Chas. Cory~ c&, Son Manufacturers of Mechanical and Electrical Telegraphs and Indicators, Engine Bells and Electric Call Bells. 286 Spring St., near Hudson, NEW YORK CITY. THE MarRINE REVIEW Feed Water Filters, Regulators and Engines We make Pressure Regulating Valves for all purposes, steam or water. Our Feed-Water Filter will keep oil out of your boiler. eooaeca bee Boiler with the Feed-Water Filter For Marine and. Land Service. Two i. . f these Filters are Water Engines for Pumping Organs {i use on the Oceanic We can interest you if you use a condenser. THE ROSS VALVE MFC. CO. Ws' ~ QUINTARD IRON WORKS CO. MARINE TURBINES ENGINES, BOILERS AND MACHINERY Offiee 742. E. i2th St., NEW YORK The Lockwood Manufacturing Co. EAST BOSTON, MASS. ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS. Builders 'of Steamships, Tow Boats and Marine Engines. Repairing of Hulls and Nachinery. M. W. FOGG Mattresses and Cushions 202 Front St. NEW YORK CITY. | Tietjen G Lang Dry Dock Co. HOBOKEN, N.J. + EIGHT DRY DOCKS 600, 800, 1,000, 1,200, 1,400, 1,800, 2,000, 10,000 TONS General Repairs on Wooden and Ircn Vessels FT. OF 17th STREET Telephone 700 Hoboken HOBOKEN, N. J. ESTABLISHED 1860 S. FIX'S SONS SUCCESSORS TO S. Fix & SON. Steam Flue Welding Works Our work stands government test. Our Welds are perfectly smooth. Write us for prices. ORAM FIX J. Wo FIK Cor. LEONARD AND WINTER STs. CLEVELAND, O. THE ALLEN DENSE-AIR ICE MACHINE - Contains no chemicals, only air. Proven by many year's service in - the tropics on United States men-of-war, steam yachts and passenger steamers. Twohundred are in daily service on steamers. H. B. ROELKER, 41! Maiden Lane, NEW YORK. Designer and Manufacturer of Screw Propellers. - Consulting and Con- _ structing Engineer. hk Established 1844 A. SCHRADER'S SON, Inc. 32 Rose Street, NEW YORK Manufacturer of Submarine Armor and Diving Apparatus We carry a complete stock of Dresses, Hose and Repair Sundries. Improved Bolt Helmet All orders filled day received | Write for our prices SS HAVE YOU noticed how most people closely scan the "for sale'? and "wanted" columns of their trade paper? Tell them through the MARINE REVIEW what you want or what you have for sale. They want to know. The cost is a trifle, $1 the inch. One dollar the minimum. ¢ Price 6d. » "The Shipping World' Illustrated by Artists. Weekly. Illustrated. Written by Experts. DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF A SHIP AND HER CARGO - SPECIAL FEATURES: Current Events, by the Editor. . Special Articles on TRADE, COMMERCE, SUBVENTIONS, and all SHIPPING QUESTIONS. Shipping In Parliament. Shipping and the Law. Ship Sales and Contracts. Neptune's Mail, with exclusive News and Notes. Notes by a Naval Architect, written by Practical Scholars. Reports on Freight and Marine Insurance. Trade and Finance. 'Board of Trade Notes. | Reviews. Priees Current. Launches and Trial Trips. Orders for subscription to "The Shipping World" are received at the office of the MARINE REVIEW. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION: United Kingdom, 21s. Foreign Countries, 28s. THE "SHIPPING WORLD," LTD., EFFINGHAM Hoeusk, ARUNDEL STREET, STRAND, LONDON, W. C. Se re,