34 PERSONAL: MENTION. - James Cowley, of, St. Clair, Mich., is wheeling on the Superior City. Andrew Manion, of Milwaukee, is second assistant on the Shaughnessy this season. Wm. F. Zentgrebe, of Fairhaven, is second assistant on the steamer Poe this season. Frank Murphy, assistant engineer of the Shaughnessy, was on the S. J. Murphy last year. Homer Johnson, wheelsman on the Zenith City last season, is on the H. L. Shaw. this season. Ed. Burlow, who was on the Har- lem last season, is second mate of the Cambria this season. Harry Ashby, of Duluth,.is back on the job as second mate of the steamer Alexander McDougall. Al. Marcero, oiler on the Shaugh- nessy, was oiling last season on the Linn with Harmon Dupont. . Wm. E. Swartz, Myng P. O., Ont. who is wheeling on the Lake Shore, was matried during the winter. George Huckle, who was mate on the steamer Corsica last season, is mate 'of the Matanta this year. A. C. Mosier, who was mate of the Houghton last season, is on the Shaw this year. He starts from Cleveland. Allen C. Joyce, first assistant on the steamer Frick last season, is in the same position on the Boe this year. Donald McKay, of Cleveland, who was mate on the steamer Mariposa last season, is mate of the Poe this year. ©. 2 Canoon, of Port Huron, is first" assistant on the Shaughnessy this sea- son with A. P. Stewart, chief engi- neer. George Emery, second assistant on the steamer Alexander McDougall: in 1906, is assistant engineer on the Jon -W. Gates. Fred and Albert - Ge oeee two Amherstburg sailors, are wheeling and watching on the steamer O. P. Wright. Carl Anton, of Put- ie is putting in his second season as second mate of the S. J. Murphy. He has been sail- ing eight years. J. HH Ingram, Marine City, is-mate of the steamer John W. Moore. He has been with Capt. J. L. Bradshaw several years. James Wixson, of Avoca, Mich., who decked on the steamer Australia last season, is watching this yearn on the steamer J. T. Hutchinson. Charles Ferguson, second mate, who is a brother of Capt. John A. Ferguson, of the Cort, THe Marine REVIEW is sailing on the Poe again this year. John Conelly, Pittsburg, who is fir- ing on the steamer Rockefeller, has sailed for 20 years and has a record for sticking on one boat all season. Roy Stork, 78 Milwaukee avenue east, Detroit, wheeled on the steamer Cc. Tower, Jr., all last season and liked it so well he is back again this season. Geo. Heldt, oiler on the Poe, start- ed decking on the Sevona, broke in as a fireman on the same boat and went oiling on the Poe a year ago. Orton J. McGaw, mate of the Aus- tralia last season, is aboard the steamer J) 1. Hutchinson this season. Orton joined the ranks of the benédicts last winter." ' Coot William <P. Benham, who is scheduled for the John J. Sullivan, Hutchinson's new boat, took the John Stanton out of 'Ashtabula on ber first. trip up: James G. Herbert, mate of the Erics- Se last year, "is imate of the S. J. Murphy this season. He is a son of Capt. Herbert, of the light house ten- der Warrington. Guy W. Webb, who was first' assis- tant onthe steamer Alexander Mc- ' Dougall last season, is second engineer on thé steamer Mataafa this season with Chief Engineer John Conroy. Charles Martin, of Milwaukee, who has only had his pilot's papers two sea- sons, is beginning his second season as second mate of the steamer C. Tower, Jr., with Capt. Frank S. Ellis. Capt. GE. Anderson, master of the Hendricks S. Holden, brought the first ore cargo for 1907 to Ashtabula. It was loaded at Escanaba and it took about a week to put it aboard. Charles Brenner, of Marine City, is starting his second season as second engineer of the steamer C. Tower Jr. E. Ellsworth, of Cleveland, is chief of the Tower, this being his second sea- son on the same boat. The Gillen Dock & Dredge Co. has secured the contract for extending the breakwater at Milwaukee. It will take two years to complete the job. The approximate cost of the work will be in the neighborhood of $150,000. Robert Pyette, who was wheeling on the steamer Siemens last season, is now second mate on the Canadian steamen Scottish Hero. Robert lives at Owen Sound, being one of a num- erous marine contingent at that port. Geo. Helat, Romeo, Mich., who is oiling on the steamer Poe this sea- son, started sailing on the ill-fated Sevona as a deckhand. He decked three trips and has been firing ever since. He started oiling on the Poe. Conrad Christiansen, who wheeled on the steamer Alexander McDougall last season, was given pilot's papers last winter at Cleveland and he is now looking for a berth as second mate. Every one who ever sailed with him speaks well of him. Capt. Chas. A. Heaton, wearing a vandyke beard which -:makes him look like a Philadelphia lawyer instead of a skipper, took out the John Stan- ton on her last run up the lakes from Ashtabula. Capt. Heaton has been ill all winter, but now bids fair to en- tirely. recover. Harry Wolf, of Port Haron, is oil- ing on the James J. Hill this season. He has been sailing six years, start- ing out on the Peshtigo. He has been on the. Duncan, Mary McGregor, Ken- sington and Bransford. He worked as an oiler for the first time on the Ken- sington last fall. John Schei, who was oiling on the Alexander McDougall in 1906, is work- ing in the same capacity: on the steamer Mataafa. Jalma Soderberg, who fired her all season, is also on the Mataafa. The McDougall's old chief, James Inman, is chief of the John W. Gates: this. year. Nathan: B.. Roach, of Sombra, Ont., which is sometimes referred to by the marine fraternity as East Marine City, is mate of the John Stanton. He was on the steamer Wm. A. Paine last Season Mr.Roach basa. crew. of clever young mariners who all work with him and thereby attain good re- sults. Nick McLaughlin, who was mate of the Howard L.-Shaw last season, = is mate of the steamer Supenior City this year. McLaughlin and Capt. Harry G. Harbottle invested in the old Swain last winter, but they have not yet de- cided what trade they will put her in, or just how much of a rebuild they will give her. John ~Nahrstedt,. master of -- the steamer Alexander McDougall, is so handy in a mechanical way, there is little he can not do. When he goes back to his home at Owen Sound in the winter time, he employs his time by laying bricks, cutting stone and doing carpenter work. His mechanical ability is very varied. Capt. Wm Tomlin, master of the steamer, Wm. E. Reis, has a bunch of high school students decking for him this season. One of his sons is also acting as second cook. The young fellows left high school at Marine City on account of a change in superintend- - ents. Capt. Tomlin received his young son--as tradition says, the prodigal son was received--with open arms.