38 TAE. MarRINE REVIEW = CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING SERVICE So PROPOSALS. - U. S. Engineer Office, 57 Park St., Grand Rapids, Mich., June 26, 1907. Sealed pro- posals for Repair of North Pier at Holland, Mich., will be received here until 3 P. M., July 26, 1907, and then publicly opened. In- formation furnished on _, application. B. Col., Adams, Engrs. 'U. S. Engineer Office, Milwaukee, Wis., July 3, 1907. Sealed proposals for building crib breakwaters at Racine and Kenosha _har- bors, Wis., will be received here until 2 P. M., Atigust 2, 1907, and then publicly opened. Information furnished on application. W. V. Judson, Major, Engrs. U. S. Engineer Office, Detroit, Mich., July 16th. Sealed proposals for dredging harbor at. Cheboygan, Mich., will be received at this offce until 3° P. M., August 15, 1907, and then publicly opened. Information furnished on application. Chas. E. LL. B. Davis, Col. Engrs. COAL HANDLING MACHINE ONE BROWN. RAPID. COAL Handling Machine for sale. Now in use at Toledo Docks. This Machine is in very fair shape and is to be replaced by one of larger capacity. Will be glad to furnish any informa- tion to interested parties. G. -B. Dutty, BA; Hocking Valley Ry. Columbus, O. VESSEL. BROKER. * dJand, Ohio. TALK WITH BRADLEY.--Before buying or selling a boat. I have ves- sels of most every kind--from 10 tons to 6,000. tons--to sell for owners. Anybody wishing to buy or sell boats should call or write. Fred A. Bradley, 11 Brisbane bldg., : Buffalo,' N.Y; Bell 'Phone, Seneca 1232. BOOKS TRUE BEARINGS: OF, CELES- 2ial, OBJECTS FOR THE GREAT Pees By Frank. Henrich, 315 Providence Bldg., 'Duluth. Price $3.50 postpaid. BARGE WANTED "SMALL STEEL BARGE WANT- ed for cash, to carry 500 to 800 tons. Address "Cleveland," The Marine Review, Cleveland, Ohio. STEAMERS FOR SALE. THE LIGHTHOUSE STEAMER Haze, 145 ft. long, 27-ft. beam, 9-it. draught, 500 tons capacity, 300 horse- power engine and boiler, suitable for passenger or freight business, fully equipped. Steam capstan, donkey boiler. Jacob Ullman, 46 Lloyd Street, Buffalo; N.Y. BOILERS FOR SALE SCOUCH BOILER: 7' x. 9, 65° H. P., good condition. Also Cluff & Witt marine engine, fore.and aft compound, 11% x. 21%, 14" stroke, 'about 60°. H. |} P., complete with pumps. Address W. A. Creech, 14 Blackstone Bldg., Cleve- FOR SALE, MISCELLANEOUS. TUGS FOR SALE. NEAFIE & LEVY F & A COM- pound 26-50" x= 30" with. Surface Condenser and Pumps. Will alter to 22"-50" x 30" for high steam. 13% K. W. Electric Lighting Set. Williamson Steering Engine. Two Hawser Pullers (Capstans). Two Providence . Steam Wind- lasses. Wheeler Surface Condenser. Blake Vertical Duplex Air Pump and Jet Condenser. 714" steam, 16" air, 12 stroke. Worthington Duplex Air Pump & Jet Condenser 9" x 12". x 10", D. C. Sturtevant Blower & Engine. Two Scotch Boilers 12' x 12'. 'Ewo Scotch. Boilers 11' x 12'. Two Scotch boilers 1314' x 12'. MARVIN BRIGGS, INC, 154 Nassau Street, New York. TUG WANTED SMALL 1UG. WANTED, NOT less than 16 x 18 engine, with good boiler. Write stating price and giving full particulars to the Mud Lake Lum- ber Company, Cleveland, Ohio. TUG FOR, SALE, 14 x 16: EN- gine, 44 ft. 4 in. length, beam, 11 ft 2 in.; depth, 6 ft. 5 in.; hull and boiler as good as. new.. Price, $2,500.00. Write F. Alberts: & Sons, Muskegon, Mich. ' THE FOLLOWING TUCS AT SATISFACTORY PRICES ' Wm. E. Rooney, 12x12, 100 Ibs. of steam. Uncle "Sam; 17 * 17; 90 -lbs.- or steant, Prank -S. Butler, -16 x20) 100 dhe. of steam. oe . - Fanny -L. Baker, 18x18, 125 lbs. of steam. American Eagle, steam. * For further information apply to L: Sv Sullivan: 'Voledo, 0: 24x26, 125 lbs. of GAS ENGINE PRINCIPLES in handy and condensed form are given in "Elements of Gas Engine Design"' By SANFORD Moss, M. S., PH. D. 197 Pages. Price 50 cents, A book that covers the facts of power generation from various fuels, actions in the cylinder, power and efficiency. Formulae, constants and a number of tables are also con tained. BOOK DEPARTMENT The Penton Publishing Co... Alphabetical Index of Ad- vertisers on page 36 this issue. WILLCOX, PECK & HUGHES SUCCESSORS CHAS. E. & W. F. PECK NEW YORK, No. 3 South William Street, Insurance Brokers. Average Adjusters. BUFFALO MINNEAPOLIS REPRESENTED BY CLEVELAND SEATTLE NEW ORLEANS C. T. BOWRING & CO., (Insurance) itd., 5 and 6 Billiter Ave., LONRON, and at "LLOYD'S"" LONDON. HULLS AND CARGOES. CHICAGO Lakes. on approval. We place insurances in the most advantageous markets, hay- ing unequaled facilities for procuring, in the interests of our clients, the best obtainable rates and termsfrom the strongest Foreign and Home companies, We Represent the Assured Time and Distance Tables for Lake Ships A set of tables showing the time required at different rates of speed, 8 to 15 miles an hour, -to cover distances between all ports on the Great A time saver to the vessel owner or vessel agent as well as captain or engineer. Price $1.00 MARINE REVIEW, : Send for it Cleveland, Ohie