"TAE MARINE. REVIEW * A Book For Marine Engineers ASA LUBRICANT TENTH EDITION This tenth and latest edition of "Graphite as a Lubricant" contains reliable information on the modern practice of graphite lubrication--- things that will help you in your daily work. 12 pages on marine lubrication, 83 pages in all. Write for FREE copy 77-C. JOSEPH DIXON CRUCIBLE COMPANY, Jersey City, N. J. ESTABLISHED, 1854. SHERIFFS MANUFACTURING CO. Manufacturers of PROPELLER WHEELS Marine Engines and Repairs. | Milwaukee, Wis. Phone S. 163 oe ELE A IE Bs 43 The National and Inter- national ANCHORS. Furnished to a Lake Trade y The Upson-Walton Co,, CLEVELAND, O. LATEST PATENT ANCHOR (Gs eee THE NATIONAL APPROVED BY LLOYDS. Manufactured by Li. M. BOWERS &CO., Binghamten, N.Y. Catalogue on Application. The Martin-Barriss Co. 654 Seneca Street CLEVELAND, OHIO IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF MAHOGANY WHITE MAHOGANY and all Native Cabinet Woods High Grades of Kiln Dried Woods for Cabin. Work and Inside Trim WHITE OAK TIMBERS AND PLANK Constantly on Hand and Sawed to Order on Short Notice THIRTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE BUILDING q .» Engines : Propeller Wheels. one H. G. TROUT, King Iron Works, 226 Ohio St., BUFFALO, N. Y. IN tj po al i. at THOS, DREIN & SON BUILDERS of Metallic Life Boats and Rafts, Government and Pleasure Boats, Block and Granu- | lated Cork Life Pre- servers. Outfits for Lake Steamersaspecialty. Tat- nall St. below Railroad. WILMINGTON, DEL. John Donnelly, Jr., Vice-Pres. ey Donnelly, Sr., Pres. Thos. Donnelly, Secy. . B. Folger, Treas. THE DONNELLY SALVAGE & WRECKING CO., LTD, KINGSTON, ONT. We are requested to in- form the INDUSTRIALS of all branches' that our French contemporary, "LE MOIS SCIEN- TIFIQUE ET INDUS- CATALOGS W A N - E D * -TRIEL" of rue Nonvellé lished an Information Branch from which particulars on any question may be obtained. It is of great interest for all manufacturers to send regularly their "Catalogues" to "Le Mois Scientifique et + Industriel'? from where they will be forwarded to every one interested in the line. Do not delay to send them and note the address is LE MOIS SCIENTIFIQUE ET INDUSTRIEL 8 rue Nouvelle at Paris--9° Ask for a specimen notice free'on application. Aids to Navigation SUPPLIED ON_SHORTEST NOTICE. are of vital importance to vessel interests. SCHERZER ROLLING LIFT BRIDGES aid navigation and meet with the approval of all vessel interests, because of the wide and unobstructed channel provided for navigation, enabling vessels to pass easily and rapidly through the draw. Accidents and damages from collisions with center piers absolutely avoided. The Scherzer Rolling Litt Bridge Co. Main Offices: 1616 Monadnock Block, CHICAGO, U. S. A. Cable Address: Scherzer, Chicago.