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GUIDE tothe U.S. Local Inspectors examination of masters and mates of ocean-going steam and sailing ships, with complete instructions and informtaion for those who wish to learn naviga- tion and save the expense of attending school by preparing themselves for the examination--Capt. R. M. Pugsley..... .... HAND BOOK OF ADMIRALTY LAW--Robt. M. Hughes.... HINTS ON LEGAL DUTIES OF SHIPMASTERS--B. W. Gins- MULE: «sa woes < Vepisiniew sino sare eee ees Stes eas, pales da ga ee HOW TO BUILD A LAUNCH FROM PLANS--Chas. G, AVIS... wa vue jesse be coe e Chee es bee eae oe ay ce teas KNOW YOUR OWN SHIP--Thos. Walton ................00. MAGNETISM AND THE DEVIATION OF THE COMPASS IN TRON :SHTPS-- Thos: L. Ainsley 23 ee MARINE INSURANCE--W. Gow ......... Sra gess Rie eet cet MARINE PROPELLERS--Barnaby..............cccccccccces MARINER'S COMPASS IN AN IRON SHIP--J. W. Dixon. MODEL*ENGINES. AND SMALL BOATS--N. M. Hopkins. MODERN'. NAVIGATION----Wm.. A. 'Hall... 02.6.0. ceca MODERN SEAMANSHIP--Lieut. 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