TAE Marine ReEvIEw 'WANTED and FOR SALE -------------------- PROPOSALS U. S. Engineer Office, Buffalo, N. Y., May 1, 1907. Sealed proposals for harbor excava- tion at Buffalo, N. Y., will be .received here until 11 A. M., June 1, 1907, and then opened. Information on application. H. M. Adams, Col. Corps of Engrs. : U. S. Engineer Office, Buffalo, N. Y., April 22, 1907. Sealed proposals in duplicate for extending south pier and repairing south breakwater at Erie Harbor, Pa., will be re- ceived here until 11 a..m., May 22, 1907, and then opened. Information on application. H. M. Adams, Col. Engrs. ; U. S. Engineer Office, Buffalo, N. Y., April 18, 1907. Sealed Proposals for construction of Stone-Concrete Superstructure on Buffalo breakwater will be received at this office un- til 11 a. m., May 18, 1907, and then opened. Information on application. H. M. Adams, Col. Corps of Engrs. a U. S. Engineer Office, Detroit, Mich., April 25 1907. Sealed proposals for removal of old superstructure and building concrete super- structure on main pier at harbor of refuge, Harbor Beach, Mich., will be received at this office until 2 P. M., May 27, 1907, and then publicly opened. Information furnished on application. Chas. E. L. B. Davis, Col. Engrs. | U. S. Engineer Office, 815 Witherspoon Building, Philadelphia, Pa., April 24, 1907. Sealed proposals for constructing steel, single screw suction dredge for Columbia River, Ore- gon and Washington, will be received here until 2:30 P. M., June 7, 1907, and then pub- licly opened. plication. J. C. Sanford, Major Engrs. U. S. Engineer Office, Duluth, Minn., May 6, 1907. Sealed proposals for furnishing rip- rap at Ashland, Wis., will be received here until noon June 6, 1907, and then publicly opened. Information on application. Graham D. Fitch, Major Engrs. U.S. Engineer Office, Detroit, Mich., May 6, 1907. Sealed proposals for hire of dredg- ing plant for use in Clinton River, Michigan, will be received at this office until 2 P. M., June 6, 1907, and then publicly opened. In- formation furnished on application. Chas. E. L. B. Davis, Col.. Engrs. ' U. S. Engineer Office, Buffalo, N. Y., May 3, 1907. Sealed proposals for removing shoals outside north entrance to Buffalo Harbor, N. Y., will be received here until 11 A. M,,~ June 3, 1907, and then opened. Information on application. H. M. Adams, Col. Engrs. U. S. Engineer Office, Buffalo, N. Y., May 6, 1907. Sealed proposals for construction of Stone-concrete superstructure on outer break- water at Oswego, N. Y., will be received here until 11 A. M., June 6, 1907, and then opened. Information on application. H. M. Adams, Col.. Engrs. U. S. Engineer's Office, Duluth, Minn., May 11, 1907. Sealed proposals for lumber will be received here until noon, June,12, 1907, and then publicly opened. Information on application. Graham D. Fitch, Major Engrs. Information furnished on ap- ' stan, donkey boiler. U. S. Engineer's Office, 57 Park St., Grand Rapids, Mich., May 10, 1907.' Sealed pro- posals for Extension and Repair of Break- water at Petoskey, Mich., will be received here until 3 P. M., May 29, 1907, and then publicly opened. Information furnished on application. M. B. Adams, Col. Engrs. - FOR SALE. Neafile & Levy F & A Compound 26"-50" x 30" with Surface Condenser and Pumps. Will alter to 22"-50" x 30" for high steam, : 13% K. W. Electric Lighting Set. Williamson Steering Engine. Two Hawser Pullers (Capstans). Two Providence Steam Wind- lasses. Wheeler Surface Condenser. Blake Vertical Duplex Air Pump and Jet Condenser. 714" steam, 16" air, 12" stroke, Worthington Duplex Ain Pump & Jet Condenser 9" x 12" x 10". D..C. Sturtevant Blower & Engine. Two Scotch Boilers 12x 12". | fwo Seotch Boilers: 11' x 12. Two Scotch Boilers 1314'-x 12'. MARVIN BRIGGS, INC., 154 Nassau Street, New York. I HAVE VESSELS of most every kind--from Io tons to 6,000 tons--to sell fon their owners, at reasonable prices. Anybody wishing to buy or sell a boat should call on or write Fred A. Bradley, 11 Brisbane bldg.,, - Buftalo, N. Y. Bell 'Phone, Seneca 1232. Steamer for Sale Cheap. The lighthouse steamer Haze, 145 ft. long, 27-ft. beam, 9-ft. draught, 500 tons capacity, 300 horsepower engine and boiler, suitable for passenger or freight business, fully equipped. Steam cap- Jacob Ullman, 4 Lloyd street, Buffalo, N. Y. NEW OR SECOND HAND FORE & AFT COMPOUND EN- GINE wanted about 15 x 30 x 24, or Triple Expansion of same power. State lowest cash price. Dempsey & Sons, 111 Walnut St, Phila, Pa. Passenger and Freight Steamer "Douglas" for sale, $1,800. Length 83 ft., beam 18.4 ft.; draught about 7 ft., and 97 gross tonnage. For fur- ther information write Capt. John Desana, 136 Vine St. Wyandotte, Mich, © Steamers "Fanny Jose" and "Hazel" for. sale at Grand Haven, Mich. Consult B. W. Parks, of Grand Haven, Mich., about the boats. he Rice, 690 Nasco St., Portland, re. One Brown Rapid Coal Handling Machine for sale. Now in use at To- ledo Docks. This Machine is in very fair shape and is to be replaced by one of larger capacity. Will be glad to furnish any information to inter- ested parties. CoB, Dutty, P..A; Hocking Valley Ry. Columbus, @. FOR SALE. Marine Engine Just Completed, tor sale, 15°32" x 22", 450-475. 1. H. P., duplicate of engine in towboats Pejepscot, Orion and Str. City of Stamford. Engine has every modern improvement. Could ship day ordér -is received. Write for particulars. The Portland. -Co., Portland, Me, Builder of Marine Engines and Boil- ers. Tug Enterprise for sale, 50 x 14; engine 10% x 12; boiler 52" x 8'; 110 lb. steam pressure. 1 marine boiler, 100 H. P. 1 12 in. cent. pump and 30 ft, 12 in? hose: . 'Chas. Dahike, 208 Am. Trust Bldg., Cleveland, O. IRON PASSENGER AND FREIGHT PROPELLER for sale, fully equipped, length 178 ft. beam 25 ft., carry 300 tons on 7 ft. draft. For particulars apply, Dempsey & Sons, 111 Walnut .St.. Philg:, Pa. cloth. By DR. A. STODOLA ZURICH "Steam Turbines -- An important reference work on scientific Steam Turbine construction with an appendix on Gas Turbines, and the future of Heat Engines. Contains 435 pages 6 xg inches, 241 cuts and 3 lithograph tables. Price $4.50. Order from MARINE REVIEW | CLEVELAND PARNER et a 0 vet Bound in heavy Translated by DR. LOUIS C. LOEWENSTEIN Lehigh University