22 FILTER TANK. MAIN FEED PUMP aces ak NS Ss DISTILLER PUMP. AMOS & ENGINES oe A TAE MARINE REVIEW <COn GWNd INIKD TEERING Fata ee eo peeee et 1+ 72. 70. % 6 sf . S2 50 48 "h 33 56 («55 St \ 46 44 42 40 GENERAL ARRANGEMENT OF MACHINERY OF DERELICT DESTROYER, tilling plant of a capacity required to produce about 3,000 gallons of potable water per twenty-four hours, a_ feed- water heater of approved design, to have about 150 sq. ft. of heating surface, the heating agent to be exhaust steam, and a combined feed and filter tank. Four fresh-water tanks formed by the hull ? . oa 1 | ee ee 1. 3 proper, water-tight bulkheads, and berth- deck plating will be located at the after end of the main hold, and have a ca- pacity of 12,400 gallons. The trimming tanks will extend as follows: The for- ward tanks from the transverse bulkhead at frame 6 forward to the stem and up to the berth-deck plating, and the after one from frame 83 aft and up to the berth-deck plating. Bilge keels will be fitted, with a depth of 15 in. and extend- ing about 85 ft. amidships. The double bottom will. extend the length of the boiler space and be divided into water- tight compartments, with suitable man- hole doors, ete. Hexppsoen. Regn ease Boa RN ' Be Sain De cee ree at 5 Looe r) ec aaa Og 25*6"LONG. EXACT LENGTH an 17-6 7 8&8 wg aed TO BE TAKEN FROM WorRK. | | | | ues jf} ---_--- --- -__ - rete oe are . He Beas: + hk rf es} i---- a u 6 3e mie -641" Asha vera! J 68 eo 78 7 7A 64 62 60 58 wr © CENTER LINE a as MTs ON FRAME 6l, AT BOTTOM OF BEDPLATE. ARRANGEMENT OF SHAFTING, DERELICT DESTROYER,