' 858,180. TAE MaRINE. REVIEW a C1 Sk THE VICTORIA, THE LATEST CROSS-CHANNEL TURBINE-DRIVEN STEAMER oMIONO? will be surprised haw quickly you will get on to the ropes and how easily such a knowledge comes to one. You will find it to the greatest advantage the first time you are left in charge of the deck. These are only simple things, but they are worth knowing, and: what is worth knowing at all is worth knowing well. MARINE PATENTS. 857,766. Boat for Ice Breaking and other Purposes. Conrad Stangebye, San Francisco, Cal. Floating Tidal Water Wheel. John Tibbitts, Walsall, Alfred W. Turner, Birming- ham, Eng. a Means for Propelling Boats. William G. Busse, Brook- lyn, Ni YY. Water Cofiyeyance. William M. Meacham, and Larned E. Meacham, Chicago, IIl. Propeller for Boats. Charles A. Moline, Bancroft, Iowa. Loading-Barge for Vessels, Frederic V. Hetzel, Philadel- phia, Pa., assignor to Link- Belt Co., Chicago, il], Marine Propeller. Oscar D. Robinson, and Rollo L. Ben- nett, Olivet, Mich. a Automobile Torpedo. Greg- ory C. Davison, U.-S. Navy. Folding Boat. Albert J. Rosin, Cleveland, Ohio. Ice and Water Boat. Na- thaniel Roe, Patchogue, N. x. "x 857,773. 857,868. 857,951. 858,010. 858,215. 858,266. 859,582. 859,693. and 'Marine Propulsion. Yasuzo Wadagaki, Sasebo, Japan. Life Saving Apparatus for Submarine Boats. Oscar A. C. Oehmler, Washington, D. Ca assignor of one-thid" to William Frederick Gude and Adolphus Gude, Washington, DC: Device for: 'Ttansporting Ships. "Marl -C. -West "and Albert F. Wolther, Brown- ton, Minn. Lines for Vessels. Theodore R. Timby, Brooklyn, N. Y¥- Vessel. John McArdle, San Francisco, Cal. 856,115. 857,193. 857,264. 856,317. 857,478. PERSONAL. Thomas Britt has been appointed act- ing general fuel agent of the Canadian Pacific railway with office at Montreal. A. D. Mactier has been appointed assistant to the vice president of the Canadian Pacific Railway Co. with of- fice at Montreal. J. Vo O'Donahoe has .been -ap- pointed manager's assistant by the Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Co. with offices at Montreal. Capt. Uberroth, who has been con- nected with the Milwaukee station of the revenue cutter service as_ lieu- tenant of the cutter Morrell under Capt. .Davis has been appointed to the command of the cutter Tuscarora, succeeding Capt. Thomas D. Walker, who retires from active service. Robert W. Huat' & Co; general offices, 1121 Rookery building, Chi- cago, have been given the inspection ~ . of the material for the Southern Pa- cific Co.'s rifled pipe line. This em- braces 256 miles of 8-in. rifled pipe, which is being manufactured at the Lorain plant of the National Tube Co., and the machinery for twenty- four pumping stations, covering forty- 'six duplicate pumps to be manufac- tured by the Janesville Iron Works, Hazleton, Pa., and seventy-two boilers to be furnished by the Edgemoor Iron Co., Edgemoor, Del. TRADE NOTES. Lynn Bros: of "Port Huron, Mich, have been appointed as sales agent of the Welin Quadrant Davit and the Mills Releasing Gear for the great lakes.) The Republic Belting & Supply Co., of Cleveland have recently made business connections with large dis- _ tributing houses in Buenos Ayres, South -America, and Yokohama, Japan. It has. opened jobbing accounts in Spokane, Wash., Denver, Colo., and Nashville, Tenn. The Atlantic Works, Incorporated, 28th street and. Gray's Ferry Road, ' Philadelphia, Pa:, have recently received an order from the government for one of their heavy timber planers to work on four sides 18 in. by 14 in., and on two sides 28 in. by 14 in.; one heavy dimension planer to work 30 in. wide, _up to 24 in, in thickness and 60 ft. long; one large flooring machine and one saw sharpening machine for blades 8 in. wide and over. These machines. are to be used at the League Island Navy Yard at Philadelphia.