36 TAE Marine REVIEW INDEX OF ADVERTISERS The star '*) indicates that the advertisement appears alternate weeks. For addresses see advertisements on page noted. The dagger (7) indicates that advertisement appears once a month. mAkers. Steering «Co... 5... Cover Donnelly Salvage & Wrecking Lockwood: Mte. Con... ss ces sj 50 {| ¢Rogers Steam Oil Separator Almy Water Tube Boiler Co.. 37 CO. ee See 43° | Lorain Coal & Dock €o...:.. 49 (CO a ou ome boce a American Blower Co......... 52 Douglas, Ge Ee ee ce 43 \oundin As Peo. ss icc SO Root Wi 0. vais ccc cece cees 49 American Injector GO... 5k It | Dréin, Phos 6e4S0n'. is. s. 3 43 | Lunkenheimer * Co. 46... 208: dd AROssa Walve: Co. 40.3. wee 50 American LIne" 6. ces eka ks 47 | Dunbar &. Sullivan Dredging é ; Ao ag? ae ees 38 CO a ar dacs re ees 39 McCarthy, T. R 4g | Safety re Heating & Light- : merican Ship Building Co... 4 4 os ee ing. €©0. go ee American Ship Windlass Co.. 2 | Elphicke, C. W., & Co...... 4m | SiCeeIs: lees Pe eek ee: 3? | Scherzer Rolling Lift' Bridge * BOY SS CAS Sp nat as gmens | Se | SNM ERE EROS ORS VNR Ra a 29. 0k 6 (818, 8 Armetrone: Cork Co, 2. oon 3 eo: 52 Mmerson. Shoe ©o0.... 05 ...5. -- | MacDonald, Ray G a0 848 COR a bate ee ee 43 *Armstrong Manufacturing Co. -- | fEmpire Shipbuilding. Co..... "4 Maller Lie oe, 47 Schrader's A. Son. (ness. 2. 50 oa Waived Co), 20, ss. -- Marine Iron Co., Bay City, +Scoville Check Valve Co. -- Atlantic "Works," ine!.11111! = | Falls Hollow Staybott Co... 41] yp Michy on scouisrertrir es 3 | pee Cas oak id 3 f 1Xx'S, Se; ONS 2%. vee se wee c eee 0 i Sd aA ew gene ins Soros aS 2 *Shelby Steek 'Tube: (Co.. 3... 37. Biceher We & A: €o...... 47 Marine Mfg. & Supply Co. 1 Sheriff f C 43 Babcock & Peaion 49 | Fogg, MoWe 7. 50 | Marshall, Alexander ......... 48 tiie ed o ee ao & Baker. Howard H. & Co.... 32.4 Fore River Ship Building Go. 47 | Mattin-Barriss Co. <..220 4.3 43 83 eee & "Si : - OO 38 Belcher, Fred P.." vii. 4g | Furstenau, M. C............. ee ee 10°] Smith Coal & Dock | Co. Wien ee ee ee een Cees : aytham, = Prank: 205.03 035... 2 "Boston & Lockport Block Co' "© | General, Blestric Co.......... See te sere ia 51 +Boucher Mfg. Co., The H. EK. (-- | Gilchrist, Albert J........... 48 | Milwaukee Dry Dock Co..... 5 fener. ME Bre riaasientesuepsiece Bowers, L. M., & Co 51 | tGoldschmidt Thermit Co..... -- | Mitchell & Co... .sceeeeees 48 S eee H BR Rene Gens: 48 Breymann, G. H.,.& Bros.... 39 | Goulder, Holding & Masten.. 49 | Morse, A. J., & Son......... 49 Standard ee Wace 35 Briggs, Marvin ............. 3g | Great ao Dredge & Dock 39 | N & tena 49 | Starke, C. H., Dredge & Dock B ee COON ca eae ey 4B Le re ee ee eee t acey & Ne os eee ae een iO ee ee Groen Heecas Machinery o a oe ene Wks. . Z ew ae Boiler & Seater. Geo., Oakum Co. i Cp ne oe og rea ales: Register......... achine' Co. =o 65. hoa, -- Buffalo Dredging Co........ 39 "Great Lakes, Towing Co..... eee Nees Ship Building : Submarine i . Company. . a Puligio Dry Dock Co........ 5 & Dry Dock Co........ ivan, Meo oe. ee a ock Co Ha join Be, 48 | New Veck & Caba Mal 6 = Sullivan, M. regen ena sass 39 + a oe Chandlery & Gags OM Co 41 Co 47 Superior Iron Works........ Ce ee ilardy & Dischinger (Co... za | New York Shipbuilding Co... 7 | Superior Ship Building Co... 4 awgood, sekeg OC COs. ss FNicholson Ship Log: Co..... Sl pavl WwW < ylor ater-Tube Boiler. Co. 37 : Helm, Deel pe Con esse. . 48 | Northern Dredge Co......... 39 Méten & Late Dey Dock Go 50 Ghace Machine Co. 7 96 | Holmes, pSaniiele i. 2. os... 48 | Northwestern Steam Boiler & «Toledo. Fuel Co oe Chicago Ship Building Co... 4 aol Ban ee Saher ie Miox2Go. (oboe 3 goledo "Shit Building Go... is ; nt, er & Ors oe. : Pee Bpale, Pyanstt | iutclincen & Cou eo: a | O'Connee 3 7. 48 Efeledo nee ead CO nce S oe City Forge & Iron Hyde Windlass Co........... 2 a eet eee oe renee eee ene ae ei Myuseott Heat iis. "Col 2 PO es Se. 51 is ee Oreeeseeseeeceas * __ | ¢Ideal. Pump Governor Co... -- Countian. co -- eee one! Mercantile 47 Rarker Bros), Co.4. .\ 03. aa a:) United States Ce ee = Dia res eee ae Ee a Tonld ae eos Os ee ore et 52 | Penberthy Injector Co....... 11 Cramp, Wm, & Sone 8° |Jenking, Russell & | | Pitsburg' Coal Con..cecsa.., 9 | Vanee & Joys Cosson, 48 Ek Coo 3 ea - 3 PACHCIDOUR CR cag ccd e+ wc 48 Ree Os cae ee ear Machine Co "Zee JOMNSON: BrOSs ec cee. cast. 37 Bet G Ome ca: ss Walker, Thomas, & Son...... 3 Curt Robertecc cc eek ees 49 ° Words cine) otis. ai ee 47 Kahnweiler's Sons, David.... 51 Quintard Iron Works Co..... 50 Warner, Dore .Boi5.. au 48 IWatzenstem. I. & Cour... 35 Warner. & Swasey.........0.. 43 Dake Pneme Co... 2. ee 6 jodie fosephin eee. owe ee ae 49 | Red\ Star Einein; 0 ot ben 47: |.* Watson-Stillman Co... ¢.4: -- Dearborn Drug & Chemical Kingsford Foundry & Machine fReilly Repair & Supply Co... --] +Wheeler Condenser & Engi- WW oc a cials 3 3 WVOLKS ee eas ces 37 | Republic Belting & Supply Co. 35 neering CO, 0. = Weiany, Ps &: Coe. bein BY WeISTemen Ce Macs ese. 4 uce ne 48 Richardson, Wee eee. 48 | Willcox, Peck & Hughes..... 38 Delaware River Iron S. B. & 3 oe a Ritchie;; BS. & Sons... 2... -- | }+Williams Gauge Co.......:. = SE AVorks 26... ee S, 51.) *Le Mois Scientifique et Roberts Safety Water-Tube Williamsjs-D. 2., Valve 'Gos. 2 Detroit Ship Building Co. 4 lndustriale eae oa ~ Rowers Conc: 2. Dl WOOds) Wei). cas os a ee See 49 Dixon, Joseph, Crucible Co 6 tedne 8 Con. ies. AN eOel ken, «ie Bios ss as 50 | Woodhouse Chain Works.... -- TN CT TRIP CORTU RCP ONION The Latest and ||| Mooring Winches ||| Ofall kinds and sizes [ee(-Bor--ie Late st Improved ||| and for all purposes Positively guaranteed Types especially for ship use FOR THESE AND Pro WELL KNOWN SPECIALTIES ADDRESS ALL INQUIRIES TO SOU U TOPS om PM OU AT haw CLEVELAND,O. **The up-to-date manufacturer of to-day realizes VC Our Ad Designing Department makes just Ae thing the importance and value of space in his trade ibl All i i 1 papers and exercises good judgment in the pre- pores zou have to do is Hers Ue 8 sgacation paration of his copy."--Printers Ink. and we put it into attractive shape. ot