Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), 6 Jun 1907, p. 50

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5°. MARINE MODELS AT JAMES- TOWN. To the man who delights in little things well done the Jamestown ex- position furnishes a display that will prove particularly attractive. We re- fer to the models Of various vessels Rts ance 1 CROSS SECTION ARMY TRANSPORT SHERMAN, in the naval and army transport ser- _ vice comprised in the government ex- hibit. These little ships are in-every re-- spect as true to design as their huge prototypes. Take the model of the 10,000-ton army transport Sherman as an example. This miniature ves- CROSS SECTION ARMY TRANSPORT SHERMAN, Sherman models. THE MarRINE REVIEW sel is constructed on a scale of %4 in. to the foot, giving it a length of 12 ft. From the smallest winch to the 6-inch high, triple-expansion en- gine, from keel to mast head it dup- licates the original in every particu- lat. To the general public the outboard models will probably prove the most attractive, but to the sea-faring man the longitudinal and _ cross-sections will be of far greater interest. Show- ing as they do the exact proportions of the interior of the boat one can gain as comprehensive an idea of its construction as in- examining the itself. Each compartment, bunker, stateroom; every gun, wind- lass, shaft and bit of gear is: repro- duced in its relative size. That over 10,000 separate parts are involved in the longitudinal section alone is suff- cient to form an idea of the beauti- ful accuracy and workmanship re- quired in the construction of these The photographs published herewith give an idea of the accuracy and minuteness of detail displayed in these models. The cross-section is understood to. be about the only One in existence of its kind. It. 1l- lustrates perfectly what a vessel looks like when cut in two crossways. Other features of the exhibit are models of the 16-000-ton battleship Connecticut, the 14,500-ton cruiser Tennessee and a reproduction of the naval review at Oyster bay last Sep- tember, comprising models from 2 to 5 in. in length of the forty-five vessels engaged in the maneuvers. These models were produced in the shops of H. E. Boucher, who for a number of years held a_ responsible position in the department of con- struction and repair at Washington and under whose direction the recent World's Fair naval exhibits have been arranged for the government. Some time ago Mr. Boucher re- signed from the service to devote his time to model making for the various shipping industries and industrial con- cerns of the country aswell as for the government. Since opening his shops. at Maiden lane, New York, the field of work has become so ex- tensive that models are now being made 'of engines, ore-handling ma- chinery, grain carriers, 'dredges, etc., as well as for marine models. One specialty of the company. that is as- suming importance is. that, of furnish- ing- supplies to ship builders and own- ers for finishing plating models for show purposes. This industry seems to have great possibilities before it, little appreci- ated until now, as the American man- cruiser, SECTION ARMY TRANSPORT SHERMAN, ufacturer is rapidly coming to un- derstand that a really accurate work- ing or show model is of invaluable assistance in presenting his product to the prospective buyer. DEVELOPMENT OF THE GER- MAN NAVY. The most important évent during the year was the decision to build six large cruisers for foreign service. Both the Imperial dockyards and private ship building concerns have been busily employed and the new additions to the fleet voted last year comprise two bat- tleships, a large and a small cruiser, a turbine cruiser, a mining vessel, and two divisions of large torpedo-boats of 525 tons, with a speed- of 30° knots. During the year two battleships were launched, of 13,200 tons, two large cruisers of 11,600 tons, two small cruisers of 3,450 tons, and three. special vessels, altogether having a displace- ment of 59,570 tons. In the course of construction are, further, two battle- ships, which have to 'be ready next year, three small cruisers,; and some craft. Two battleships, a large and several smaller vessels have recently: completed their trial trips. The personnel of the German fleet now comprises 1,470 officers, 241 naval ehgineers, 208:doctors, and 171 commissariat officials; the number of men rose during the year from 31,788 to 34,078. smaller The steamer Saxona, which struck at the Soo last week, was only _ slightly damaged.

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