Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), 6 Jun 1907, p. 64

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THE Marine REVIEW Buyers' Directory of the Marine Trade---Continued. 64 INSURANCE, MARINE. Helcher, Fred -P.......2:.. Winnipeg. Brown & CO: occ 65s Buffalo, N: Y. Bionicke, ©. W. & Ca;..... Chicago. Guchrist & Co, G. P..... Cleveland. Hawgood & Co., W. A., Cleveland. fem & Co; D. Tce Duluth. Hutchinson & Oc isaces Cleveland. Mecertny, 1. Bis. .s es -,... Montreal. peeecurdy, Gto. Le. cc. ens Chicago. Wien, Waward, sis 6. iid ees Erie, Pa. Micuell & Co..........-: ', Cleveland. Connor J. J.... Fort Arthur, Ont. Parker Bros, Co. Lid.-.,,.. Detroit. Praayiue & CO... ees Chicago. |Richardson, W. C.....:..Cleveland. Buuiven, Db. & Co... 6... sss Chicago. Vance & Joys Co..:'-..... Milwaukee. Wicos Teck & Hughes........... ee ea a New York and Chicago. . IRON ORE AND PIG IRON. Hanna, MW A. & Co... ...; Cleveland. Pickands, Mather & Co., Cleveland. LAUNCHES--STEAM, NAPHTHA, ELECTRIC. © "rascott Dodat Mic. Co. os. 6.00 ea es eee ee se St. Joseph, Mich. LIFE PRESERVERS, LIFE BOATS, BUOYS. Armstrone Cork Co...... Pittsburg. Carley Life Float Co...... New York. Preis THOS. GoSGR6: 6 oie oe cee Pua ce Wilmington, Del. Kahnweiler's David, Sons, New York. McArthur Fire Escape Co.........5.- Os he ae es Cleveland, O. LOGS. Nicholson Ship Log Co., Cleveland. Walker & Sons, Thomas............ Dee ae eng aes Birmingham, Eng. LUBRICATING GRAPHITE. Dixon Crucible Co., Joseph......... Sb hey os wee ois Jersey. City, N. J. LUBRICATORS. Lunkenheimer Co. ...... Cincinnati. Penbetthy Injector Co. ..........+- eae we cess Detroit, Mich. Republic Belting & Supply Ca... a a Cleveland. Williams, D. T., Valve Co..Cincinnati. LUMBER. Martin-Gartiss Co. ...... Cleveland. MACHINISTS. Chase Machine Co...:-..... Cleveland. RO ian nc vince we ens |). ...,...... last Boston, Mass. McKinnon Iron Works, Ashtabula, O. Superior Iron Works.Superior, Wis. MACHINE TOOLS (WOOD WORKING). Atlantic Works, Inc.... Philadelphia. MARINE MODELS. Oe ti i. Boucher Co... 35.06... Pe ee New York City. MARINE PAINTS. Baker, Howard H. & Co....Buffalo. Hardy & Dischinger Co..... Toledo Standard Varnish Works, New York. Toledo White Lead Co..... Toledo. Tioson- Walton .Co........ Clevekand. MATTRESSES, CUSHIONS, BEDDING. ew WE ie cnc cs New York Sterling & Welch Co.......Cleveland. MECHANICAL DRAFT FOR BOILERS. American Blower Co., ........ Detroit. American Ship Building Co........- ee es hese es ces Cleveland. Detroit Ship Building Co., Detroit. Great Lakes Engineering Works.... Se ek sie ser ce cs sa as Detroit. METALLIC PACKING. Katzenstein, L., & Co....New York. Republic Belting & Supply COs. a os ea es Cleveland. MOTORS, GENERATORS-- ELECTRIC. Genéral Eléctri¢ 0.6.65 i sss ees Seine see eae. Schenectady, N. Y. ' NAUTICAL INSTRUMENTS. Ritchie E> 5; & Sons... 5. eee. Sots acess ... Brookline, Mass. NAVAL ARCHITECTS. Babcock & Penton. ...0.5..: Cleveland. - Cire) Rouert" vcs. es. ee us Cleveland elynd, Alexander ......... Cleveland Kidd, JOSeDh sic... Duluth, Minn. Mosher, Chas. -D. 4... 555 New York. Nacey, James: ....;..a% +... Cleveland Wood Wd). oat. Chicago -- OIL CUPS. : Williams, . Te Valve Cos. cin, yas Sei is ee ees ce Cincinnati. OAKUM. Seatfard: Oak Coe ea Nv ba oes eae ed Jersey City, N. J. OIL AND GREASE CUPS. Lunkenheimer Co. ...... «Cincinnati. Penberthy injector: Cou j..ccc ie Wee os oy ees Detroit, Mich. OILS AND LUBRICANTS. Dixen Crucible. Co., Joseph...... « i ees a..jersey. City, N- 1. PACKING. Jenkins Bros. . i463... ks cs New York. Katzenstein, L., & Co....New York. Republic Belting & Supply Co, Ee Cleveland. PATTERN SHOP MACHINERY. Atlantic Works, Inc. ., Philadelphia. PILE DRIVING AND SUBMAR- INE WORK. Buffalo Dredging Co........ Buffalo. Dunbar & Sullivan Dredging Co.. eee ey ee ae he Buffalo. Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Co.... pee A Nee Cine ks lean Chicago. Parker Bros. Co. Ltd.2.<... Detroit. Starke- Dredge & Dock Co., C. H... Cade oe a a oes Milwaukee. Sulivean We a eee Buffalo. PIPE CUTTING AND THREAD- ING MACHINES. Lhe -Atrmstrone -Mig. Cou ....0... ooo. eee ',. Bridgeport; Conn; Oster. Mie. Cor. . 3... Cleveland, O. PIPE, WROUGHT IRON... ~ Republic Belting & Supply Co...... Pen eo es Cleveland. . PLANING MILL MACHINERY. Atlantic Works, Inc.... Philadelphia. PLATES--SHIP, STRUCTURAL, ETC, OMe Steel Co. 2... Cleveland. PRESSURE REGULATORS. Ross Valve Mfg. Co...... 'Lroy, N.Y. PROPELLER WHEELS. American Ship Building Co........ Oe ei tee cae Cleveland. Atlantic Works ..East Boston, Mass. Cramp, Wm. & Sons.. Philadelphia. Detroit Ship Building Co. .. Detroit. ; Lunkenheimer -Co.;:..:. ¢.'. Fore River Shipbuilding Co......... OD aay ik Vind ahs « Quincy, Mass. Great Lakes Engineering Works.. eds AR adhe eda 0 Sia oe Detroit. Hyde Windlass Co........ Bath, Me. Bockwoou Mig. CO. 6. acca, Pos gies tai East~ Boston, Mass. Milwaukee Dry Pines CO. 1s5.cs Ses see Oe es Milwaukee. Newport News Ship Building Co.. oe a ea Newport News, Va. Roeliker Fo Bs .ck eas New York. Sheriffs Mig. Co......., Milwaukee. Superior Ship Building Co......... Gee es sp eae es Superior, Wis. - Toledo Ship Building Co...... Toledo. rout Oo i ek Buffalo. PROJECTORS, ELECTRIC. General Blectric COs... 5 oes ve ccs: ie ek beers Schenectady, N.Y. 'PUMPS FOR VARIOUS PURPOSES. Great Lakes Engineering. Works.. ee ee acs ooo Detroit. 'Kingsford Foundry & Machine WOLKS 055.2005: Oswego, N. Y. Wheeler Condenser & Engineering WO ae ese eo es New York. Wilnams Gauge' Co... .....44 Pittsburg. Rooeee 1. B.....:.. New. York. REGISTER FOR CLASSIFICA- TION OF VESSELS. Great Lakes Register...... Cleveland. RIVETS, STEEL FOR SHIPS AND BOILERS. Great Lakes Engineering Works.... et ie ce eas Detroit. RUBBER GOODS. Republic Belting &,Supply Co...... ee bye cr ns ch gees Cleveland. SAFETY VALVES. Cincinnati. . SAIL MAKERS. Baker, Howard H. & Co....Buffalo. Upson-Walton Co........ Cleveland. SALVAGE COMPANIES. See Wrecking Companies. SEARCH LIGHTS. Generar Electric Coc. cess cies ss Pe a ee Schenectady, N. Y. SEPARATORS. Rogers Oil Separator Co....... Buffalo. 'Williams, D. T., Valve Co., "Cook- SON. ean Cincinnati. 'SHEARS. See Punches, and Shears. SHIP AND BOILER PLATES : AND SHAPES. Otte Steel Co..:.:... 58. Cleveland. SHIP BUILDERS. American Ship Building Co......... Fe sc ges coco kn Cleveland. Atlantic Works ..East Boston, Mass. Buffalo Dry Dock Ca... Buffalo. Collingwood Shipbuilding Co.,...... SOGOU a ey Collingwood, Ont. Cramp, Wm. & Sons.. Philadelphia. Chicago Ship Building Co. . Chicago. Delaware River Iron Ship Building OTS re vais as 3 Chester, Pa. Detroit Ship Building Co.. Detroit. Empire Ship .Building Co., Buffalo. Fore River Ship Building Co....... .Quincy, Mass. Great Lakes Engineering Works. Oe ek Ss cee cca Detroit. POckwooa Mig. CO.......... ssn es

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