14 "TAE. Marine. REVIEW OHIO STREET LIFT BRIDGE OVER BUFFALO RIVER, BUFFALO, LIFT SPAN LOWERED. bridge now stands, was moved to a tem- porary location. Then it was necessary to deepen the channel, This was a dif- ficult task inasmuch as the river bed at this point is practically of solid rock, It was accomplished, however, and _ the channel was deepened from 19 to 23 ft. As this work was done under a general contract for deepening various portions of the channel, the progress made was not as rapid as it might have been and for this reason there was a good deal of delay in setting the first pier at the end of the north approach. But with the exception of strikes the work prog- ressed well until the end. The first metal for the bridge was placed April 13, 1906, but the foundation was begun in June of the previous year. Original plans called for a which would support at least four 40- ton electric cars, but the changes in bridge | traffic methods have made it advisable to operate 50-ton cars over the bridge. En- gineers made' a careful study of the bridge and .dediddd that it could be strengthened sufficiently to support the heavier cars, and, as soon as material is out of the shop, the track stringers will be reinforced, additions made to the counterweight, and a few minor changes. The lift span was lowered, for the first time,* May 18, 1907. Total cost of foundations and super- structure was $176,960, the superstruct- ure costing $117,700, and the foundations $59,260. The Pittsburg Steel Construc- tion Co. had the contract for super- structure. and the foundation contract 'was let to Bardol & Roberts, of Buffalo, but practically all of the foundation work was sub-let to the Buffalo Dredging Co: Capt: -@ HE. Norton, of the City Engineer's office, had charge of the erection. Concrete was used for all of the foundation work. The height of the cable sheaves is 103 ft. 6 in. above water, riding a 28-ft. roadway. The moving span has plank floor, differing from the approach span which has a flooring of concrete and sidewalks of the same material. Brick was used: in laying out the roadway of the approach. The truss height is 21 t.;; width of bridge, 44 ft. There is a 1 per cent grade on the lift span, while the ap- proach span has a 2 per cent grade down fromm center pier to abutment. Of the superstructure the tower was built first and then the moving span, which was built in a vertical position. The stationary approach was the last. task undertaken in the erection of the superstructure. Including the tower, the bridge has three spans, the length of the lift span being 166 ft., and the OPERATING CYLINDER GIRDERS AND UNDER TOWER SPAN, CABLE SHEAVE ON TOP OF TOWER,