Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), 16 May 1907, p. 46

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TAE. MARINE. REVIEW Buyers' Directory of the Marine Trade---Continued. SHIP BUILDERS--Continued. MiaeyramG SICEl CO. ie ee cuca a ..Sparrow's Point, Md. Miiwankee Dry Dock Co........... or ee ke Milwaukee. Newport News Ship Building Co.. ee Newport News, Va. New York 'Shipbuilding COo., Be ey eS Camden, N. i doach's Ship Yard..... Chester, Pa. Toledo Ship Building Co...... Toledo. SHIP CEMENT. Toledo White Lead. Co., Toleds. O. SHIP CHANDLERS. Baker, Howard H. & Co....Buffalo Marine Mfg. & Supply Co. yr a es New York Lipson-walton Co........ Cleveland. ; SHIP DESIGNERS. Mic joseo ys Duluth Nacey, & Hynd... . Cleveland oid Wa eo Chicago SHIP FLOORING. Clemente, The C., Co....Clevelands SHIP LANTERNS AND LAMPS. Upson- Walton: Co... ....:.. Cleveland. SHIP TIMBER. Slattin-barriss. Co... Cleveland. SHOES. Emerson Shoe Co. .....: Cleveland. SIGNALS--SUBMARINE. Submarine Signal Co........... SMOOTH-ON COMPOUND, FOR REPAIRS. Smooth- Oa Mis. Cony, es ss ea ee es Jersey City, N. J. STAYBOLT IRON OR STEEL BARS, HOLLOW OR SOLID. Pails Hollow Staybolt: Co.......... Sos oe Cuyahoga Falls, O. STEAM VESSELS FOR SALE. folmes, Samuel ........ New York. MeCarthy, 1. Re... Montreal, Can. STEAMSHIP LINES, PASS. AND FREIGHT. - < Pinerican Line --.....:2,. New York. Boston. Steaniship. =. .... 2: Boston. International Mercantile Marine Co. eee ee ha oe a Philadelphia. NiaOry LANG oi eae New York. New York & Cuba Mail S. S. Co.. Seo oe ae vin .. New York. hed Star Lite... 20.6.5. New York. Ward Wine 6.4220 cS New York. STEEL CASTINGS. Otis, Stecl. Co...) .. *,. Cleveland. STEERING APPARATUS. Akers Steering Gear Co........ Chicago. Aimerican Ship Building Co.....;. DESEO SG ee nae Cleveland. Chase Machine. Co..:.... Cleveland. ame Bein Co 6 or eas hes eee. Grand Haven, Mich. Detroit Ship Building Co.... Detroit. Hyde Windlass Co.;...... 'Bath, Me. Diarine Mic. & Supply Co.. ..06.e.: ee eh ee New York. Sheriffs Nee CO. yi en Wilwaukee. SUBMARINE Peo APPARA- TU Disrse & Son, A. Jiciss ees. Boston. Schrader's Son, Inc. A....New York. SURVEYORS, MARINE. miyne, Alexander .......; Cleveland. Parker Bros. -Co.,; -Ltd....:. Detroit. Macey, James ..3)..0%.- 4: Cleveland. Mee WN yo. ivicee eis Chicago. _ Atlantic Works, Inc... .Boston | SYPHONS. Philip Braender....New York City. TESTS OF MATERIALS. Hunt. Robert W. & Co...: Chicago. Lunkenheimer Co....Cincinnati, O. THERMIT Goldschmidt Thermit Co., gael New York City. THREAD CUTTING TOOLS. Armstrong Manufacturing Co, ..... se aca oaks Bridgeport, Conn. TILING, RUBBER. Republic Belting & Supply Co. ES OS Cleveland. TOOLS. Republic Belting & Supply Co...... DS ee rere Cleveland. TOOLS, METAL WORKING, FOR SHIP AND ENGINE WORKS. Woatson-ottutman COs"... New York. TOOLS, WOOD WORKING. . Philadelphia. TOWING MACHINES. Aaerican ouip Windlass Co.,...°... Bee Providence, R. I. Chase Niacnine Co, 2... Cleveland TOWING COMPANIES. "Donnelly Salvage & Wrecking Co.. Bee ee ie Kingston, Ont... Great Lakes Towing Co..Cleveland. TRAPS, STEAM. AViliianis .1.). 15, Valve Co., "Cook- SOM eo eee Cincinnati. TRUCKS. Boston & et Block Coe 2.5. Boston. Ce ee * TUBING, SEAMLESS. Shelby Steel Tube Co..Pittsburg, Pa. VALVES; BRASS. Globe, Angle and Cross Valves. Mites, D. I, Valve Co..;. yo. . VALVES, CHECK. Scoville Check Valve Co., Ashtabula, O. Williams, D. T., Valve COns eee : VALVES, GATE. Double, Disc and Wedge Disc. Williams, D. T., Valve OOo. ee... ; VALVES, IRON. Globe, Angle and Cross. Williams, D. T., Valve CO i es . VALVES, IRON CHECK. Horizontal, Angle and Vertical. Williams, D. co Wave CO. oo... . VALVES, STEAM SPECIALTIES, ETC. Tenkine Brose 2.60.2. .... New York Lunkenheimer Co........ Cincinnati. New Bedford Boiler & Machine Co. sae d Wee New Bedford, Mass. Penbertny Injector Co. ....2... ees as wii aky os Detroit, Mich. Republic Belting & Supply Co........ a ce ee ce ks Cleveland Ross Valve Co......... Troy, Ph. YY. VALVES FOR WATER AND GAS. Ashton "Valve: Go,4.. 40 css Boston. Lunkeniciiner™ Cou 07. 5% 3: Cincinnati. Republic Belting & Supply Co......... is ee ee ie es «.. Cleveland. Ross. Valve Mfg. Co....Troy, N. Y. Beaville Cheek Valve-Co 55: re ere Gea Ashtabula, O. VESSEL AND FREIGHT AGENTS. Billet 1. he Se Winnipeg. Boland, Joun J). a6 -. cane Buffalo. Douglas, Ca i ee re Duluth Elphicke, C:-W..& -Co...... Chicago. al, jObte Be es Buffalo. Helm & to, Del Duluth. Hawgood & Co:, W. A....Cleveland: Elolmes; Samuel 2. 23: New York. Hutchinson -& Co... 2... Cleveland. McCarthy DP Rye Montreal. Mehl, Pdward: 726 Erie, Pa: Mitchell & Co. 4.22... Cleveland. CY Connor 1. Je.. = Port Arthur, Ont. Parker Bros. €o.. Lid... Detroit. Prindiville:@ Co-.5. occ: Chicago. Richardson, W.-4. 12.0. Cleveland. Sullivan, D> &-Co<i Chicago WATER COLUMNS. unkenhemner Co; 235... Cincinnati. WATER GAUGES. Eunkenheimer Co... .. Cincinnati, O. Penberthy Uijcctor Co. 20... 5; eee Detroit, Mich. Republic Belting & Supply Co..... pipe ie oe Gees Cleveland. WHISTLES, STEAM. | Lunkenhetmer -Co........ Cincinnati. WHITE LEAD. Toledo White Lead Co., Toledo, O. WILFORD'S WATERPROOF CLOTH. Bimker Ee Ae... 5 New York. WIRE ROPE AND WIRE ROPE FITTINGS. Baker, ri. i. & Coe... Buffalo. Upson-Walton Co......... Cleveland. WINDLASSES. American Ship Windlass Co........ re ee Providence, R. I. American Ship Building Co........ ah ee . Cleveland. Dake -Eieiné. Co... 2. ca es ain ee ee Grand Haven, Mich. Hyde Windlass. Co. ss... Bath, Me. Marine Mio: & Supply. Cos. 3... New York. eeoeoerer eer ee ee eee ee ee ee oe - WINCHES. American Ship Windlass Co........ PN ee a Providence, R. I. Hyde Windlass Co........ Bath, Me. WOOD WORKING MACHINERY. Atlantic Works, Inc.... Philadelphia. Crescent Machine Co...Leetonia, O. WRECKING AND SALVAGE COMPANIES. Donnelly Salvage & Wrecking Co.. Sele eed eka Kingston, Ont. Great Lakes Towing Co..Cleveland. Parker Bros, Co,, Ltd... Detroit. YACHT AND BOAT BUILDERS. Dron, "1 hos, & Sen..:.) 35)... eee Wilmington, Del. Trascott Boat. Mie..Co... 20,2... (oi ee St. Joseph, Mich. YAWLS. rein, Thos: & Son. oo... . Wilmington, Del.

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