Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), 6 Jun 1907, p. 56

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56 TAE MarRINE. REVIEW INDEX OF ADVERTISERS The star (*) indicates that the advertisement appearsalternate weeks. For addresses see advertisements on page noted. The dagger (t) indicates that advertisement appears once a month. +Akers Steering Gear Co. .....,.. 11 | Dixon Crucible Co., Joseph ...... 66 | Lockwood Mig Co... 2.33.07... 74 | Roberts Safety Water-Tube Dinas Water aoe. oo (See . seed ove & Wrecking Co 72 oe o- aoe Dock Co..2.,.... . a Re va isda aves eel deena ss erican Blower Co.............. euglas, Go Ile is fn im, CA Pas as en oelker Hi Be 6.2 ee, 7 American Injector Co............. 13 | Drein, Thos., & Son ........ Lunkenheimer Co.............- ... 18 | Rogers Steam Oil Separator Co 14 WMmericnl line... 2.6.06 sp see eee 70 | Dunbar & Sullivan Dredging Co. a Root W Ons 5, sk ee rises ve 73 American Sawdolet Co........... ~ 10 McArthur oreer Fire : <i; Rogs Valv6 CoO... .2.:..4..c 200... 74 American Ship Building Co ...... 4) Miphicke, OC. W., & Co... .....5.:.- 72 Co ; a . 67 American Ship Windlass Co ..... 2|*Hmerson Shoe Co....--..........- 16 McCarthy, T OR 72 | Safety Car Heating & LightingCo 3 Armstrong Cork Co .............. 76 | Empire Shipbuilding Co.......... Os | MeCurdy. Geo)... 55 | Scherzer Rolling Lift Bridge Co., 9 *Armstrong Mfg. Co.............. 63 McKinnon Iron Works............ 63'| Schrader's Son, Inc., A........... 74 tAshton Valve Co.............+0+: 12 | Falls Hollow Staybolt Co......... 63 | MacDonald, Ray G.:.............. 72 | tScoville Check Valve Co......... 63 aan ee eer . Bocce ae ei ae aie a ory Line penttteceee tere eeenes 70 Neamt oat "a eg a OPES, ANC i 5. detec ieee ' Olt. pemenss< WY | * Marine Iron CO.% s. ccc. 6s soos xe , - tee oe : Boge; MWe oe bese yeah one on 74 'Mavine Mie. S eipvis CO. 5 aise 63 *Shelby Steel 'Tube Ce. : ie wie oe 61 Babcock & Penton.......... os 73 | Fore River Shipbuilding Co...... 70| Marshall, Alexander.............. 72 | Sheriffs Mie. Cow. .c chee. 65 Baker, Howard H., & Co.......... ve | Purstenau, M.O. 0.1... 260.0 esses. 13 | Martin-Barriss Co ...............- 71 | Shipping World Year Book....... 4 ee PERE ere er eers is G General Electric Co Me ha nas e Le 72 Srotin Coal & Doc 7: Ca. , Stanley B i ota asa gis VRYank: 3 osc te te ee m oc a f Bird-Archer C pee eo Gilchrist, Albert J.. oo Mell. Mdward? 20. cc a oes. 72 | Smooth-On-Mfg. Co. ......... mas *Boston & Lockport, Block 'Co. ; 65 +Goldschmidt Thermit Co.. Milwaukee Dry Dock Co ......... Det SPGnCer "be hee i eee fp kes os 3 Boucher Mfg. Co., The H. E g | Goulder, Holding & Masten...... W2| Mitehell & 007... .5. 20 72 | Standard Varnish Works........ 16 Bowers, u. M..& Co............ co 63,| Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Go.. 69| Morse & Son, A.J............0.. 61 | Starke, C. H., Dredge & Dock Co. 68 Braender, Philip.................. 65 ore oo roe Works 2 8| Mosher Water-Tube Boiler Co.... 59 Stratford Oakum Co, "Geo, 65 Briggs, Marvin. cess... 68|*G7eat Lakes owing Co....°-.. 87 | wacey & Hynd cece 7g | Sullivan, D@Uo...c0 NL ne & ae. eae Be 72) wall, John B | tNew Bedford Boiler & Machine Fodpotlic iron Wonks trene tees es e easy Co. 4 ee John Be eee | Gg SP" f tuperior Iron Works .<......,. Hanna, M. A., & Co. Lae ener ee 69 eee ewe meee eee eee epee reser ee esee : : : : ae re On Di eee, . andy & Dlachincer to. Me por News Ship Building & : Superior Ship Building Co........ 4 {Buffalo Ship Chandlery & Supply, Hoe oe OO" & CO «1... sees 72 New York & Cuba Mail S. 8. Go.. 70 | Taylor Water-Tube Boiler Co ... 59 as se ss ec see 79 | New York Shipbuilding Co....... 7 | Tietjen & Lang Dry Dock Co..... 76 We Bese 76 | at presen +Nicholson Ship Log Co........... 9| Toledo Fuel Co _..............+.. 69 Hoyt ae @& Kelley. ec. cs 12) Navthorn Dreaae Ge Sees 69 | Toledo Shipbuilding Co........... 5 Carley ie BIORt COn. oss 5 11 ee ee Sly Lo ue Northwestern Steam Boiler & oa a Lead Oo........... S Coe eta Baiding a : Hyde Windlass Co ............... 76 Mfg. Co... .. esse see seees sees 59 | Truscott Boat MizrOo..8 3... 8 Cleveland & Buffalo Transit Co.. 70 : ' Cleveland City Forge & Iron Co | 5 tae Samet Buoys Governor s Osten are es - eegegtc cette sores ze Upson-Walton Co................. 55 thoi be eee Co.. - e ineee tational Mercantile Marine . ies Steel C0. 26606. Se cin ce 61 | Vance & Joys Co................. 72 Continental Iron Works.......... 2 ae ee et eras < Parker Bros. Co 79 | Walker, Thomas,'& Son.......... 17 oe wee oes vette ee ree eee 68 | Jenkins Brothers ................- 76 | Penberthy Injector Co ........... 12 | Ward Lime ....0-. ss. eee eee eee 70 oe me ons, S. & E. B. 8 ae pore & Hichelberger.. S ered paws OS OOr cig 69 WhiGes Deuces stats cress srsecseses i aay Re eae er eer re ace GHNSONI BIOS, oie csc ss osc s abtsbure CoalCo. iis. cu OF ESE GREG oe ee = Kahnweiler's Sons, David %5 EOS a a *Whesler Condenser & Engineer- " : Katzenstein, L., ECo. 2. 63 : : g Co ee a ee Sa 5 aoe bagins Oo. ee _ Pcs d eee hs Zens 73 | Quintard Iron Works Co.......... 14 Willcox, eee and Hughes........ 58 earborn Drug emica g.. ingsfor oundry achine lli uge Co.. Rice saan WIGAN Os OO yo. os. once cs so oe 59 Work Bre OR ha ees BO Red Star ine. i.e oe 70 William, Dt . , Valve Co. ee ? ee ee Iron 8. B. & E. Me Kremer, ©. Be oi. cae We Sse 72 Be eue pele © Supply Co.... 4 ag haa: a. CO. es. 61 ichardson, W530 sigh sos 2 OOO Wi ii hi en ale ceite s te *Le Mois Scientifique et Industriel 68 | *Ritchie & Sons, E.S8 ......... .. Woodhouse Chain Works ........ AUTOMATIC TOWING MACHINES ||| DOCKING ENGINES ||| HOISTING ENGINES The Latest and ||| Mooring Winches ||| Ofall kinds and sizes _the Best Late st Improved ||| and for all purposes Positively guaranteed Types especially for ship use FOR THESE AND OTHER WELL KNOWN SPECIALTIES ADDRESS ALL INQUIRIES TO THE CHASE PAWL CO, ENGINEERS:2MACHINISTS CLEVELAND. O HIP FLOORING Sawdolet (made of wood fiber, and mineral substances) can be applied to steel decks cheaply. It is fire proof, water proof, dust proof, and vermin proof. Can be colored any tint and is practically indestructible and mono- lithic. Samples submitted and estimates furnished. American Sawdolet Co. 902 Park Building ~ oo CLEVELAND

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