VOL. XXXVI. f % Ni i' : * re La bo RID CSRs OHIO STREET LIFT BRIDGE OVER NEW LIFT BRIDGE OVER THE BUFFALO RIVER. Buffalo, July 16--A lift span bridge, one of the largest ever built, is nearing completion here. With the exception of a few minor details and reinforcements, made necessary by the increased weight of cars which will pass over it, the bridge construction is complete. It is CLEVELAND, JULY 25,1907, NEW YORK > known as the Ohio street bridge and serves as an outlet from the: city into the roadway known ~as, the Hamburg turnpike. The bridge spans the .Buf- falo river and the traffic of large ves- sels made the bridge a necessity. It will greatly facilitate navigation in the Buf- falo river, the small and old-fashioned features of the former bridge having BUFFALO RIVER, BUFFALO, LIFT SPAN RAISED, caused much trouble for commercial in- terests and being responsible for a num- ber of serious accidents besides ob- structing the passage of vessels of the larger class. It is nearly three years since the first work was done which led to the building of this structure. The old swing bridge, which stood where the new lift span