36 : re THe Marine REVIEW ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF ADVERTISERS IN THE MARINE REVIEW. The star (*) indicates that the advertisement appears alternate weeks. For addresses see advertisements on page noted. The dagger (t) indicates that advertisement appears once a month. tAkers Steering Gear Co......... --| Douglas, G. L., Jr. i ecweee 48 | McArthur ee Fire Escape Safety Car Heating & Lighting Co 5 Almy Water Tube Boiler Co...... 37} Drein, Thos., de Hon. sk 43 Co EPSiA RSG C aA SHG cemaes 50 | Scherzer Rolling Lift Bridge Co.. 43 American Blower Co....... .seeee 62| Dunbar & Sullivan Dredging Co. 39 McCarthy, T oda balc cue neta ens 48 ahha A ok tae . 60 American Injector Co............. 11| miphicke, 0. W. & Oo...... ......- 4g | McCurdy, Geo daieociscees 5 soca 35 ee y : C see seat a American Line.....; -...........-. 47 \S@imsarson ShoeGo. .............. -- | McKinnon Iron Works .......... 51 | Scoville Check Valve Co......... American Sawdolet Co..... ...... 37 | +Empire Shipbuilding Co.......-. -- | MacDonald, Ray G.... ......-...: 48 | tSeneca Chain Co...... keis | ig ds ~ American Ship Building Co ..... 4 Mallory Line. . ' | Shaw, Warren, Cady & Oakes 48 American Ship Windlass Co...... 2 | Falls Hollow Staybolt te re. 41 ; Marine Tron Co., Bay City, Mich. -- is 'i Sal af se Pa Armstrong Cork' Co © .....:....: Ot tise @ Sone 0 50 | *Marine Mfg. & Supply Co........ a5 elby Steel Tube Co............ *Armstrong Manufacturing Co... -- | Pletcher, W.& A.,Co...........5- 47 | Marshall, Alexander.............. | Bhoriffé Mig: Oo....2.5....1--..-s. 43 tAshton Valve Co............ oe >| Fors, MW ..... .... 50 | Martin- Barris Cd... ..6) acu 43) oy teptig World Year Book. = £0 Atlantic Works, ....:5602 66.008 +0+: wore River Ship Building Co. .... 47 | Maryland Steel Co....... ..... ie ie Ae ws er tAtlantic Works. Inc Maratenau, MoO :..5)...cccasck. 49 | Maytham, Frank...............+.. iggers 1420 Famer ence are orceee © ean pare Se - 43) Smith Coal & Dock Co., Stanley B. 8 abcoc Ontou ........;...->- 49! General Electric Co............... 52 | Milwaukee Dry Dock Co.......... Baker, Howard H. & Co oe aire coe ee "i Mitchell @ Coe. 4s |Smooth-On Mtg. Co ++... st Belcher, Fred P.............. " +Goldschmidt Thermit Co ....... 2. | Morse, A. J., & Son........ Rot 3 pencer, H. Ry... 2: steeeeee cee ee ee Pie - s Uae Ain sor ein = © basco eee Goulder, Po tee we onic . er ot Mosher Water- Tube Boiler Co. Standard Contracting Co......... 39 % We t mte eer cere e seccce rea akes re ge oc oO. : b WwW k ae a 35 sBoston & Locknrt Block 06:.\. =| Great Lakes Rngineering Works. 12| ngooy & Hyd csveccsconcs ao Standard Yarniah Woks ics, Bienaar "Phill , a 43 a sane Register .. % vee+ - 491 tNew Bedford 1 Boiler & Machine Stratford, Geo.,Oakum Co........ 41 Deheionn a & Bros an | ret bakes Towing Borel Orces 7 CO a ees --| Submarine Signal Company...... 9 Grigus, Marcia <..........- 2... Se) Hall: John Bo o6s6ie. ye ci see ess 4g | Newport News Ship Building & Sullivan, D.......++eseeeeeeeeeees . 48 Oo ise 48 Hanna, M. A. @ C0 BAL ae eG ne A Ea Ge. ae seed Be 39 Ve ooo a0 Haw rood. WeaeGo 4g | New York Shipbuilding Co....... o | getter Ship Barina Go a Buffalo Dry Dock Co ... Helm, D. T., Ooo 48 | {Nicholson Ship Log Co .......... oe tBuffalo Ship Chandlery & Supply" Hickler ercthera Le Heese 39| Northwestern Steam Boiler & 7| Laylor Water-Tube Boiler Co ... 37 OO see Has Oia Ce Eas cs Holmes, Samuel = 6.20.2... 5.265. 48 Mfg. Co......... cece ce eeeee ees 3 Tietjen & Lang Dry Dock Co..... 50 Bunker, E. SN en B2 Hoyt, Dustin & Kelley.. a A Moledo uel Cor 2. se. 89 Carley Life Float 9 Hunt, Robert W., & Co........... 49) O Connor dad. 0.33315 teers: 48 | Toledo Ship Building Co.......... 5 Be ee 2 | Bintchinson& Go. ...,.-. 0226 ..s dp) Otis Staal Me... 05s. s5. 3c 9 | tToledo White Lead Co........,.. _ Chicago Si Baibding oo = Hyde Windlass Coe ..........,....- 52 Trout, a eae " Co oe Franelt Co.. oot Tptarnarionsl Mercantile Marine iE Parker Broe. Soe a Pee 48 a EuECOY alate) Mea ee eveland City Forge & Iron Co.. Deg eee ee Sed ers os enberthy Injector Co............ 11 qpolling wood. Shipbuilding G0. | Fade Beathers 52 Bickends, Mother B00. 41 | Upson-Walton Co ...... ......... 35 olumbian Rope Co.............. a] oe one een tae bees ess mune Coal: Co 2). 6 ik oevca cs 9 pontinassal Tron MOTE. 5 5 t5 "a ie, ula & Eichelberger.. # Prindiville & Company .......... 4g | Vance & Joys Co..............+0+ " ory, Chas. OW ee OU a Cee retro n se tees Cramp, Wm. & Sons,S. & E.B.Co. 8| Kahnweiler's Sons, David......... 51 | Quintard Iron Works Co.......... 50 | Walker, Thomas, & pee iva diene oes 3 tCrescent Machine Co............. pe i Ward bine....00 (2 8 ia. 47 C Katzenstein,L &.Co.............. 35 Li Ww D i. 48 urr, Robert Boies We cee vce esate 8 49 Midd Jone), sacs 49 Hee ae Belting <i ae at nae : fe a ak nee make Wuging 00... ....6.6..-.-.+- 3 eg es a eacdine g7| Richardson W.C __ ............... 48 TE eaier Condenser & Engineer-' posthora Drug & Chemical Wks. 3/ Kremer, C.E ............-2..0. 2. 4g | *Ritchie, KE. 8., & Sons............ -- CO ia eee yee = Olany, Poa Ww CO. airs. es 37 Roberts Safety Water-Tube Willcox. Peck & Hughes......... 39 Siig haha River Iron 8. B. & E. *LeMois Scientifi ne et Industrial -- Boiler: Co... co. eee sake 11 | t Williams ane COC at ae --_ WOVMRS OK ee as 51| Lockwood Mfg. Co............0.5 < 00 BOOLKOP El. Bi Be a case. 60 | Williams, D. T., Valve Co......... 2 Detroit Ship Building Co: ..3..2.2: 4| Lorain Coal & Dok ab Sire otee es 49 | tRogers Steam Oil Separator Co. -- | tWilliams, G, H., Co............... _ Dixon Joseph, Crucible Co. ...... 43 | Lundin, A. P.. Reever ieee: BD | wOOb, Ws O, or ee eee. HO WOOG OW 6s ois cc oe Fon Do poles ce 49 Donnelly Salvage & Wrecking Co. 43 Lunkenheimer Co.... ............ 11! Ross Valve Co.... ............ 650 | YWoodhouse Chain Works........ --_ a Sia a wr Handy Little Chart of the Great Lakes | 10%X 165 INCHES. i | - Mounted on Linen. Price Postpaid, 25 cts. a i} | Clearly showing every port on the Great Lakes from Clayton to Duluth. It is small | enough to fold up and carry in the coat pocket or pigeon hole of a desk, and is also very : suitable for framing. # With this little chart near at hand, you save the trouble of stepping to a chart case and ff taking out a great big three-foot square chart that is awkward to handle. | |! The Most Accurate Small Chart Ever Published. FOR SALE BY THE MARINE REVIEW, - - CLEVELAND. ------ Ses SSS ES SR. AUTOMATIC TOWING MACHINES |'|| DOCKING ENGINES CUA NCI The Latest and LMooring Winches |||| Of all kinds and sizes the Best CS st Improved ||| and for all arte Positively guaranteed -Types especially for ship use FOR THESE AND OTHER WELL KNOWN SPECIALTIES ADDRESS ALL INQUIRIES TO THE Ui TSS MU PWT a Ua eae WNL CaTII NN 'U