TAE MARINE REVIEW | 51 Hydraulic Machinery Why pay more money for an inferior tool when the best hydrau- lic Jack that engineer- ing ability and perfect workmanship can make can be bought at very reasonable prices. Every tool is thoroughly guaranteed. An operator of a WATSON. STILLMAN JACK always feels perfectly safe in operating the same. Send for Jack Catalogue. The WATSON-STILLMAN Co. Main Office: 26 Cortlandt St., NEW YORK CITY Branch Office: 453 The Rookery, Chicago, II. Pease : SMA ae We Lm -- BT TSS WZ q <M Cuts showing two places in boilers where Smooth-On was successfully used for stopping leaks, after caulk- ing had proved unsuccessful. Smooth-On Iron Cement No. 1 and Smooth-On Elastic Cement were used. Our new illustrated book will tell you all. Write for it SMOOTH-ON MFG. CO. Jersey City, N. J.. U.S. A. VREELAND TOMPKINS, Chemist and Manager, San Francisco Warehouse: Chicago Warehouse: 5 i 20 Sacramento St. 61-69 N. Jefferson St. FACTS WORTH KNOWING @ We carry everything in iron and steel up to 6" diameter. (| We line up old shafts and have unexcelled facilities for forging new ones. @ We make any kind of boat repairs on short notice, night or day. @ We supply engineers with everything they need in the engine room and fire hold. MCKINNON IRON WORKS ASHTABULA, O. ROAGH'S SHIP YARD. | Ship | Building | Branches BUILDERS OF STEAMSHIP AND MARINE MACHINERY. Delaware River Iron Ship Building & Engine Works CHESTER, PA. mn eran CY Fo SES LROn G CLEVELAND, 0. »- WON OR STEEL FORGINGS FINISHED COMPLETE, ROUGH MACHINED OR SMOOTH FORGED ONLY, OF ANY WEIGHT. COUPLING LINKS AND PINS. PRESSED WROUGHT IRON TURNBUCKLES. CAR IRON SPECIALTIES. Neversink Cork Jackets and Life Belt Warranted 24 pounds. Buoyancy and full weight of Cork, as required by U. S. Inspectors. S f t Consolidated Cork Life Preservers. Ch t ares Ring Buoys and Fenders. Capes Approved and adopted by U. S. Board of Supervising Inspectors. Also adopted by the principal Ocean, Lake and River Steamer Lines as the only Reliable Life Preserver. Awarded four Medals by World's Columbian Exposition. : Metallic and Wooden eo Se Life Boats = Manufacturers of Woolsey's Patent Life Buoy--the lightest, cheapest and most compact life raft known. DAVID KAHNWEILER'S SONS, NEW YORK CITY.