Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), 6 Jun 1907, p. 54

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54 TRADE NOTES. The Sirocco Engineering Co. announces the removal of their offices and show- room to the new West street building, New York city. 'The Spence Mfg. Co., St. Paul, Minn., are installing two of their conveyors on the docks of the West- ern Transit Co., at Buffalo. "The Standard Railway Equipment Co., St. Louis, Mo., announce a change in the address of their New York office from 122 Liberty street to No. 90 West street. Among the devices approved by the board of supervising inspectors of steam vessels at their meeting in Washington last January was the Welin quadrant davit. The Robins Belt Conveying Co., Park Row building, New York, are installing two of their belt conveyors on the Cleveland & Buffalo Transit Co.'s docks, at Buffalo. The Fort Wayne Electric Works, Fort Wayne, Ind., has just put out three bulletins regarding types of small power 'motors. These bulletins are complete in descriptive test' and are beautifully il- lustrated. They are to be had for the asking. The new factories of the Bird-Archer Co., manufacturers of Bird-Archer_boil- er compounds, are in course of erection "at Jersey City, N. J.,; and will be com- pleted in the early part of the summer. The entire laboratory and manufacturing staffs will be located in this main fac- tory. The Knecht Bros. Co., Cincinnati, have just put out a postal card descrip- tive of the Knecht friction sensitive drill. plest and most reliable drill on the market and the regulation of speed is instantaneous without shifting belt or stopping machine. _ The Crane Co., Chicago, Ill, has just issued a catalog descriptive of ' valves, fittings and appliances. It is of a very convenient size and contains a complete index. In addition, there is attached on a perforated sheet a post card which may be used to direct the company to send: a catalog to any- one that may be interested in these specialties. The. Barriett Electric Mfg. Co., Cin- cinnati, has just issued bulletin No. 5 descriptive of type E motors and gen- erators. They are designed to meet the demand for first-class, direct- current machines which will with- stand hard work and rough usage. The bulletin will be sent to anyone inter- ested upon request. ' The Mulholland hatch fastener, manufactured by M. Mulholland, 1203 It is represented to be the sim- ° THE Marine REVIEW Citizens building, Cleveland, is adapted to all styles of hatches and coamings, both steel and wood. Capt. Mulhol- land has been very successful in adapting the fastener to new style of | hatch covers latterly adopted on the lakes and has also extensively intro- duced it on the coast. The Joseph Dixon Crucible Co., Jer- sey City, N. J., has issued a splendid calendar, the pictorial part of which represents the City Investing building now in course of construction, Broad- way, Cortlandt and Church streets, New York city. The structural steel of this building is, as, has already been announced, protected from corrosion with Dixon's silica graphite paint. The Smooth-On Mfg. Co., Jersey City, N. J., recently issued the second edition of their No, 5 Instruction Book. This book tells a few of the many ways in which the different Smooth-On special- ties have been used and the results ob- tained. It is a very interesting book and valuable to all manufacturing con- cerns, especially users of steam. The book will be sent free of charge to any sending their name and business address to the company. The D. T. Williams Valve Co., Cin- cinnati, O., have just put out a booklet 'illustrating their complete line of oil and grease cups which they manufacture. The line manufactured by this company is~ very comprehensive. The cups are rep- resented as being strong, durable and non-breakable. The booklet illustrates the cups completely, the wash drawings being very numerous. The book will be sent to anyone interested. The Jeffrey Mig. Co., Columbus, O., has sent out a postal card showing the evolution in coal mining. The post card contains two photographs, one showing the donkey hauling a truck in the level and the other showing a Jeffrey electric motor operated by a trolley drawing a train of cats. The photographs are la- beled "Yesterday" and "Today," which isn't far fetched, as it is only a little while since the donkey or mule was the 'only mode of locomotion employed in coal mines. The latest catalog, 072, issued by the C. W. Hunt Co., West New Brighton, N. Y., is entitled Engineers' Edition" and is devoted to coal handling machin- ery for power stations, coal yards, ship- ping docks etc. The book is a convinc- ing one.. Very sensibly the company says that its customers are those who use and wear out the articles they purchase and that consequently quality takes precedence of cost with them. The company, there- fore, does not care to sell a machine until it is in every respect satisfied with it and naturally seeks that class of pur- 'shrugged its shoulders. chasers who wish articles built thor- oughly well from the best materials. The catalog is very complete in types of coal handling machinery which obviously it would be impossible to adequately de- scribe in a brief notice. Everyone inter- ested is advised to write for it. James L. Robertson & Sons, 48 War- ren street.,, New York, have just issued a postal card concernmg the Robertson- Thompson improved indicator. This de- vice tells what's doing in the cylinder and is represented as showing how to save fuel and steam and get more power. Incidentally the postal card also advertis- ing Eureka packing with a special recom- mendation of the Red Diamond brand. PERSONALS. Matteson & Drake announce the re- moval of their office from 506 Bourse, Philadelphia, to the Importers and - Traders building, 59-61 Pearl street, New York, retaining representation in Philadelphia with Elisha Webb & Son 'Co., corner Chestnut and Waten street. The firm of Crowell, & Peck has been dissolved and Mr. .Francis J. Peck, formerly of Crowell & Peck, purchased and acquired all the prop- -erty of the dissolved firm of Crowell & Peck, including the offices and laboratories in the Williamson build-. ing, and the crushing and testing plant on River street, Cleveland, to- gether with the leases, fixtures, appli- ances and appurtenances. Mr. Peck is now engaged under the firm name of Francis J. Peck & Co., in all the lines of business formerly conducted by the firm of Crowell & Peck. Mr. Peck has been elécted a member of 'the American Institute of Mining En- - gineers. Modern Society tells the following story: A pilot was once taking a ship northward. The captain, toward sun- set, bade him go below and help him- self to a glass of cold tea. After tak- ing the tea the pilot proceeded to munch a biscuit. Now, the captain owned a large monkey, and this crea- ture sat drowsing in a dark corner of the gloomy cabin. The pilot said: "A gusty. day, sir,' and vthe. monkey The pilot, with affable gruffness, went on: "The south light is away on the port bow, sir." There was no answer. But the pilot was persistent. He continued: "We'll be over the bar, sir, in an hour." Fail- ing to get a reply, even to this pleasant information, the pilot went up on deck again and, taking his place be- side the captain on the bridge, said: "What a quiet chap your father is!"

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