... 4| Lorain onl ae Dock fo Mena es 49 | {Rogers 'Steam Oil Separator Go. -- | tWilliams, G4 H., COM ene ke = Dixon Joseph, Crucible Co. ...... 43 Lundin, A. P.. Berane ai OD | ROO. Wis Oa acco e ae ek ee ao RV OOUR Wee is coe a ces 49 Donnelly Salvage & Wrecking Co. 43 | Lunkenheimer Co...... Pear 13 Ross Welve. Co. 33... yWoodhouse Chain Works........ _ OTIS STEEL Ship Plates : Hinaae Plates Tank Plates Steel Car Axles Forgings of All Kinds "Otis" Fire Box Plates a Specialty. STEEL CASTINGS FROM 100 TO 100,000 LBS. OTIS STEEL CO., Ltd, seaa ottice ana worxs, CLEVELAND, O. New York: Thorpe, Platt & Co. 97 Cedar St. AGENCIES San Francisco: John Woodlock, 154-156 First St. Montreal: Homer Taylor, 183 St. James St. Detroit: George W. House, Union Trust Building. DOCKING ENGINES TO MVUINE ENGINES The Latest and _ ||| Mooring Winches ||| Ofall kinds and sizes the Best Late st mete) 05 and for all purposes Positively guaranteed £5 ! : especially for ship use FOR THESE AND OTHER WELL KNOWN SPECIALTIES {ADDRESS ALL INQUIRIES TO THE UPN) RM Tepe UA a UAL CoAT U